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Everything posted by Ordinarygirl24

  1. We have...He is in the ARMY being stationed there, just got a huge raise...he is going ahead of me to find daycare apt. school all that stuff. We will be living on the base which is huge american speaking. I am gonna continue taking online classes and work waitress somewhere. I speak some italian, (learning more now lol) I really think this is gonna work out!!! I am soooo super stoked!
  2. Well I thought I would post an update. I recently started a Long distance relationship with an ARMY man. I was very apprehensive about it at first. We were going to take things slow one day at a time and see where they went but F-that. Everything has been going so fast for us, and yet at the same time it feels so right. Everything about our relationship is just pure insanity. He came to visit me this weekend which was just the best time. Each time I see him I fall in love with him more and more. So he cookes me this elaborant dinner Sat night (last night) I have never had a guy cook for me before. Then we were holding each other talking and I was telling him my fears about the LDR. About him moving to Italy and how I don't think I can do a 3 1/2 year long LDR. We talked for hours and then...HE PROPOSED. We are engaged. It is so insane, it is happening so fast. Yet I just know that he is the one. He has changed my entire life in the short time knowing him. He wants to adopt my daughter and is getting ahold of lawyers and all that good stuff. I am so insanly happy right now. I know he is the one. I don't know how...but I just know! I want to tell my family so bad yet I know that they won't be supportive over it. They will say it is too soon and I am stupid. Yet I am so in love with him. He is so in love with me. He is amazing with my daughter. He is just the perfect guy for me. I feel like this is the man I have searched for my entire life and I found him, and I am engaged to him. We are talking about eloping so we can move to Italy together and when we get back to the states throw a huge elaborate wedding for our family and friends. I know this sounds so crazy....so insane....yet I know it is just right. I know he is the one. I just wish my family could be happy for me. Reguardless of what they say or think it isn't going to come in the way of my happiness. I am so happy. When he asked me I started shaking, I started shivering and had an immediate sensation of butterflies that wouldn't go away. I AM ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I am much older than you but yes I have felt the same way and am currently in the same situation to an extent. I have always had a semi-low self esteem and even though everyone told me I was pretty I never felt it truly on the inside till now. I was the outcast in HS, not popular with not that many friends. I had only dated abusive men until I found the man that I am currently with. It truly feels like he is "the one" when I am around him I am totally uninhibited. I am free, I have no insecurities I am not afraid to talk to him about anything. He makes me feel like a completely free new woman. I haven't known him all that long sense the start of Feb. Well I had met him a few months before that but in Feb. is when we began talking every day for hours. Our relationship started the start of March. He is long distance and in the army so we don't see each other much. But we see each other every other weekend so far. I am falling in love with him and he recently told me he is falling in love with me. It all seems to be happening so fast, it is kind of scary but time is not exactly on my side. In October he is moving to Italy for 3 years. He is talking about me going with him and the only way that is possible is if we got married. I know it sounds insane sense everything is happening so fast...but perhaps there is a reason for it being so sudden. He truly feels like the man I have dreamt of sense I was a little girl. He is the first non abusive man I have been with, he makes me totally and utterly happy and complete. I am just taking it one day at a time seeing where the road leads us. If it is meant to be it will be. As for you......Just take things one day at a time and perhaps you can atleast if anything get a wonderful friendship out of it. You never know what the future has in store for you. Just live life to the fullest taking it one step at a time. Alicia (an ordinary girl in this ordinary world)
  4. personally I think you sound depressed! Your not a horrible person because you want to spend your life with her. Your not a horrible person for wanting her close to you. There is nothing wrong with being a jelous person. Many men out there are jelouse type of people. Granted it isn't something a lot of women look for in a guy, but it happens. As for wishing bad things to happen that can come from depression...or maybe your just that type of person It isn't that all of an uncommon thing. Just come out and tell her...perhaps in not so many words. Def. let her know how you feel about her
  5. As I said I am still taking things one day at a time. We want to move closer to each other but it is so hard cause he is going to be moving so much. I am currently in a really bad situation now with my daughters father (my sperm donor as I like to call him) He is extremely abusive and a violent dangerous person. I hadn't seen him in a year but he resurfaced the other day extremely violent and threatening me if I don't let him see our daughter...which I am not going to. I got an order of protection out against him but that isn't going to help the situation any. My boyfriend is wanting to give me a rather large loan to move and get me and my daughter away from the situation but he is the only non abusive relationship I have been in and I am terrified accepting that kind of money will ruin our relationship. Right now other than my daughter he is the only good thing I have going for me and I don't want to jeapordize it in anyway. He said Keira (daughter) and I can come live with him in this barracks and go with him to VA, but his barracks are too little for me and my daughter to live in. My boyfriend is the kindest funniest just most wonderful man I have ever been with. He is really worried about me and my daughter...but currently there is not much we can do right now. I allready got an order of protection there isn't much more I can do. I am just saving up the money I get so I can move...which will take probably a year atleast. It is just one of those damn if you do damn if you don't situations. Just wait and see if his threats are threats or just talk. My sperm donor is one of those guys that is on all types of drugs and just very unpredicatable.
  6. I know here there are a lot of places that have roomates needed posted up. If there is a local college or even a community college they are looking for roomates all the time. I would def check that out. It sounds like your situation is not going to get any better staying around that guy. You both need to move on with your lives, I have been there and I know where your coming from. I feel for you I really do and I hope your situation gets better. Remember what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. Go stay with your boyfriend for a few days if you need to just get away. Maybe that will make you feel better, anything has to feel better than the way you are right now...So here is a big ol' hug ((((((((((HUUUUUG)))))))))))) and I hope your situation improves. (smile it is the 2nd best thing you can do with your mouth lol) Keep your head up girl, things have to get better Alicia (an ordinary girl in this ordinary world) Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful. Buddha
  7. thank you guys for all of your advise. It's helped. It could be a number of things I am super stressed...I am gonna go to a health clenic here...it is better than nothing and atleast I will know
  8. I started my cycle and it stopped like it normally would just for one day and then the next day it started all over again just like I hadn't had one. I started cramping and everything all over again. I have been on my cycle for almost a week in a half now and I am still heavy. Is this normal?? I am scared and don't have medical insurance to see a doctor. Any advise out there??
  9. The best thing I can tell you is take it one day at a time. Have you told her that your interested in her? and also has she been in a LDR? they can be scary and people can be hesitant before jumping into one. I know I was, but I am still taking mine one day at a time seeing where it goes. I know this isn't the best advise in the world. lol.
  10. I understand where ur coming from esp with LDR's being so hard, u cherish the time that u do have with them when u can get it. Think of it this way...Atleast u can still get to see him. Granted it isn't for a week, but u still get to spend sometime with him. Just makes those few days as memoriable as possible, you'll get to see him again!!
  11. that all makes a lot of sense. I am just taking things slow one day at a time right now seeing where the road leads us. I just over analize things and am looking way into it cause I don't want to get involved in something destined for failure. I know I just need to take things slow and live life to the fullest, enjoying whatever is brought my way. Thanks for the advise though
  12. Okay so here is the story lol ; I met this guy in Feb. on one of my visits to NC. He is in the ARMY and stationed at Fort Bragg. He is a great amazing guy! We are so much alike it is scary at times. Our personalities are so similar. I went to visit him on St. Patty weekend where our relationship started (yes it is just starting.) He lives about 380 miles from me...for the time being, which isn't that bad. I can still see him on the weekends. He came and visited me this past weekend and it was one of the best times ever. I was really sick, but the entire time he was here I laughed the entire time and if I wasn't laughing I was smiling. Each time I see him my feelings grow more and more and the goodbye gets that much harder. He came into town to see me and to meet my daughter which went really well. He likes my kid, (my daughter is 2) and she seemed to like him kind of. She hasn't seen me with a man before so she was kind of jelous me spending time with him but that is expected. We have so much in common it is scary. We like the same music, movies, hobbies, our personalites are so much alike. He seems to be the man of my dreams, the kind of guy I have been searching for the past 2 years. I have never had so much fun as I do with him. (This terrifies me in itself) I am starting to slowly fall for him. Everytime I fall in love I run from it. My last boyfriend was long distance and I ran from it, when I went to embrace it...he was killed in action while serving in Iraq. After Eric died I swore I wouldn't run from love again, yet I find myself wanting to run from this in a way. Yet I don't want to cause he makes me so utterly happy. Now here is the problem. I would be more than happy to move to NC to be with him but he is moving in May to VA, near DC for school. Then in Sept he has a month before moving to Italy in October. He will be stationed in Italy for 3 years and I have researched it. It is going to be nearly impossible for me to move to Italy. It is so expensive and being a single mom it kind of limits things. We get along great, we talk daily...we have the communication down. We agree on so many things...I want this to work I really do. I am just trying to take it one day at a time and take things slow and see where the road leads us. My brother has been in a lot of LDR so I asked him for advise he told me if it lasts over 3-6 months it will be extremely hard for it to work out. I have no problem moving relocating and starting a life with this man...I just can't being in Italy...it is just to expensive. I am a single mom, full time waitress and in school. Money is limited lol. So I am sitting here questioning it. It is like what is the point if he is moving to Italy for 3 years? I won't be able to see him after May. DC is just too far away for me or him to travel. After May I won't see him until Sept. and then October we won't see each other for 3 years. He is almost 22 and I am slmost 24. We are young and 3 years is a long time, finding someone else is very probable for either one of us. I know I am probably over analizing this, but it is my first LDR really and I am so lost and don't know what to do it isn't even funny! His and my family both are telling us all this stuff about LDR's and how they never work. We are just like let us live our lives!!! It is something most def. worth trying and seeing where it goes...so I guess my question is...is it possible for LDR's to work when you don't see them for over 3 years? Is this a waste of time? I am lost scared and confused. I have found the man of my dreams someone so perfect for me (the first non abusive decent man I have ever been with.) I don't want to loose it. I want to take it slow and do things right but time is not exaclty not on our side ya know. He left yesterday and I am going to see him again in 18 days for a party him and his friends are throwing for my birthday. This man does things to me that no one has done. He has shown me a side of me I didn't know existed. I am uninhibited when I am with him. I am utterly happy, and free...I feel like I can do anything...and I am terrified. I need advise please!!! Someone please help me ease my mind lol. It will be greatly appreciated. I feel like I have found my fairy tale man I have wanted sense I was a little girl, and he is moving to the other side of the world. He said I can go with him, yet the only way it is remotely possible is if we were married and that isn't happenin by october lol. I don't know what to do lol (sorry bout the novel!)
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