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    Understanding Emotional Sensitivity in Gifted Children

    Gifted children possess a unique combination of interests, abilities and intelligences, which can make them particularly sensitive to their environment. In comparison to their peers, gifted children may be more aware of their own emotions, struggles and triumphs, leading to levels of emotional intensity that can be difficult for parents, teachers and other caregivers to manage. Those who understand the complexity of gifted children can take steps to help these children cope with their heightened emotional sensitivity and develop emotionally safe and healthy strategies.

    Relationships, Socialization and Emotional Sensitivity

    A key component of helping gifted children deal with extreme emotional sensitivity is to foster relationships as early as possible. Many gifted children struggle to form meaningful relationships due to their differences in behavior, interests, or language. It is essential that teachers, mentors, parents and other adults in their life connect with gifted children so they can provide support and guidance.

    Parents can also prioritize socialization in the home, offering activities and opportunities for connecting with others. As with all children, parents should focus on providing unconditional acceptance, building trust and communication, encouraging independent thinking, and modeling appropriate behaviors. Parents should also recognize the importance of listening to their child and responding to their feelings, helping them to learn effective ways of expressing their emotions.

    Encouraging Empowered Thinking

    To help a gifted child process their emotions, teaching them to think critically about their current situation can have positive outcomes. While challenging, learning to identify and dissect complex situations can be incredibly empowering. Gifted children need guidance in developing problem-solving skills in order to analyze a situation and accurately identify pertinent points within it. When children feel empowered to think critically and apply what they have learned when making decisions, they will have a more successful experience in handling challenging emotions.

    Setting and Maintaining Boundaries

    Because they can pick up more on emotions than their peers, gifted children need clear, consistent boundaries from adults in order to remain secure. These rules should be reinforced regularly and consistently. If a child tests the boundaries, it may require additional exploration to see why the child is doing so, as well as providing an opportunity for discussion and possible adjustment. Similarly, setting reasonable expectations for behavior and performance gives gifted children needed structure for their life.

    Structure and Self-Soothing

    Creating a routine is essential for any child, including those who are emotionally sensitive or gifted. With a consistent routine, these children will feel safe and secure, and know what to expect in any given situation. Understanding their preferences and tendencies can also go a long way in creating a healthy structure and environment.

    Encouraging self-soothing practices such as taking deep breaths, journaling and engaging in hobbies, as well as understanding the need for a break when emotions overwhelm, will further set them up for success. It is also important to give children time away from screens, especially if they appear to be overextended by the various input.

    No matter what challenges arise in raising a gifted and emotionally sensitive child, understanding their strengths and embracing their uniqueness will be key to providing them with the best assistance and tools to help them thrive.

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