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Everything posted by RHOSS687

  1. If he was the one, he wouldn't have left you more then once, he wouldn't have threatened you in the first place, and he wouldn't be using you for his own uses, such as babysitting. Dump his butt on the curve and do what he did to you such as blocking calls and e-mails, see how he likes it, only don't go back to him.
  2. well I was wrong it wasnt a break it is comfirmed that it was a break up. And I got the boot because my noe ex-girlfriend has liked a guys personality for about 2 weeks now that just started to work with her. I told her that I understand why she did it, and its because it makes her happy to be with this person. Im guessing that she no longer saw happiness between me and her. So right now even though I said that I understand why she did it, it hurts so bad, I still can't sleep at night or eat, but I did stop puking and coughing blood from it. I ask anyone out there, how can I move away from her and move on with my life without unleashing anger onto her, because I wish to be her friend like she wants, and how can i keep it a strong relationship as a friend?
  3. It makes alot of sense for me because I feel the same way. But for now you need to either go out with friends and do things, go into public areas, or pick one person to just talk to. Thats all you really need. Its a long road ahead and thinking about makes it worse. Even when all you can do is think, you have to be strong to pull out of it by getting active.
  4. First off, Don't say chicks in front of her parents, its a real big turn off for inpressions. It sounds like she likes you more then a friend though, the age difference might be a problem at first but if you give good impressions to the parents and others I doubt that they would mind so much. Good luck with the relationship to come.
  5. Break up isn't easy, I know because Im on day four with mine right now. Doing something everyday would make hard on both of you. The best way to start out is to NOT stay home thinking "what if", believe me it'll drive you insane. Try to keep your mind off of the whole thing for at least a week or 2, and avoid contact during this time, that will give you both time to think on what you want to do. Its gonna be rough, but try not to contact each other within the first days. The last thing a person wants after a break up, reasonable or not, is to get flooded with phone calls, e-mails or IM's. After these days then you can contact each other, try hard not to rush into the subject, because both of you are in fact thinking about it, and if you rush it could make it worse due to something being said. Take your time to rebuild yourselfs.
  6. your probably saying Ugh wtf.... wait a while, see what happens. If he doesn't do anything, try to askhim out or something, maybe just a walk will do for now, let him get used to you.
  7. maybe if you try to do something together that you know she really likes to do, that might boost her spirit up. What might be better is something unexpected, maybe just a romantic night with a bunch of flowers and talking. Might sound pretty cheesy but maybe trying something different will get a different yet positive response.
  8. To answer the question from before when it was said why would I even bother to stay with her? The answer is simple. I love her. Yea it might be cheesy or whatever you may think, but ya she hurt me real good by breaking up, and if I wanted to be the Hulk and unleash my anger #1 that wouldnt get me far in getting her back with me, #2 If she didn't do everything she has for me in the past, I probably wouldn't have even considered the fact of going back, just moving forward. A straight answer though, I love her to death, and I can't give up what i thought was so powerful in less then a week. So im going to give it at least a week before I talk to her. Then see what happens from there. I just don't know what to say when that week is up.
  9. well to get more detailed ive had a bad 2 months and I kind of ignored her or threw it at her and before i could change she cut me as a bf. So how can I live again after a cut so cold? I feel as if my heart skips a beat now and then and my asthma kicks in. I so would like to talk to her but i can't without getting her angry with me huh?
  10. My girlfriend and I have just split from a relationship of 19 months. She said that she wants a break. I had almost no say in this while I was talking on the phone with her. I was crying my eyes out so badly for the next 2 nights I felt like dying. I was coughing blood and puked from it also (I guess I made myself sick). I was going to get her a christmas present, a bracelet that said "me" and "her" forever. She said the reason for the break up was that she has liked another guy for a week. Then she said this in an away message of hers: "u know what i love to be yelled at for my thinking what i want, doing what i want and saying what i want, hmmm maby it's not my life at all, maby its being ran by every1 else, feelings fade, we grow apart, so sorry 2 every1 i have hurt, cuz it doesn't matter if i was every hurt, nope doesn't, oh well, goin back 2 my hole......" The question I ask is this: what can I do to make myself live as if I could continue living, and what should I expect from this "break"? Because I love her with all my heart, did and still do. Please someone answer my cry
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