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Everything posted by Wiseman2

  1. My Old Dog Eats Lobster🦞 KARAT πŸ’
  2. Cut Out Using Rhetoric Tomorrow 🚫 CRAMP πŸ‹οΈ
  3. Perhaps she's still out there doing a lot of one and done dates and used the kiss thing as an exit ramp because it did seem mutual at the time.
  4. People who "protect" you don't terrorize you with emotional extortion. Please keep in mind that he's willfully refusing appropriate help and trying to make you feel guilty and awful about his predicament. Which he chooses. There are plenty of resources for him. He doesn't have to call you, rant and rave and engage in emotion dumping. Please reconsider why you're doing this rather than directing him to real help and assess your own neediness to fix a man. Agree that he is not ready willing or able to have a relationship until he gets himself sorted out.
  5. If he wants to be left alone, that's ok, please stop playing therapist. Especially when he is eligible for social services and Medicaid. But simply refuses . It seems like he enjoys terrorizing you with his threats. He also rebelled against his parents pissing away an expensive education to run away from home and go live in his car. These are choices. He may very well be profoundly depressed but ultimatums and coddling won't help. Give him the contact info for social services and the national mental health hotline. There is a national mental health helpline he can call 24,/and talk to someone who'll listen and direct him to the help he needs.
  6. Exactly. He is making horrible decisions and burdening you with it. He is invited to live his mother. Also there are social services where you live where he can get food stamps as well as Medicaid and appropriate mental healthcare. Mental health is not a do-it-yourself situation. Please stop playing doctor. Unfortunately he has solutions but refuses to get help. It's almost like he's holding you hostage to his rebellion and refusal to get what he needs. Mothering and fixing men is something you could look at for your own mental health and well-being. It's good you have insight into how enabling bad choices is not good for anyone involved.
  7. It sounds like he had everything handed to him on a silver platter but rebelled because of his parents divorce. This is not your issue to fix. He can live with his mother and get mental healthcare. It's unfair to burden you with the task of his well-being and mental health when he's made his poor choices.
  8. You realize accusing someone of a crime that carries a prison sentence because you made a bad choice is wrong, no? This guy may be sleazy but you can stop seeing him. Please take responsibility for your choices.
  9. Sorry this is happening. Luckily this woman has the smarts to avoid the married man trap and the lies about "we're like roommates", "staying for the kids", etc. If you want to try you could suggest marriage therapy. You could also consult an attorney for information advice and support for your specific situation and what divorce would entail. Please try to make decisions with some balance instead of letting Woody woodpecker make your choices.
  10. No one is suggesting you leave him, but please stop bribing him and offering handouts. No one wants to feel like a project or helpless child.
  11. How did you meet? Who paid for his education? Why didn't he bother taking the licensing exam? Throwing away a good education in favor of being a YouTuber or tktoker doesn't really reveal ambition or resilience. Please remember he's not your project and he needs to stand on his own two feet rather than be infantalized. Step away from the handouts. He can always go live with his mother and go to food pantries.
  12. Realtors Are Paid In Dollars πŸ’° BRUSH πŸ–ŒοΈ
  13. Sorry this is happening. Dating is not social work. It's not your job to fix and change men like this. Are you sure he's not threatening suicide to extort money from you? After all his own parents got sick of his pipedreams and parasitic lifestyle and asked him to leave. He could go to social services for housing assistance, food stamps, career training, employment assistance as well as healthcare including mental health care. What do trusted friends and family think of this situation, especially since you're living at home and they're supporting you? You should worry about supporting yourself and your own future rather than having your parents support you so you can support men like this.
  14. Is it possible he wants to meet in person and then won't reveal his intentions because he wants some physical activity? You two seem to have a highly charged dynamic despite being nasty to each other.
  15. Cool Uncles Brought Beer Yesterday 🍺 LOUSE πŸ•·οΈ
  16. No One Makes A Difference 🀷 FRIED 🍀
  17. Please work on the baking obsessions. It may be your hobby but it's very unhealthy physically and apparently emotionally for you.
  18. She seems interested, but maybe she's applying the brakes a bit with the "I'm not that type of girl" line. Give it some time.
  19. That's a great start. Slowly but surely sever ties and make your exit plan. While alcohol is a problem, the main problem is he's abusive and that won't change so setting yourself free from this is the best option.
  20. Sorry this happened. It seems like the date went very well, but unfortunately people are fickle and one and done dates are common. You did the right thing apologizing, not because kissing was wrong but because she claims it was an issue. All you can do is see if she replies.
  21. Everyone gave you great advice from therapy to asking women out to toning down the conceit and arrogance, but you kept arguing that you're perfect and and women should fall at your feet.
  22. This seems like a continuation of your incels rant thread that was shut down for being argumentive and going in circles.
  23. Why are you dragging this out and chasing him so hard? You seem to want him to still want you even though you're rather nasty to him.
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