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Everything posted by Stinkweed

  1. Is IS going to feel awkward, believe you me, lol, I would know (not because I did it to a girl, but because a girl did it to me, and I could tell I wasn't the only one of us both who thought it was really awkward). And well, I agree with kitten on this one 100%. You have to give them a chance. I mean, it'd be something different if she was like in school with you (and you probably don't go to school anymore), and you see her everyday, so you could get to know her better before even the first date. But if you only see her once, call her and get to know her better on a date. Good luck then, and best wishes.
  2. Well yeah, that's what I'm going to do. Well thanks for your replies. Best wishes.
  3. Hope there are more like you out there, then, lol. I consider myself, not really weird, but peculiar? I dunno, and I'm kinda random and goofy. I tend to dislike the idea of cliques and stuff like that, so the few friends I have are all very different from each other... And well, if you're wondering why I don't have a HUGE circle of friends (they're not THAT many, but they're for real at least), I'm pretty sure it was because I'm kinda shy, and I was going through a bad character phase until a while ago... But now I'm feeling happier and more sociable, and I can tell ppl notice the difference. And I believe people shouldn't care about what the others wear, yet there is no need to go Hot Topic just for attention... Is this a plus or a minus?
  4. The thing is that since they're both in the same class, I think it'd be better if I choose only one to approach... It'll be the second girl I mentioned, I guess. Or do you think I should still try both and just not care?
  5. Well, I guess this is more of a vent... I've had a lot of stuff going through my mind lately, and well, there's 2 things going on related to this topic. Since I like to plan ahead, I think I have an idea of what I'll do, and I'm going to share it with you, so please just post your thoughts: There are this 2 girls in one of my classes. One I've always found attractive, and I think maybe she might have been interested at one point. Lately not really, though, so maybe it's too late (I ignored her back then, but it wasn't intentional...). And well, I can't say I get the best vibe, but who knows? I'm not infallible. So I decided I'll talk to her, and if she responds in a rude way, I'll forget her. The other girl I had talked to a couple of times but only a couple of sentences. But yesterday I had a real convo with her, and I got a good vibe out of her... And well, i can say I feel interest now... At no point did she make me feel like a loser/dork in the convo... I've been seeing her around the hallways too, since last year, and she doesn't seem to have that many friends, and she's kinda shy too. Well, so I decided I might try to talk to her some more, get to know her and get her number or something. Good idea?
  6. Lol, of course I knew (and still know, unfortunately) that. Just to be clear, by non-conformist I meant a REAL non-conformist. Not like, say, the "scene kid" claiming he's a non-conformist, yet looks and wears exactly what the others of his "clique" are wearing and behaves all the same too. I mean someone who doesn't believe in that crap. Who isn't flashy like that, cause he doesn't believe he needs to in order to be heard.
  7. I dunno... I mean, she doesn't look at me anymore, so if I were to bet, I'd bet it's a no... Not that I mind, cause I'm not interested either. Well, thank you. Best wishes.
  8. What do girls think about non-conformity? Know what I mean? Individuality, originality, a different way of viewing things. Is it a negative, a positive, or you just don't care?
  9. Well, I wouldn't bet on it but I used to notice her looking my way a lot in the beginning of the year, and she giggled a lot at what I said, even though sometimes it wasn't even that funny... Not so much now. In fact, I very very rarely catch her looking. But yesterday I just saw her looking at my book as she looked for the page we were supposed to be on, so I was just like "it's 86", and she just sat there looking at me, so I thought it was really weird, and I said "The page's 86" cause she seriously looked like she hadn't heard or understood.
  10. Well, the issue here is that there is NOTHING going on close by... All the nice and fun places are not at walking distance... So, yeah. I guess I'd have to do exactly like randy said, even though things are less interesting that way... Oh well. I dunno... Well, on the bright side, if she doesn't have a car, then I don't think she'd mind...
  11. Question: If I were to ask a girl, who probably doesn't have a car, out, should I wait until I have a car? I'm SUPPOSED to at least be able to occasionally borrow one in about a month or so...
  12. What would you think if you talk to a girl, but something really really small like she's looking for the page in the book and you tell her which page it is, but instead of saying something like thanks, or instead of looking for the page, she just stops doing what she was doing and she gives you this weird look like she had a complete mindblank, almost as if she hadn't heard what you said?
  13. Then there's something else you should be doing in the meanwhile: get a fake ID =P~ Just kidding. Well, I think what duff said is a good idea. Just try your best to be there for her and let her know that you care about her and if she's ok with dating and stuff, then, ask her out. Good luck man. Best wishes.
  14. Thank you 2 guys, you're the best. This is what I needed... it makes so much sense. What I meant about getting close wasn't that really. I meant like physically close... you know, like you see the girl accross the hallway, or she passes you by, and you obviously have to go to her to talk, right? That's what I meant, lol I guess I have trouble with it, because I believe it just will feel awkward, or something... Know what I mean? I always end up not doing anything, because I cant even go up to the girl, for example... It is just another setback for me... But I guess using what I learned, I can overcome it. Thank you man. Best wishes.
  15. For some more details feel free to look at this thread: As I said, I have trouble starting friendships and human relationships in most cases. I just don't know how to start. I know it should be something like "this test was so horrible. How did you do?", but I have the most difficulty thinking up things like that, that I won't feel uncomfortable (stupid/dorky/whatever) saying. I also have difficulties getting close (especially if there are other people around who know the person). Any tips on how I can stop this from being an obstacle?
  16. I'm still rooting for ya man. Good luck after your holidays are over (mine is, and well, I guess I won't get that good vibe I was talking about...).
  17. I'm actually in high school... Senior year. And well, all you said sounds good so far, except that saying something like "boy, that was boring" part, which is especifically the part I'm having the most trouble with. I don't know what to say, especially since it's the middle of the year and 2 of my 4 classes are year-long, so if I wanna become more involved with my classmates, I'm afraid it might be too late. So, I dunno what to do... And if the person isn't in any of my classes? I'm clueless.
  18. Hi everyone and happy new year. Well, I need some advice... Well, you see, at the beginning of the year, I was having some personal issues for some reason... I wasn't feeling very sociable, and I kept feeling pretty down, and well, I guess I wasn't in a very sociable mood/attitude. Well, this has changed a bit... I mean, I feel a lot happier, and everything, which brings me to my question: I feel I've missed out on tons of opportunities. I mean, I have "recently" posted already about this girl I believe was interested in me... I mean, I don't like to make assumptions like this, but oh well, you know what I mean... And well, there's been lots of people I could have probably befriended, etc. That's the thing that bugs me... I don't know what to do now that we're well into the middle of the year... Is it too late to start? Because I have wanted to start... I smile at people, etc, but I guess it's hard for me to start a conversation... I mean, what if there's a girl I'm not interested in pursuing a relationship with, and I wanna start a friendship? I mean, I wouldn't know what to talk about. I just wanna know more people and what they're about, and see which could be friends and which couldn't... Heck I know pretty much nothing when it comes to meeting girls too... So, I guess I need help with pretty much starting a conversation in general. I don't really know what to do, and it only makes me even more tense... It's not always the same... Sometimes I know what to talk about with some people (namely, with the few friends I've made since last year), and now I think I understand another reason why it was easy with them: They're pretty sociable, so I didn't have such a hard time. But when it is me the one who has to take the initiative, I get nervous... Any tips?
  19. I agree with shysoul. You've still got hope. Good luck and a happy new year in advance to all of you.
  20. I'm still wondering what happened, lol... Happy holidays everyone, btw
  21. So, today's the last day? Hope you got something. I'm crossing my fingers.
  22. Man that sucks... Well, I hope ya see her tom really... Best of the best of luck. If you dont see her, then get another email man. That's the spirit! (I wish I had gotten an email myself, lol). Luck
  23. I might... if I get a good vibe, I'll go for it. So, what happened today? Did you do it? Hope ya did...
  24. Ah man. And I was so hopeful you'd see her... Well man, you got a girl's email, so that still means you're the man, even though she wasn't the one you originally liked. And I think it's a good idea to practice like that. It'll be easier to talk to the other one when the time comes. Hope you talk to her tomorrow. Best of luck.
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