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  1. Hi, I broke up with my girlfriend 6 months ago. Have only recently found out that she cheated on me while I was seeing her - and not mad at her, but as to be expected - disappointed. Im still finding it hard to move on, and was wondering if I meet with her to ask 'why' would it help? We have had very little contact since we have broken up (the odd email), so not sure if its the right thing to do. Thanks
  2. Gday mate, She will be extremely flattered that poeple have mentioned that you like her. I wish I had told more girls when I was younger that I liked them - because in the end you have nothing to lose. I would ring her rather than email and ask if she would like to catch up. Just relax and have a bit of fun and dont take youreslf too seriously. If she says no - then dont take it personally - but I believe she will more likely say yes and actually really like you. Just remember - if you dont ask, you dont get and some of the best advice ever passed onto me - 'Never die wondering'!!!!
  3. Hi there, Broke up with a girl 2 months ago. We broke up because of differences and we know that we just wernt right for each. We both confessed that we had strong feelings for each other at the time of the break up - but it was time to say good bye. I thought I would move on quickly - but I still think about her all the time. We have only spoken once since the break up (just a friendly chat), so there has been very little communication - I have no idea what she is up to. I called her about 5 days ago - left a message and she hasnt returned my call. Have also emailed, but no reply. I dont think she is right for me - so I dont know why I so much want to see her again. Do I deep down really want to be back with her???Can you be in love with someone - even if you dont think it is right? Should I communicate these feelings to her - or should I just be strong - let it all go, and move on??? Thankyou
  4. Hi there, Sometimes its easy to take the easy route and look for ways to escape from pain. You need to get yourself back into a positive mind set. Go and get fit, eat well, join an extra curicular activity and make some new friends. These are the best drugs you will ever take to help you escape your pain. This - I will gaurantee!!!!!
  5. Maybe he is thinking the same thing and is waiting for you to make the first move??? Just do what feels best for you. Sometimes stubborness can get in the road. If you still have feelings - maybe you should put your ego aside and let him know.
  6. Hello there, The only advice I can offer - if you feel the need to call your old boyfriend and discuss things (ie you have a gut feeling this is the right thing to do) - then just do it. Dont die wondering!!!
  7. Thanks everyone for your tips -- great advice. Your right - somethimes you have to face reality and move on. No point siting around and waiting for something to happen. This morning at 4am my phone rang and it was her. I let it go through to the keeper and it seemed she accidently called my number as all I could hear was a song playing on the radio while she was driving to work. I dont know if this was an accident or she did it on purpose - but Im getting sick and tired of thinking about it all of the time. Thanks again, Maxxy
  8. Hi there, Broke up with a girl about a month ago. I was living with her at the time, and for the last month of our relationship we were fighting a lot. Looking back on in it - I take majority of the responsibility for the fighting as I was being moody and letting my work frustrations interfere with our relationshop. Anyway just before we broke up- she went away one weekend and was acting very suspicious when she got back. She caught up with a boy from her old job - and talked about him quite a bit when she came home. I knew this boy had a crush on my girlfriend. One night we were driving home and she got around 5 text messages in the space of an hour and was acting really suspicious again. This is when I confronted her about the boy. She got extremely angry with me and accused me not being able to trust her. I said I would trust her if she could prove it and show me her phone - she didnt. She then wouldnt speak to me for 3 days. I later saw her phone bill and noticed that while she was away - there were a lot of tect messages being sent to this boy. We made up eventually - and things were going really well - but then - she text and told me she was ctaching up with her old boyfriend whom she hadnt seen for 8 months. I was fine with this - but asked her to either text or call me during the night to let me know she was ok (she had told me that he was a times a bit of a pyscho and I was concerned). Anyway - she didnt make contact with me, and actually went back to her best friends house after having dinner with her ex. When she finally got home (she had been drinking) - I asked her if anything had happened - she said no but she said she was really confused. Acting in stubborness - the next day I asked her to pack her stuff and move out. She apologised several times the next day-told me she still loved me and wanted us to talk about it. I was still too upset - and she did move out and we have only spoken once since. I dont know if she cheated on me. i dont know if she is back with the ex. I dont know if she still has feelings for me. I guess im just confused myself. I cant stop thinkig about her. I have tried to make contact a couple of times by email - but her replies are very short and I now think that she has just moved on. I havent expressed any of my feelings to her at all, and Im not sure if I should Any advice????
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