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smackie9 last won the day on August 19 2023

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  1. The dude is a knuckle dragger....send him to the curb.
  2. I'm an Aries. Aggressive/assertive/passionate. You are letting her get away with murder. She's planted her seeds of herself in you, and you can't cut them out because you are set up in a delusional world that she created. It's all bad my friend...just smoke and mirrors, and empty promises. We start out hot, and then take advantage to feed our egos. You are not going to get what you were promised and that's the reality you are faced with. Sorry but you can't always get what you want.
  3. Like any relationship they can run their course, and feelings fade. YOU probably have changed as a person over the last 3.5 years...like we all do/did. He is no longer is a good fit for you. Normal. Nothing wrong with ending a relationship if you don't want to be there anymore. Some people walk away from 25 year+ marriages to start over and try a new chapter in their life. Put on your big girl panties and move on.
  4. Start with women that don't intimidate you...you don't have to commit to asking them for a date or whatever...just practice having conversations. Then work your way up to being able to socialize in any situation.
  5. Get away from her as quickly as you can. You think things are going to be OK no matter what happens...you have another thing comin. Never dip your pen in the company ink. She might be able to control herself at work but, outside of work could land you 4 flat tires.
  6. Totally blown off. Shouldn't be irked about her not being available on YOUR days off....it's how she was letting you know she's not interested. lots of people use this tactic because they were put on the spot, don't like confrontation and don't feel comfortable to just outright reject someone. This is typical passive rejection. That's just the way life is. The trick is too acknowledge it, and stop wasting energy on what just happened. Some lessons to be learned here for next time.
  7. Been there....your answer is to leave him. That's it.
  8. So you stay with him and are left with this PTSD to deal with? Uh no hun, you can't keep living in fear or waste money on a therapist. The key to happiness is to walk away from it and him that goes with it. You know he still thinks it but doesn't say it...why is it YOUR problem? He's the problem.
  9. Sorry autistic or not he's a jerk and you have to stop being this guy's doormat. He will never change or stop being this way to you...you are over doing it, and he taken advantage of your kindness and effort. Girl you need to go out and find your self worth...plenty of nice decent guys out there to date that would treat you like a queen. You need to dump this guy. Seems scary at first but I guarantee you, you will feel like a big weight is lifted off of you so you can breath again...mind, body and soul.
  10. So you were see two girls at the same time, they find out about each other, then the one you want doesn't trust you and you feel you are owed in some way with the effort you put into putting your heart felt words out to her and yet it's not working. From a woman's perspective I don't blame her one bit for being hesitant. All you can do is wait if she is worth waiting for. If you really care for someone you sacrifice something of yourself to them without complaint. And that is being respectful of her request to think things over. If she doesn't want to see you anymore, you gracefully accept the outcome and move on. Plenty of other girls to date in your future.
  11. You should trust what he says because it makes sense...people grow apart because people change as they get older. There are never any guarantees in life...always a gamble. Dating is a crapshoot. Just date him and see where it goes. The whole point of starting out is to enjoy one another's company and have fun. If things don't work out, so what. Life will go on.
  12. There are no mixed signals. She sound like she's a busy lady and doesn't have time for calling/texting...but she can work her schedule to see you. You need to ask her out on dates, and base your assessment during the dates. So far so good, so just keep asking her out.
  13. Honest communication with him is your answer. If he's just that, too busy, and doesn't really have the time, then you two have different expectations/ incompatible. Have to talk this out and discover if there can be changes and if not, then a decision has to be made.
  14. Obviously you have it all wrong...he's insecure and jealous. Get out now.
  15. Well if there ain't no ring on her finger, she's fair game. Ask her out. It's up to her after that, if she's willing or not. You are not forcing her into anything.
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