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Everything posted by Deborah7

  1. He's never going to seek proffessional help, i know that for sure and i feel as if he does not love me enough to try
  2. Yes i did but i dont think he will get help
  3. It is getting harder to have N.C, i have switched off my mobile and put it upstairs out of the way. He came back earlier for some more of his stuff and i wanted to hug him and tell him that i love him but i didn't and i cant stop crying because i know i will miss him so much, he was such a big part of my life xxx
  4. Thanx Scout but i already feel as im losing control, i thought he loved me enough to stay away from the bookies but obviously not. I feel as if im losing it and i have wasted so much time already.
  5. Hi guys. I have been with my b/friend for nearly 3 years and i knew that he was a gambler but i stupidly thought that he had packed it in. Until today. I saw his car parked outside the bookies and walked in and there he was. He has lied to me for weeks and other people told me he was going in but i refused to believe them thinking he was being honest. He lost £300 today, that was our bill money and i am furious because i cant replace it. I have given him numerous chances but today i threw him out and his stuff and all i got from him was sorry. He keeps texting me asking if he can come back but i feel so hurt and angry and im tired of giving him chances and listening to his lies. I cant stop crying because i love him so much and i want to help him but i think he has to get proffessional help but he wont. How do i be strong enough to decide what to do???
  6. Hi Emma. A friend of mine had similar problem and her G.P said it was due to her pill! Best to get it sorted though a.s.a.p xxx
  7. You should really let us see your eyes but who are we to judge right? It doesn't matter what you look like as long as you are a decent human being.
  8. I only see my friend through work (not intimately) as we are both in the same company and i only work there at the weekends. I haven't seen him for over two weeks and i try not to have contact with him as i am sure i would give myself away if i did.
  9. Some wise words thank you. I love my b/f as he is honest and dependable and loves me like crazy but we dont have a lot in common. I used to work with my "friend" very closely and we get on fantasticly well and share loads of likes and dislikes and have the same sense of humour which others just dont get. We had a bit of a thing that had to end abruptly about 3 years ago as he was going through a divorce at the time. During this time apart i had very little contact with him and met my current b/f and so on and so on. 18 months ago i stated working with this guy again and it was if we had never been apart. Then 8 weeks ago our work together ended again and i only see him at weekends. He sends me texts telling me he misses me and when we are together the chemistry is always there. I want to tell him how i feel about him but i dont want to lose him or my b/f. I am so confused i really do love them both. I am only in one intimate relationship, with my b/f not my friend.
  10. Be yourself and be honest. It is your life and no-one else's and if people do not like you for who you are, that is their problem.
  11. Hey there. Just remember that old cliche' that there is someone for everyone. It usually happens when you stop looking. Good luck xxx
  12. Just read your poem it is fantastic. Im trying to write something myself and you have given me some inspiration. Thank you xxx
  13. Hi all i am new to all of this but i really need to get this off my chest. I have known this guy for six years and even though im female he is my best friend. I have a boyfriend of 2 years and he knows that this guy is my best friend, what he doesn't know is that i am in love with him! Is it possible to be in love with two men and if so what do i do about it? It is driving me crazy as i have dreams about my friend and wish sometimes that i wasn't in a relationship so that i could tell my friend how i feel. Help!!!
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