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  1. I've been there, most of my time in elementary school and part of middle school I thought about suicide often because I was the kid in school all the bullies bullied and nothing was ever done, my advice is to be by yourself as little as possible during the day and by that I mean go out with some buddies somewhere fun. Contemplating suicide is almost entirely a phycological war and the best ways to beat it are to do things that keeps your mind off of whatever causes you to think about it and to vent to trusted people like your closest friends and family and if necessary a highly rated therapist or other mental health professionals. Remember that ending it is never the solution, when we hit rock bottom the only way to go is up, it'll take time but you will improve. Keep in the fight and never give in!
  2. I'm really wanting to get into dating but I don't even know how to start, I'm a good public speaker but when it comes to talking to women my lips turn to glue. I don't know what it is but it seems like I can't get anywhere, I know that for anyone who has experience dating to help me out they probably need to know some about me. I'm a 21 year old man at 6'3" and about 185lbs with an athletic build. I don't cuss, drink, smoke, vape, or use any drugs and have no criminal record. I use to be a competitive fighter and quit because after more than 200 fights it was affecting my personality so I got out. Currently I work as a carpenter but have applied to a local fire department to begin my career in the fire service. What I want out of a relationship is to ultimately find a woman who will be my best friend as well as my wife and I want to have children and raise them, I've been helping raise kids since I was 7 and I love kids (they're really cool, and you can't beat some of their facial expressions), there are times I prefer to just hang out with kids(my nieces and my nephew usually, I'm the "fun uncle") instead of adults because seeing their innocence and pure joy out of the simplest things always cheers me up and reminds me there's still something good in this world, but the root of my problem is I can't break the barrier to ask a girl out, so if anyone can help me out I'd greatly appreciate it. What is I'm doing wrong and how do I fix it?
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