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Had this best day with my EX & child.


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We split 10 month ago officially after 8 long years and a 4 year old baby girl. She ended it because I was unfaithful. To many lies from me, I needed to grow up tbh. I hit rock bottom, and built myself back up. I feel like I’m a man after that experience.


We just got back from a day out with the daughter. We don’t do this often but when Our days off during the week merge, I’ll always see if she would like to take our girl out.


Well, it was fantastic. Everything felt natural, and that’s because I’m over the breakup for the most of it.

I made her belly laugh, and snort. Not seen that for a long time. And also some physical contact. I carried her over obstacles, we collided into each other down slides and ended up on top of each other a few times. I’d call this flirting, at least from my side. And it felt good. Like, she wanted me to chase her sometimes. Felt like being kids again it was so refreshing.


Trouble is...she’s in a committed relationship. Has been for around 8 month now. She loves him, and I believe her. And I know they talk marriage and kids and moving on together, all that normal stuff. The guy is cool, and is very involved with my daughter now. Which I’m happy about now.


She made a joke on the way home. He walked to her house (doesn’t drive) and it’s like at 30 minute walk at least in pouring rain and snow. Very committed I said. She said it’s a little excessive of him. First time I’ve ever really heard her mock him even if it was gentle. I joked back about how he’s storming to her house now, knowing we’ve all been together for the day and thinking frantically about how he can get one up on me when he’s got time with her tonight. She laughed, like real hard.


I feel like attraction is building between us, that’s what I believe this is. Possibly because I’ve let go now. And it took so long to get over the breakup.

I will add...I do love this girl. She’s important to me and I will always take care of her. Seeing us together having fun brings back fond memories, we haven’t laughed together like that for years. It was nice to be apart of it.


For the record. I’m moving on with my life, as is she. I actually am enjoying my life now. I’ve changed so much.


What do people think is going on here?

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It's awesome that you can do this for your child. Just remember that you two tried to have a relationship and things didn't end well. If she is in another relationship, you need to respect that and give her that space. But I totally agree that you and she can and should be friends for the sake of your child.

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So being playful is not a sign of flirting and attraction in this instance?


What if she was flirting? That would mean she is at least thinking about cheating on the guy she's in a relationship with. Do you just not care about that as long as you think you can get her back?

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What if she was flirting? That would mean she is at least thinking about cheating on the guy she's in a relationship with. Do you just not care about that as long as you think you can get her back?


She would never cheat it’s not in her nature. Given the opportunity, I would decline.

Some flirting is harmless, I’m just looking for a sign.

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It's awesome that you can do this for your child. Just remember that you two tried to have a relationship and things didn't end well. If she is in another relationship, you need to respect that and give her that space. But I totally agree that you and she can and should be friends for the sake of your child.


I’m happy to be friends. And I know I’d be committed to her if we ever mutually wanted a re run. We are both living our own lives now with tons of space between us and I posted because I felt we had shared happiness that day and it felt like old times but better.

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You sound like the type of guy who, when a woman is doing her job at work and smiles and greets you, a customer, you assume she’s got the hots for you and then you return to ask her out.


Completely different situation is it not? Not sure why you’re replies are so negative. asif I’m talking about a stranger that crossed eyes with me once. Don’t put me in a box I’ve never heard anything so judgemental.

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