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Everything posted by Wiseman2

  1. What work event? Do you mean the teasing incident? There's nothing to " mess up" unless you take it seriously. You seem to have a crush on her and want to spin the story that she's coming on to you and your coworkers agree. Try to be more professional. Then you won't wonder if you are messing up.
  2. Your friends seem pretty accommodating to do an inconvenient "breakfast", so it's unclear what you feel everyone should work around you, yet your the victim of supposedly unappreciative friends. There seems to be a common theme of you slaving away and sacrificing, but often you seem to want everything to be as inexpensive and convenient for you as possible.
  3. It seems like you've coworkers are teasing you because they sense you have a crush on her. And because you do you're assuming she's interested and the hand remark was a come-on. Please try not to get your workplace get this involved with your dating life. You claim you're introverted and don't discuss it but you're discussing it quie a bit with them. Please stop letting them tease you into doing something stupid like hitting on her.
  4. Sending the message is playing games. It sounds like you just wanted to tell him off and blocked him to have the last word. Sorry but you come across as spurned, not looking for closure.
  5. How long have you both worked there? Are either of you in a supervisory position? It seems like she goes there to work and get her paycheck. She also seems to be trying to distance herself and be professional. Please beware that the handholding debacle could easily get you into a sexual harassment situation. Keep your hands off her. Please understand that the workplace is not a singles club or dating app. Please avoid airing out your dating life so much that people are gossiping or trying to fix you up with people or laughing at your escapades.
  6. That's your own choice to be jealous and resent them.
  7. Sorry this is happening. Is this his father's mother? She seems difficult and crotchety. However your son may have valid reasons to resent her. It seems like he's venting. While sending an acknowledgement of a gift is in good taste, they seem to have some bad blood between them.
  8. Unfortunately seems like life changes, priorities, schedules and geography have changed a lot since college. You've understandably grown apart. Sorry to say, but old college pals and their work schedules don't come before the responsibility of being a parent,so if you're "insulted" or it's inconvenient for you to see these people, make new single local friends you don't resent.
  9. If you're interested, sign up and have fun.
  10. Mice Ate Your Breakfast Eggs 🍳 DEFER 👉
  11. Sorry this is happening. She's not "using* you, but it does seem you've grown apart from "back in the day" and she made some new friends. That's ok. All you can do is step back a bit and strengthen your other friendships. People grow apart over the years. Perhaps her interests or priorities changed such as a new BF, job, etc.
  12. The irony of a bunch of bigots calling you the misogynist. It's enough to walk away laughing at their Inane behavior and hypocrisy.
  13. You made the right decision and are protecting yourself from a lot of headaches and headaches you don't need. You're also freeing yourself for a happy life with someone who is faithful, respectful and wants what you want. It's great you have a good support system. It's good you didn't buy his empty promises and lies.
  14. That's ok. Please explain to your mutual friends that you're not a match because you want different things. They'll understand. But please don't send that message. Especially this part. It seems needy and unnecessary. "I would have been fine on my own- but felt abandoned by you at the same time. Still no hard feelings- it just became clear that we really are only friends.”
  15. Please understand that playing therapist is as bad as playing mommy and detective. Enabling him to get "blackout drunk", is not making you "the cool GF", it's making you an enabler. Please reconsider living with someone who's become a project rather than a partner.
  16. Just Eat Whatever Everyone Likes 🍕 PESTO 🥘
  17. How long have you lived together? Is it his place, your place or do you co-own or co-lease? Unfortunately things have changed. It's possible he's been lying about a few things you just haven't found out about. Lies are like cockroaches if you see one you know there's more. And yes you don't know him as well as you thought if he's lying and sneaking around. You're not paranoid if he's lying, you're just trying to be "the cool GF", at any price to hang on to this and stay in denial because you're too invested by living together.
  18. This isn't about "letting him out" like he's a bad little boy. This is about staying with someone who lies to and disrespects you and for whatever reason desperately trying to hang on to him. Why wrap your head around lousy treatment and pretend he respects you? Do you live together? What is the reason you're tolerating this? Do you really want to get into a parent-child relationship? He's already doing whatever he wants and just lies about it. You can't chain him up in the yard like a dog so he behaves better.
  19. Sorry this is happening. You seem to have some valid reasons not to trust him. You already know he lies about clubbing, cheating and his whereabouts.so why call it "gaslighting"? Unfortunately trust is broken and your relationship is devolving into a cat and mouse game of detective and naughty boy. Please reflect if you find this behavior disrespect and want to look over your shoulder and contact others to suft through his lies. Ask your if you're better off cutting your losses and freeing yourself from these lies and games. Is this the same man?:.
  20. Bakers Like A Clean Kitchen 🧑‍🍳 FLAWS 💎
  21. Sorry this is happening. Please stop enabling him. Please discontinue focusing on his "childhood trauma". The past can't be changed and it's no excuse for unemployment and drinking. Please stop entertaining this, it does more harm than good. Please try to suggest appropriate solutions such as detox, rehab and AA. Please also try to suggest he see a physician for an evaluation of his physical and mental health and get some tests done and ask for a referral to a licensed qualified therapist for ongoing support and sobriety help and especially suicidal ideation. Mental health is not a do-it-yourself project. Please step way back. It's not your job to "find his purpose", please get help and support for yourself. Therapy for yourself could help you get out of enabling and fixing mode and help you stay in your own lane and heal yourself instead. https://al-anon.org/newcomers/self-quiz/adult-quiz/
  22. He's is not proposing, so it's unclear why you're anxious about it. Try not to put the cart before the horse based on assumptions that an engagement ring was purchased for you. May it's not his receipt or he put it on his card for someone else. You have no concrete proposal happening. Try to focus on getting to know each other and adjusting to living together.
  23. Sorry this is happening. How long have you lived together? Is it his house? Why did you move in together! Your life and timeline is your responsibility so please take better care of it. Nagging and ultimatums are definitely driving him away more than endearing him to you. It seems obvious after 5 years that he's contented with just playing house and the status quo. What, besides appeasing you would be his incentive to get married? Please step back and reflect what's best for you. Moving out seems like a good idea.
  24. There are people who actually do exit interviews after dates. It's a ridiculous trend because all anyone learns is someone's particular idiosyncracies.Even people who have gone out on only a date or a few. People also engage in postmortem breakup analysis which may have more merit. However In this case if you want to tell him off or have the last word, there's nothing to lose (or gain), because he doesn't seem to care what you think.
  25. Insomniacs Never Need Early Retirement 😴 LUCID 🤯
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