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Everything posted by LeeLee

  1. the first thing youn eed to do before worrying about finding some one to love is to love your self! you seem so insecure and down on yourself. and i can you with confidence thatno matter what you look like if you are confident women will pick up on that. putting yourself down and feeling badly about yourself is only hurting your chances of finding that special someone. when you love yourself others will love you too. give yourself a break. if youare a caring, kind and generous person the right woman will come along and make all of your dreams come true!
  2. the only reasons that either of us can come up with is that we want different things. well thats what he says. i think we want the same things but our communication skills are so crappy that we just havent expressed what we are really thinking. i feel like even though i sent him that email that he is not going to respond. this SUCKS! i have all of my stuff from his place scattered around my apartment and i cant bare to put it away. i want to take it all right back over there along with all of my possessions and just be done with all of this nonsense. i have honestly never felt like this before and am jsut sitting around my place feeling numb and in shock.
  3. oh honey, i am sorry to say it but this guy is emotionally abusing you! he is mean and then apologizes and there is tons of drama! no one needs that kind of drama, not you and especially not your son! he's playing with your mind, having his cake and eating it too. he's going out and diong what ever he wants knowing that youare still there waiting for him. i hope that you find the courage to cut ties with him once and for all. trying geting some counseling and maybe joining a group form women who are in your same position. it will help to hang out with people who share your thoughts and will help you get through the tough times when he comes back around promising to change. good luck to youa dn try to stay strong if not for yourself then for your son.
  4. ohio, wow, i really understand what you are going through. i was molested as a child and as a result i have a tough time letting people in. i often will say things to make it seem like i dont care just so that people will think that things dont hurt me. well my boyfriend and i just broke up last night and it is because of this horrible habit of mine. i keep going overin my head the things that i could have done or said differently to let him know just how much i care and that i want a life with him. i was too afraid to and now i have lost him. i too have a problem communicating with people and he and i should have talked more about what we were thinking and feeling, i thikn this could have been avioded. i too feel very empty right now and have said that the door is open to him because i dont plan on going anywhere. it sounds to me that you guys had a pretty solid relationship and that if you continue to show her that you can be open maybe she will let you back into her life. its hard though to be with someone who is so closed off (or so i have been told!) good luck to you! and be patient i know its cliched but things all work out the way they are supposed to! and please do talk to some one about being molested, it really will help!
  5. i know what you all mean. i took my friend with me to get all of my stuff, that was by far the hardest thing i have EVER had to do! his house was my home too. i wrote him an email because there is so much that i didnt get a chance to say. we literally talked for about 10-15 minutes and before i knew it we were broken up. i am still not too sure what hit me. i just feel like i need to talk it over with him more, just for closure/clarity. does that make me clingy and desparate?
  6. I had been seeing my boyfriend on and off for over two years. the past seven months we were dating exclusively and were absolutely in love with each other. last night we broke up and i am in total shock. we decided that perhaps we are too different and wanting different things out of life--i'm 28, never been married, no kids; he's 36, divorced with two young boys. it hasnt even been 24 hours but i feel like its been an eternity! i miss him and this sucks!! how do i get over him?!? after all this time and him being the only man that i have ever really been in love with, i just feel like i am going to feel sad for the rest of my life. what if he was the "one"? he's made it clear that there is no chance for us to get back together because he doesnt want to keep me from experiencing all of the wonderful things that come from getting engaged and a wedding and expecting a first child...things that he has already been through. anybody have any suggestions about moving on with my life? i have the horrific task today of going to his place while he is at work to get my stuff.
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