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Everything posted by Wiseman2

  1. Great you're going on a date. She's in the kid in a candy store phase of divorce. Avoid anyone not yet finished with their old business. They're just looking for attention and validation at your expense.
  2. Try to believe her that she's stressed and busy with her school. You didn't mess up. Just stay on the radar and offer to visit, see each other, take her out whatever, but don't suffocate or second guess.
  3. That's the best approach. Document everything, put things in writing and try to keep it uncomplicated and make a clean break. Yeah court is ridiculous and drags things out.
  4. Sorry this happened. At least she was upfront. If she's in the throes of divorce,it seems more like you dodged a bullet. Please don't be her shoulder to cry on. Let her pay her therapist and attorney for that.
  5. So you want to try to work things out? It's much better to work things out with ower if you get your refund. You can't just drag people to court when there's no dispute.
  6. Very Interested Readers Use Smartphones📱 SHAME🙈
  7. That's the best course of action. No it's not a sign.
  8. Try to focus solely on co-parenting. Enjoy the pics of the children but try to interpret her level of happiness.
  9. Sorry this is happening. It's a difficult decision. However between the cultural, financial and other incompatibilities, you may want to consider setting each other free. Add to this the long distance and the relationship may fall apart naturally. Please don't try to be friends. When are you moving out of state? Perhaps that would be a good time to cut your losses?
  10. Unfortunately it seems like an abrupt breakup. Definitely sort out the details of collecting your things at a mutually convenient agreed upon time. It's your responsibility to collect them from her place. Please do so neutrally, maybe bring a friend. Get the details of your deposit and in writing to get your refund. Do everything in writing and as politely as possible to just get it over with effectively.
  11. What was the breakup about? Is there any reason to stay in touch or follow each other's social media? Agree that the depressed reasoning was just an exit ramp. It seems like she moved on but long before the actual breakup. Is this the same woman?
  12. Sorry this is happening. She seems torn and trying to tiptoe out of the relationship. Please reflect if you want to be in the crossfire of her on/off relationship and a backup plan.
  13. Sorry this is happening. Are you watching a lot of violent porn? Please see a physician for an evaluation of your physical and mental health. Get some tests done. Ask for a referral to a neurologist for help with the ASD. Also ask for a referral to a licensed qualified therapist for ongoing support. With some guidance and professional support you could improve social skills and any disturbing obsessions.
  14. Please try to step back and give your friend some space. School isn't the place for foot massages. There are spas for pedicures. Is this more than a friend if you've been intimate before?
  15. Sorry this is happening. When and why did the relationship start deteriorating? It's unclear what the guessing games about your job are about. What is wrong with simple matter of fact communication? You both seem parked in your corners at war hoping the other changes.. It's good you're taking time to reconsider the relationship, but hopefully you're not using "no contact" as a tool to change her. Reflect how long this power struggle is going to go on and try to decide if you would rather be free of these incompatibilities and stress.
  16. Teachers On University Campuses Help🧑‍🎓 CHILD 👶
  17. Hopefully your therapist can help you wean off the rollercoaster thrills and find better and healthier replacements for that.
  18. Don't worry about it. It's not really "investing" because you're just talking as co-workers at this point. Also he already invited you with his team so clearly he doesn't want to be inappropriate and leap at asking for a one-on-one date. There's nothing to lose here. Talking about local places like bars sounds like standard small talk. There's no reason to think it was a hint.
  19. He seems interested and excited about the prom but not a big texter. At this early stage please don't expect BF behavior like texting all the time.
  20. No need to bring it up in advance. Relax and let things evolve naturally. Please Don't compare yourself to pornstars. There's a wide range of sizes.
  21. Sorry this is happening. This is where it gets murky as far as the complicated nature of your relationship. Why is it long distance? And what was your understanding of the relationship and his visit to before this incident? You don't have to wait 4 months to end things but it does seem like you have unresolved issues with previous incidents and therapy would help you. But basically you don't trust him anymore almost making him out as an assailant, so why do you want to keep seeing him?
  22. Since they've already met there is no reason for your ex to contact your fiancee personally. It seems she's just nosy or interfering. It's definitely not necessary to get lawyers involved, that's absurd. It's just a matter of maintaining boundaries and protecting your fiancees privacy and personal information.
  23. It's definitely time to lose his number and delete and block him. Please don't call his GFs, what's the point?
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