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Everything posted by jo.mcqueen

  1. Things like that are never easy but you wouldn't have gone back if you didn't still have feelings for her! Why not suggest moving house and making a freash start..... also arrange to go out and do stuff together have a laugh, have fun together!!!! As for the underware and sexy clothes.... wee all get the green eye'd monster sometimes and if she was interested in someone else she wouldn't have got back with you!
  2. Ok I'm female and 27 like you I only have a few good friends! I think a few good friends who care about you are a lot better that 100's of friends who don't give a dam! Is your concern more meeting someone to settle down with?
  3. Oh no....... wax it while she sleeps! Sorry! It's a hard one..... she'd probably die on embarracement if she realised it was quite so noticeable, but you don't want to upset her either! See we women sometimes hear a little more than what is said!!!!! And you could be asking her to wax her lip and she could hear......... you disgust me and i don't love you anymore!!!!
  4. I agree with Gilgamesh I think he is beyond your help and I think the best thing you could do for him is to give him space, to get professional help, letting him know that you are there for him if he needs you!!!!
  5. Ok 3 years wouldn't be a big deal if you were 23 and he was 26! But between the ages of 16 and 19 there is quite a big difference. I know it's hard but i think you'd be best to try to move on!!!! Have some fun live a little before you worry about what guy is right for you!
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