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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    Living with the Choices Life has Handed You

    As we move forward through life, making decisions and choices, be it big or small the consequence of each decision accumulates over time. We have no choice but to accept and live with the reality of what we have left for ourselves. Each individual will have a different experience and understanding of their own circumstances, but if you break it down and step back, your current state of living in any given period can simply be attributed to the choices you have made in your past, whether that be to your satisfaction or despair.

    Often times it is easy to feel trapped in our current situation and forget that the reality is of our own making. We are responsible for our behavior and resulting aims; any frustrations at the state of your life may, in fact, be directed inwards. You regardless had an opportunity to direct yourself in the right or wrong direction, meaning there is no one to blame but yourself. Even if certain factors such as life events and emotional impairment were present, there were still deliberative decisions made. Therefore, try not to succumb too heavily to guilt, instead accept the responsibility that comes with being accountable for your choices.

    Embracing this premise opens up the possibility of understanding and controlling the process of how you choose to conduct your life, making decisions with intended outcomes in mind. If any attempt is made to change anything in the world, we must first start from within ourselves. Take a step back, reflect and adjust your ideals, dreams, and ambitions. Visualize and appreciate the change that needs to be made for each individual in order to meet their desired outcomes. Every decision is different, weighing past experiences and current feelings against the judgment of human nature. Think about all the opportunities you have created for yourself in the past and focus on earning the same amount of pride in the future.

    Adopting an optimistic and grateful approach to the choices that have been made can make a huge difference in how we perceive and then, interpret our life. Even if people change their lives after stumbling, they still experienced failure which ultimately taught a valuable lesson, leading them to possible success. Regret is two-sided, it contains a darkness that reflects bad times, unwanted experiences, and difficult choices, but also contains a flicker of hope, of learning, of strength, and perseverance to be able to overcome hardships. Meaning that although life can veer off in surprising directions resulting in bitterness, you should still value these forks in the road, try to find a way forward and use them to your advantage.

    What happens going forward is based on one simple realization: your life is a result of your choices, not anyone else's. Your life is constantly changing, just like the seasons and winds, so you should extend the same grace and acceptance to yourself as you would with nature. Your life doesn't have to be perfect and pretty, it can be filled with uncertainties and mistakes, still being loved and finite at the same time. There will be bad decisions and regrets, but none that can't be amended and transformed into optimistic memories that can be shared with others.

    It is important to remember you are ultimately the creator of your life no matter where you've been or are now. Take responsibility, but remember that while you are only responsible for the choices you make, you are never alone. Those around you can offer valuable insight and perspective, just remember much of life is built on resilience and courage. Learning from the past, appreciating the present and looking forward to future can lay the groundwork for positive decisions and hopeful outcomes.

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