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Everything posted by PavPPZ1

  1. yea maybe but still, I am sure there are a lot of things for a girl to think about that a guy doesnt have to.
  2. thats not hte right approach, if the boss gives you a hard time you tell him to go screw himself, if they dont appreciate your work then they are not worth your time, people need to understand selfworth, the boss is just like you, and he seems to think he can give you a hard time... anyway.. good luck
  3. well, I think that is something you should discuss with him, you also have to realize not everyone can communicate how they feel. It really depends but gaging from your age I would have to say your man is probably too young to explain himself to you in a way that you would understand and appreciate it so he would rather not say anything. Which makes sense, plus a lot of times you can feel with your heart rather then just listen to words alone.
  4. I stop being mad about a girl the very first time she doesnt appreciate it... and there is no going back...
  5. no one said you have to meet in the middle of the forrest on a dark and damp night! how can you be scared for your safety at say the mall in the middle of the day, you can plan to meet up like that you know...
  6. Ok, here's the deal I have always felt this way but I am going to speak up on it here. Its time that all the ferry guys stopped pssy footing around and started to act like men. Rules to follow to ensure that you are being a man in the relationship and dating: 1. Know your worth, do not let your feelings control your behavir and self confidence, if you do you stop being a man. 2. If you find someone you like let them know, if they dont like you let it go, they are not worth it. 3. If you meet someone and you treat them nicely, with respect, at the very first instance where you notice you are not being appreciated or somehow mocked. CUT IT OFF, dissassociate yourself from that person. BE A MAN!! 4. Treat your woman with respect, love, care and affection, you are a man, but you dont have to be stone cold and unemotional. 5. Lastly give and you shall receive, make her feel good, make her scream and go crazy or try your hardest, its fun for christ sakes. 6. If you get shot down, dont get down, pick yourself up, be a man about it and go find someone else. Walk away standing tall. same can advice could be used by the ladies.. dont hurt the poor boys plz I hate to see it..
  7. dude her intentions are clear, she likes you, now you just have to seal the deal. Dont be girly about it, let her know you like her. If you dont like her then leave her, but whatever you do dont start to gravel and act like a cissy around her women hate that more then anything, be a man at all times. To answer your question: She LIKES YOU!! She will have sex with you if you dont screw it up!!! She might date you if you guys dont piss one another off!!! Just be nice to her but dont put up with any BS, or it will be non stop. I mean if she shows no interest lose her, if she doesnt return your call once dont call her back!!!
  8. dude stop calling her, if she doesnt hav etime to call you back, you dont have time to call her, end of subject, there are 5 billion peoiple out there and the population count is growing, there are other women out there, next time try to be more interesting, she obviously has mis understood you... Meaning she thinks you are not worth calling her back, she is wrong, dont call her again! If she calls dont return her call... i
  9. It really seems like he does like you, and you him, but it also seems like you guys are beating around the bush. The best bet is just to say it exactly like it is, I want to be with you... Just say that to him. Look him in the eyes and say "I want to be with you" if he shares those feelings for you and it seems like he does but is a reserved kind of a guy, his heart will skip a beat, and he might just kiss you, I know I would. All I can say is since you have decided that you want to pursue it, you should just say that to him. Just say exactly as I said, and thats it. Based on that you guys might start a long loving relationship. Especially, if i am understanding you correctly, I mean it sounds like you guys are already in love. I have looked at a girl and if she looks at me the same way I look at her, and we share this connection instantly. It is the greatest feeling in the world I actually fell over once from it.. my knees gave out... But you just have to say it, look him right in the eyes and say "I want to be with you"
  10. So there is a defined role by the guy and the girl, and the girl can hint at being asked out, and even then she might reject the offer.. On the other side of the coin, most guys are much less critical of the girl, if the girl doesnt seem like a psycho, and seems kinda cool the guy will most of the time go for it... What is it about the girl, that makes the situation play out like that? Is it because a girl is more likely to get attached in a relationship and is more likely to get hurt?
  11. that is kind of what I mean, if you dont konw a guy like a complete stranger... that is what we guys do all the time...
  12. yea, it gets old, but the sad thing is, the girls who I really would like to ask out I dont... Sometimes I see someone who I am really attracted to, but they are the girls who I dont ask out I dont know why it works like that...
  13. well thats reasonable, I can understand that, and I do think that being creative is important. It takes a little more thought to start a conversation at random, but its quite possible just by looking at someone briefly there are hundreads of different things you can talk about... and I dont think I have ever come pu to someoen and just said do you have a boyfriend? or something along those lines that is just foolish... So am I wrong to assume that girls dont like to be asked out by strangers or is it a nice thing, or is it such a broken record that immediateley a girl has to be on the deffensive about it? I can understand that if you had 10 guys come up to you that you dont want to go out with that when a guy you might go out with comes up to you, you are so exhausted from it that you just say no...
  14. this is exactly what I figured the thought process is when a random guy asks a girl out; Unless the guy looks like he is loaded with cash, it wont happen... But I think thats a waste, even if you go out with someone, you are in just the same amount of control but you are meeting someone compeletely new... It just makes your options so limited sometimes I guess, and its a much better way to meet someone then over the net, yet so many people are happy about that method...
  15. I have gotten this reply before: As a girl was giving me her number she was like, But I dont even know you, and then she decided not to, well ofcorse you dont know me, but we will never know eachother unless we can do something toghether sometime. So its kind of a weird situation, I know some guys are afraid to do it, I dont mind at all, I can come up to anyone and act like I know them and sometimes they actually believe it. But its crazy how many girls are so anti meeting strangers unless they are drunk and at a bar... I dont get it
  16. just come up to her smile and say "HI" how is everything going? try to start a conversation, and just say My name is Bob. I usually sit behind you in class but I figured I would introduce myself anyway... your name is Julie right? So what do you think of Mr. Dingleberry he's pretty radical the way he teaches math right? I mean the way he jumps on the desk and stuff thats wild... anyway I gotta run to class nice talking to you... see you later and you can say something like, Hey that red sweater looks great on you, did your grandma knitt that for you?
  17. OK, here's the question; In general what does it take to meet a guy; since life goes by so quickly, and we never really have time to do the things we wish to do. Wouldnt it be ideal to take advantage of any sitation you find. In reality I feel that this is not how it really happens. The question is this, if you see someone you like and would like to get to know wouldnt it make sense to just introduce yourself, and start a conversation and see if you would like to meet sometime or go on a date? If this is the best thing to do, why is it that in the majority of cases its considered improper or something along those lines to just meet a complete stranger with no affiliations? Example: If a cute guy came up to you in a store, randomly and said Hi, then asked you out, chances are you would turn him down? or would you say sure why not and give him your number or something? Or Would you think that the guy is creepy to think he can just come up to a random girl and ask hre out? If so then what would be a non-creepy way or an acceptable way of asking a total stranger out? I mean, I have no problem asking a compelete stranger out or talking about something random, but I have heard that its consiered improper, or some how wrong. So how else can compelete strangers ever meet if you think the person is attractive if not just by talking at random times... Any opinions on this?
  18. I think it matters if she is pretty... i dont know about you guys but thats my opinion on the issue
  19. we had one on one time and it was great both her and I had a good time it seemed like read my other post on the same issue it is described in more detail....
  20. Everyone in here is saying their opinion on the subject, in reality it is all going to play out quite differently. Did you know that you can catch HIV through kissing, or genetal herpies just from touching. Now did you know what 90% of all stds dont show any symptoms for the majority of the time. If anyone has had sex in here without having their partner and themselves being tested for every possible std out there you have to realize that, there is a chance you could have already contracted one, though beit a small one. Now, if you look at it from the perspective of chance, that means that everyone stands an equal chance of catching an std based on weather you are going to be sexually active and so on. So in reality weather you will choose to sleep with someone or not, you will unknowingly catch an std at some point in your life at least some people will. Thats just life, your best bet is to simply use protection, and in some cases ask if the person has stds... I guess thats the best advice
  21. I have already gone on a date with her once, and then tried to see her again, and it didnt work out quite so well the first time around... so instead of trying to talk to her again I figured i would try to give her a note... since she is at work and I a mnot really going to be able to make a speach while she is working
  22. take blowjob training courses, and be mysterious at hte same time... that should work perfectly. But seriously, try to be more reserved, yet make sure you still give him affection, its a balancing act dont give too much, but dont be too absent. I guess it really depends on being the right woman for him. I have had times where I compeletely wanted to be with someone, but after a while i needed space, so its tough to say what you need to do... Do what feels natural
  23. Here's my plan, i am going to go into the begel joint, and say hi and leave her with a card in an envelope that says this: Hi, There are just a few things I think you should know. For one I think you are beautiful, smart, funny, and have a one of a kind personality. I also want to thank you for the other night, I had a really good time hanging out with you, "Thank You". Secondly looking back I wish I got your phone #, I had to have been drunk not to. (actually was) I just feel really guilty because I can't stop thinking that because of something really stupid that I said or did, could mean I may never get to know you. So whatever it was I take it back. If you got to this part of the note, I know there is a possibility you might be thinking this; well don't worry, I wont be switching to a begel and coffee only diet, I prefer meat!! Anyway, if you should get the urge to hang out or say whats up, or are boared, or need anything feel free to call me at 222-2222. But whatever the case may be Good Luck P.S. I look at the painting and I still dont get it. (inside thing with her) my name is paul in case you forgot.
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