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Everything posted by GATGIRL

  1. Sometimes divorce is not wrong. Don't beat yourself up too much. If you feel you have truly tried everything short of separating, then you need to take that step. About your new friend - tread with caution. You have some wounds healing.... Good luck.
  2. Try couples counseling. A lot of times it is covered my your EAP. Do you feel verbally abused by this woman? I think when we as women know that a man is unfaithful, even if just in spirit, we lash out the only way we can and that is to try and hurt you emotionally as you have hurt us. Sound childish? Yes. But it's true. The first step to understainding where the fights and resentment are coming from are to talk it out. A counselor can help develop those communication skills. And if you do end up getting divorced, at least you can communicate about what went wrong and set a good example to your children by not fighting anymore.
  3. How would you handle gettign a vibrator for Christmas from someone you've been seeing for a couple of months? Not sure if I am over-reacting, but I sure am angry and insulted.
  4. Thanks, Sonjam. I've always been a very proactive, shoot from the hipand take no prisoners kind of person. That's usually a good lesson in what not to do in matters of the heart. Anyone have any good advice on how to be patient and let things work out on theier own when all you really want to do is pick up the phone and call?
  5. Seven years ago, I fell in love with a co-worker. Bad Idea, I know and after just 6 months or so, it ended in an ugly way. At least for me. He had told me all along that he wasn't looking for a realtionshipand it was bad timing. We were both just out of college in one of those crap jobs that we desperately try to get out of... he was right but I didn't listen and got hurt real bad. Eventually I get the point. When he starts dating another co-worker. So I moved away, moved back, time passed. I forgave him and myself. But then 8 months ago I met another guy. I had one of the best first dates ever. Was it time to get my hopes up again? Well I guess not. He told me that he felt that relationships had become less important to him and he wanted his freedom. I stopped sleeping with him, but have remained in contact, and sadly I still carried that torch for several months in the secret hope that he'd change his mind. It reminded me of how much self-respect it cost me when this happened 7 years ago. When 2 weeks ago, who did I run into but t he guy I had thought was so important so long ago. We spoke breifly, exchanged business cards and I figured it was just the emotional kick in the butt I needed to get rid of the latest commitment-phobic peter pan. I never expected him to actually call me. I never expected him to apologize for mis-treating me so long ago. I'm not sure where it's heading, but we hung out for hours and I think we really have a shot at being friends this time, first and maybe even see if that spark is still there. So on the question(s)... Should I ask him what his intentions are? I'm so terrified of making a fool out of myself by chasing another guy. But so many people wil tell you not to ask pointed questions because it's too intimidating when dealing with a new relationship... But what if it's the same guy from years ago? Should I give him another chance? Or should I just take this as an opportunity to learn from past mistakes?
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