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Everything posted by Stinkweed

  1. Haven't done it yet... Dunno, still can't "find a good opportunity". But I think I might as well start forgetting, or something... Not dwelling on this any longer... I try, but it's just so... I dunno. It's me being dumb and making up excuses. But I can't help myself...
  2. Oh, sorry, lol. Sorry for leaving you hanging like that. Well, the truth is I haven't done anything... Sorry, but there's so much stuff going on right now. I really do wish to talk to these people, but really, I need to sort a couple of messes out first (I'm in a lot of confusion right now)... Sorry disappoint...
  3. Well, all I can say is that at least they prefer regular long hair over huge spikes (like the guys from the casualties), lol. 95% of them, that is. Believe me, I would know, lol...
  4. I don't really feel bad... I just thought it was too weird. And Yes, I agree with you. The thing is, that I guess it would've been awesome to show that I'm much better/cooler/whatever than her by saying hi or something... It's just more mature, I guess. Not that I'm interested in her anymore, that's for sure...
  5. We shall wait. Hope something good happens in the meanwhile.
  6. Well, about a year ago, there was this girl I had a mighty crush on. And I got her number, and called, but had to leave a message because she had her cellphone off, and back then I didn't know that when I attempted to call, it wouldn't show as a missed call, b/c it was off, so I left the message asking how she was and how her trip had been (this was after that winter break) but then asking her to call back so maybe we could go out some time. She never called back, and started behaving all weird and ignoring me. I even thought she talked trash about me with her friends, and it irritated me how someone could have such horrid manners. Then later, towards the very end of the year, I kept running into her, and she kept giving me weird looks. So, I ignored her. This year I saw her once the 2nd day of school, then once right before winter break, and she still was behaving pretty much the same. But then, this weekend, I saw her on Friday, but hopefully she didn't see me because it was really dark… And then yesterday, I went to take the SAT II, and they sent me to some school very far away, and there she was. She was staring at me as she arrived, with some weird face that didn't look very happy, but then again that's what she looked like when she wasn't with her friends. I just kept a poker face and pretended I didn't know her. As we entered the building, I noticed she was standing next to me, but not looking at me. I would've said something just to seem like the bigger person, and to clear the air or something but I didn't know what to say… I didn't even know if it was necessary. A really awkward situation, but I kinda felt like she was pissed at me, when if anything I'm the one who should be pissed (well, not really, because it's been a while already). So, what's up with that?
  7. well, I've been growing my hair for a while. I had to cut it down considerably about a month ago, but since then it has grown amazingly fast... The thing is I cut all around to about half the length, except my bangs that I took only an inch or so, because I thought that before cutting it down, my bangs were too short compared to the hair on the back of my head. The thing is that I dunno why, but my bangs seem to be the part that has grown the least. The back has grown a lot. The top has grown a lot too, but not nearly as long as the back. But the bangs haven't grown as much as I would have liked them to... It sucks big time. It's like I'm genetically programmed to have a mullet or something? (No, I don't have a mullet, but I bet if I stopped getting haircuts, the difference between the bangs and the back of my hair would keep getting bigger until it did look like a mullet, lol). Does this happen to anyone else? Like different parts of your hair grow differently than others?
  8. Well, I haven't talked to her yet.. I dunno... I just try to find an opportunity, but I can't find one. I know this is the wrong thing to do... But can't help it. She'll probably lose interest in me if she's interested at all (or maybe she lost interest already), so I guess I blew it again (chances like this don't happen very often for me, but the few times it has happened this year, I've blown it...).
  9. I dunno... I try to connect eyes and smile. But when I smile, she doesn't seem to get it or something... she turns away quickly again. But then I catch her looking again. And it has happened like everyday, so I doubt I always have something on my face that's not supposed to be there...
  10. This is pretty much yet another "What does it mean?" post. You see, there's this girl in one of my classes. And I catch her looking at me pretty often. I dunno what to think of it, because she doesn't look like she's interested, plus she turns away quickly everytime I catch her looking. It's weird. I dunno how to approach it or if I should approach it at all for that matter...
  11. Simple: There NOTHING in it for them. These girls have no respect for themselves and think that constantly degrading themselves is a great thing, just because it's what the media shows us as "the cool thing" or that it's ok because "it shows you're comfortable with yourself", blah blah blah whatever. If you're so comfortable with yourself, then you have nothing to prove, so that's pure BS.
  12. well, thank you for your reply. Yeah, I think I'm gonna go for it. Best wishes.
  13. Ok, I dunno where to start. 1st day of this semester was good, and I thought everything was going to be super awesome for the rest of the year. Then the second day, it was horrible. Today, the 3rd day, wasn't that bad, and I felt good. And well, there was even this presentation in that same class, and I usually get very very very nervous, but today I somehow kept my cool really well. And well, I was wondering... I feel pretty happy. I mean recently. It's been like a month with this change of attitude. With the horrible day I had yesterday, I thought I was going back to the negativity, but it's not going to be as easy as only 1 bad day. Well, there's people I think I missed the chances on getting to know better. Different cases, yet I dunno if it's cool. I mean, would the other person find it awkward if: 1- the person was in one of my classes 1st semester last year and I never got to know them well. But I sometimes see them around, and I always thought they were cool, etc. Would it be awkward if I'm like "Hey, remember me from _____ class? I'm _______". And even then, what else? Can I ask which class they are currently taking (I'm talking about something like they were in say, my bio class, and I'm taking right now AP chem, so I'd ask what they are taking). 2- This is a girl I run into sometimes. And we've exchanged looks many of those times, but it's been a while... Is it still cool if I introduce myself? I was just wondering what other people think... either way, it's senior year... second semester (it'll be over before i know it). I might never see some of these people ever again in my life, so maybe it's worth the risk no matter what they end up thinking about me. right?
  14. Yeah, well, despite my change in attitude things haven't changed much really. Ok, well I talk, and feel more outgoing... The thing is that ok in one of my classes there's only like 15 people, and I'm not interested in any of the 3 girls in it (yep there's only like 3 girls in that class). Then another one of my classes, there are a few faces in, but still, same thing... There's this other class that remains exactly the same... It's this class where there's this girl I used to think was interested in me at least a little bit... Last but not least the other second new class I have in which there's a girl I got good vibes from the first day, then today it was quite the opposite. So yeah... I guess I'm not going to prom at all. So yeah, I've only had a few chances and I blew them already cause back then I had a more negative attitude. Now I'm just trying hard not to go back to that... My best friend, with whom I used to hang out during lunch, is not in my lunch anymore, and I only see her for like 5 minutes. I mean, I had such a great day yesterday, I thought I had finally hit the jackpot and I would have a great rest of my senior year... And I mean, I don't wanna feel negative again, but yeah, I hope it doesn't go bad (or worse). I dunno, I'm terrible at meeting people, usually, but since I had some people I know in some of my classes, I thought it was gonna be all good, but yeah, I already told you how things went above. And well, I'm terrible, no, horrible at trying to meet people outside of class. I won't even dare, because I dunno how to start (yep... even though I've read you should introduce yourself and stuff, I can't bring myself to doing it yet...). Plus people outside of class don't look too approachable to me... The dudes are minding their own business, and the girls I get even worse vibes from (it's something in their facial expressions). So yeah, this is probably more of a rant than anything else, cause there's not much I can do.
  15. Poor guys, lol. But seriously, you're the one who controls this. What's the worse that could happen? What spooks you so much? Is it the other person judging you? If it is, then you gotta stop, because there's no way somebody else's judgement should bring you down like this. You have to stop thinking that way and just have fun. Seriously, you go out there to have fun, no matter what happens. Good luck and I hope you get more input.
  16. Yeah, well, I believe I do need more sleep. I mean, I said I went to bed at 12 am THE EARLIEST. Plus, I get up before 6 am... I feel like crap throughout the day (even when I drink coffee) and I even feel cranky sometimes, and these 2 dudes I know joke around sayin I look like I'm on drugs (and I bet more ppl think that)... I do need the 8 hours I guess...
  17. Well, I gotta say I have horrible sleeping habits. During school, I go to bed at 12 am the earliest. And well, sometimes I go to bed even later than that... And during weekends I do the same except I wake up a little later (I usually can't sleep a lot past daybreak...). So, I have the baggy purple-ish things under my eyes (I forgot what they were called). So, if I were to fix my sleeping habits, in about how much time are they supposed to go away? Just curious...
  18. well thank you. I'll try to find it then (I'm pretty sure I'll find it). Good luck and, like I said before, don't hesitate to post any developments here.
  19. Yeah, I think I'd be better off with the audio, because I'm not that great a visual learner... Where can I find it?
  20. nice... where can I get this book, and who wrote it? I'd like to get a hold of it myself, then.
  21. Congrats man. You're really awesome for doing that. And everything you said is true. I guess I'll start doing something similar... Except, for me I dunno why or what exactly, but looks alone don't get my attention. So, yeah, I might do what you did with some random good-looking girls, even if I ain't interested, lol. It's better than doing nothing, and serves for practice. And well, if you ever have any updates to your situation you might wanna share, post right here, k? Good luck.
  22. Ok, I have a small question. I've read all sorts of things, and some people say it's better to wait until a couple of conversations before asking for a number, others say it's better to do it right the first time you talk... I dunno which one's true. But I think I wanna try tomorrow to get a number, even if it's the first time I talk to the person, because at least it'll help for "practice" I guess. But I don't wanna leave tomorrow without a number, that's for sure... Any tips, input, anything? Or is it better to wait a little longer?
  23. Ok, I feel so mixed up... Like one minute I feel I'm missing out on so many things, and the next I feel like I'm ok. I dunno what's going on. The semester is almost over, and I can't say I am very happy with what I've done with my social life. Lately I've been trying to improve, but heck, it's still hard... You know, I think I'm just gonna go crazy and talk to anyone and not care what they think, you know? It's what I feel like doing sometimes... Cause I've been so withdrawn... I mean, I think I've missed some chances with girls, and well, I dunno if it'd help, but talking to them, would indeed make me feel better, just to let them know I'm not a loser/jerk... I mean, I look back at how I felt all hostile, without a good reason. It just makes me see things in a whole new perspective... How dumb it is to hate everything, how corny ppl sound when they say they're satanists... Anyway, is it too late to change? I just feel like a much nicer and more fun person now... I don't feel like such a loser anymore... Maybe I should try and see how things go...
  24. What would you do to fix it? It hurts, and I read you're not supposed to put weight on it for 48 hours, but I had to... Is this going to have some permanent effect or something on it? Hopefully not... Well, any ointments you suggest?
  25. I will try to make the most out of my opportunities, but last week was horrible, and the complete lack of sleep made me feel uber cranky, especially thursday and friday... I will not let that happen anymore. Well, thank you, and I'll keep you posted on any developments of my progress, lol. Best wishes.
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