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Everything posted by Sniper

  1. I went out with my gf starting mid july , everything was weird because we were originally best friends, but it got better. The only amount of physical contact we had was in a pool when I held her and she swam on my back, we went there alot . We talked but we never had any real physical contact, because I was too afriad I would get rejected . I left for vacation and she was real sad....but when I came back she had started her conditioning at school for field hockey and was always tired, so she didn't seem too excited when I came back. I started not going to her house because she was stressed, and I never called her because she lived too close to me so I figured If I need to talk to her, better in person, I don't even have her phone number . Our contact started dropping to a point where I wouldn't see her for days. Now that school's up she has all college level class's and field hockey everyday so I can hardly spend time with her at all. I ignore her when I see her because I'm afraid to talk to her.....my best friend moved and it hurt me, still does, so I wasn't as confident as I used to be. Other guys flirt with her alot and she smiles and laughs......but she always seems to never want my attention. I miss how it used to be and I cry everyday , I'm afraid to loose her and I love her so much. She was my first gf because she was so special and now I might loose her, I try to talk to her but she always is too busy. I think that I'm stressing her out and that if I break up with her then someone else will make her happy, but I don't want to......I wish I had a time machine so I could go back in time and fix my mistakes.....I don't know what I did wrong and I'm afraid........I just wish things were right please help. Thanks everyone
  2. My girlfriend and I have known eachother for over a year but have only been going out for a couple weeks so far. We used to talk for hours, smile and laugh, go swimming, jogging, walk through the woods, and more. Before I left for a two week vacation she was sad I was leaving and it was hard to go and I felt good that she cared, but when I came back it seemed like she didn't really care. She had a field hockey camp and has practice everyday, has to take care of her two little brothers, and wake up early everyday, she gets tired I understand, but everytime I come over she is sleeping or if she is awake we sit on her porch swing and stay quiet, we don't talk like we used to, she says she is always sleepy and tired. I decided to let her rest for a couple days, now I dread coming over because of her mood, she was never this depressed. Now I am honestly afraid and don't know what to do, I don't want to loose her because I don't seem like I want to come over, and I want to spark our relationship but I don't want to do anything that will stress her even more. She just doesn't seem to care as much as she used to about me, I love her dearly, I could use any help thank you .
  3. I've been meaning to ask out this girl for a while now and we both like each other (well love ) and I'm afraid she might ask me out before I ask her, I was going to ask her before she left for a five day trip but I decided to hold off, now when she comes back I will only have half the day with her and part of the next, because I have to leave for two weeks . My question is, should I ask her when she comes back or should I ask her when I come back? Thanks Again !! P.S. If I do ask her out it will most likely be at my friends pool or her patio bench (which is better?).
  4. Well I'm not talking about sex lol, I've been friends with this girl for just under a year now, we are very good friends. We go running together, excercise together, talk to eachother, I even know all of her family and they like me! I even taught her how to swim, she let me hold her up and guide her along, she held me back as we swam around, and we even dunked eachother alot lol . We just smile and laugh and look at each other for a while. Sometimes we sit on her porch and talk for a while. During school its the same, we talk to eachother, laugh, flirt alot. She tells me about how she doesn't like when guys touch her and feel on her, and I don't touch her unless she wants it, and when I do touch her she just smiles and yells my name in a playful voice, usually when we are in the pool this happens My only question is, I want to turn it into a romantic relationship, but am I turning into too good of a friend? Or should I just ask her now to go out with me? My only worry is that she will say no, and our friendship will be over. Thanks Again
  5. I would like to start off by saying, great site, its always good to have others help when times are needed. Now on for my story, it all started in the beginning of the school year........I joined the NJROTC to simulate a little bit of military life, I met my platoon commander and didn't really care for any of the officers, they all looked very good but I really didn't bother. Over time my Platoon commander who is now the Executive Officer as become more attractive to me, out of all the girls this one caught my eye, may not seem strange but let me explain. She is a sophmore and African American, now I am asian-white, but I look white. I have never dated black girls and never planned to until I met her, she is just so different from the rest and thats what I like about her. She has an interest in the Navy SEALs like me, she likes excercising like me, she doesn't act like a skater or gangster just a normal girl, has a great body, and I live a block away from here. We are really good friends and we have done lots together in the NJROTC and talk alot to each other. I have recently started jogging with her and walk her home and such and all of her brothers and sisters like and know me, I never make it obvious that I like her but I will give small signs and I can't tell if she likes me or just gives friendly gestures, and I don't really know how to turn a friend into something more.....thats where you guys and gals come in, please help me on any advice you have on trying to turn my relationship into maybe something more...I it is hard competing with others because she acts playful to alot of guys in NJROTC but it seems that she goes to a higher level with me, I mean its hard to believe that she might go out with me, but at the same time it doesn't seem so strange that she would. I mean I'm practically white for god sakes!! My dad doesn't know and I want to keep it like that, because he is not the type of person to go up to and say "hey dad I'm going out with this girl" then "Oh really son, is she blonde or brunette?" then me "Well she is black" then my dad "WHAT!!??". I pretty much summed it up, my dad won't understand what I feel, heck if I took the past version of myself and showed the future to him even he (which is me) would say "Out of all the girls you like her?". When we talk and this happens mostly when we are alone but sometimes around people, we talk about each other and laugh and she and I will make eye contact and smile alot, I mean every like 10 seconds tops. I just started jogging with her and after the run we talk, she asks me about my future and I ask her about hers, we both encourage eachother, laugh, we are alone in the park....(I'm not going to give her name for privacy reasons so it will be JM)I just want to say "JM" she says "yeah?" then me "What would you say if I had feelings for you?" and thats what scares me, I want to be more than friends but what if she doesn't? My question is, how do I turn a friend into a girlfriend in my situation? Sorry for such a long post but I have to make the reader feel the way I do, Thanks All of You!!
  6. Well the girl I gave my phone number to, I asked for her to call me, didn't call me this weekend and I kinda gave her a hint that I wanted to be friends. I meant that I liked her really . So now I feel like Now I have to go to school on Monday and see everyone!!!??? Did I mention I am very shy??!! So what should I say to her?? I mean non of my friends am a hint I liked her. I mean is it she doesn't want to be friends, or doesn't like m, or is it she forgot?? Her dad is one of the teachers too . Thanks!!!! (I'm under alot of pressure and need any help!!)
  7. I'm supposed to get a call from this girl that I like, I gave her a note to call me over the weekend around 7:00 pm. I'm in middle school, 14 years old, and in the 8th grade by the way. Her name is Christine and she is very nice. I finally got the nerve to give her a note saying I want to be friends and all . I am expecting her to call and I need help on phone conversations. Please help me if I don't do this right and make my first impression bad I'm going to feel like So please help!!! I need to really get her to notice me and possibly go out wth her . THANKS ALL YOU EXPERTS!!!
  8. Hey guys how are you all doing, here is my problem. Well her name is Christine, she is very beautiful and nice. Now I am so very shy, but I am a tough guy when it comes to fighting and my friends. Now I gave her a note saying that I wanted to be friends and gave her my phone number Hooah!!! Well I was so nervous in my class that I gave her the note at her locker. It says on the note my phone number and if she wants to be friends and talk over the weekend, basically. Well I have never had a girl friend or at least was to afraid to talk to my dream girl lol . Now I'm waiting for her to come home from this school thing to call me.... what do I say on the phone???? How do I get her to talk without her dozing off????!!! I feel very weird and freaked so please help!!!
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