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Everything posted by Wiseman2

  1. Is he in his new location 3 hours away from where you live? Please understand he's busy and not that interested in the first place. You're talking in past tense when yes maybe he was just killing time until he relocated and started his job. It seems like you are reminiscing more than talking about a real-time situation.
  2. What "requirements" are you worried about? If you mean the manosphere rhetoric, please forget that. Do you have a good relationship with your dad or uncles or other adult males who could give you appropriate dating tips? Unfortunately manosphere hate groups tend to attract lonely naive men who feel isolated and get sucked into this crazy world of upside down hogwash. . Just be yourself, focus on your grades, sports, clubs groups and social events at school to stay well-rounded and connected to people.
  3. When did you actually last see each other? This is the guy who was going to move to NZ because he missed his family but got a job in the UK? And for some reason you think it's a sign that you should be together?
  4. People Ate Cold Tacos Saturday 🌮 HABIT 🧕
  5. Ok so why not connect on social media if you don't run into each other regularly? Please make sure she's single and interested before you just jump in.
  6. So you like to see this as kismet? You've started several threads about this with the same argumentive questions and replies almost as if you are fishing for specific reassurances.
  7. He told you from the beginning that he's moving, but you seem to want more even though after 5 dates he was clear he doesn't want a relationship.
  8. It seems like if you would like to have more than a friendship, you'll have to pursue him because he seems fine with the status quo.
  9. If you have a crush on someone, smile say hi introduce yourself be approachable and friendly engage in small talk and eventually ask her out. Please get appropriate dating advice from trusted older adults.you don't attract girls by being a jerk. The manosphere sites you're on are hate groups for losers.
  10. If you want him for yourself, that ship sailed when he said he doesn't have romantic intentions.
  11. How do you know each other? He seems like a good friend but are these dates? Are you interested in him that way? Is he single?
  12. Unfortunately he's still hot and cold and making you anxious. It sounds like you didn't want to be demoted to FWB or standby status but you went along with it anyway. He wants to play the field and if you are willing to play along, fine. But it sounds like you would like a BF who's interested in you. I seems you're trying to figure out if he's seeing someone else because you haven't accepted the breakup. But why be a backup plan?
  13. Sorry this happened. It's normal to feel nostalgic about the good times even in bad relationships. You made the right decision ending it. There's no excuse for cheating and it's not your fault it was his choice. You dodged a bullet.
  14. Try to engage in more small talk, perhaps ask to go for a coffee or snack after class. Try to feel the situation out such as is she interested or does she have a BF?
  15. All you need to ask yourself is it appropriate for you,. It seems he might like a harem of women to choose from and keeps them around with the type of breadcrumbs he sends you, but it's up to you if you want to be part of that or have your own BF.
  16. Get Ready On Wednesday Night 📆 TALKS🗣️
  17. Perhaps seek some family support by being honest about the trouble he's causing you.
  18. Please calm down and cease the personal attacks. It's not a cultural issue.People from everywhere have to work for a living. They live in the US, which has welfare and Medicaid for low income people. But they have to apply for it. Even then, it's his responsibility to secure that, but like pissing away an expensive education, he chooses to pout and whine instead.
  19. In addition to consulting an attorney for logistical and practical information and advice, please consult a licensed qualified therapist to unpack an sort some of this out and for ongoing support. Whether you stay and navigate that or leave an have to navigate that, it will help to have someone to confide in. Please don't worry about childhood trauma, you can't change the past, but you can' get through the present and future with appropriate help and support.
  20. Although you don't mean to depict him as a spoiled brat, this is how this dumping on you comes across. That he actually has to work for a living rather than go to the gym and play on TikTok. While ultimatums don't work and you can't say get help or get lost, you can have appropriate boundaries and self respect. . For example you can say please speak to me we with respect and stop threatening suicide or we'll have to end this conversation. There's no reason to listen to whiney rants like this. Enabling is not helping. Why are you worried about someone "starving", who drives a FOOD truck and can apply for food stamps online in a few minutes? This makes it seem like you're on a rescue mission, not in a relationship. Relationships are balanced. This is not. If you want to rescue, please adopt a puppy and don't play with people's mental health or tolerate verbal abuse.
  21. While im the bathroom, why not get dressed and leave or call someone to come get you rather than go back for more? It's unfortunate you regret the experience but lying about crimes is wrong. Why does your mother want you to date him?
  22. Being rebellious is not a virtue. Nor is terrifying your college aged GF with threats, letting her buy him groceries etc. being obstinate to the point of cutting off his nose to spite his face is drama. Apparently drama you're craving. Unfortunately you're not really helping him at all, you're enabling his self-destructive behavior. Worst of all is playing therapist and putting someone's mental health in your hands. What does your family think of this situation? Do they know you're dating someone suicidal who lived in a car when you met and is 11 years older than you?
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