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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Easing Off On The Marriage Biological Clock Without Stress

    When it comes to marriage and children, society puts pressure on couples to get married and start a family relatively early on in life. But not all people feel ready for this, leading to an increasing amount of stress or anxiety about ‘the marriage biological clock’, or what is often referred to as their ‘window of peak fertility’. As such, it can be all too easy to get swept up in the pressure and not take the necessary break you both may need in order to make a sensible, informed decision when it comes to getting married and having children.

    It is important to remember that making any major life choice is not a race, nor should you treat it as such. Just because the odds are the lower and the window of fertility is decreasing does not mean you have to rush into marriage or push yourself towards a certain goal. In fact, it is more than possible to ‘ease off’ on the marriage and children thing and settle into a relationship at your own pace, allowing you time to establish a mutually agreed upon goal together with your partner.

    There are many things that couples need to discuss before entering into a long-term, committed relationship – these will be different for all couples, and you need to make sure that you are both comfortable with where the relationship is heading and with the decisions you are making. It is better to talk about it honestly and openly rather than simply entering into a situation without really understanding the implications or expectations of each party.

    Easing off on the marriage biological clock without the added pressure or stress can be done if the couple takes the time to consider their future together. If you plan accordingly and keep good communication, it is less likely to feel like a mad scramble to the finish line that you may feel under the weight of societal pressures.

    Making sure each partner is on the same page is essential. Whether you agree to try and have children sooner rather than later, or take some time out to focus on other priorities, such as career or travelling, it needs to be a mutual decision. Be sure to talk to your partner and discuss what it is that each of you want out of the relationship and your future. This can help to ensure that neither partner feels undue pressure, or that one partner is holding the other back from achieving what they desire most out of life.

    Another way to ease the pressure is to make sure both of you are involved in any discussions you have. You need to remember that both of you are allowed to have your own opinions, and your views may even differ from each other at times. Just because one person wants to have children sooner rather than later, it does not mean the other person has to go along with it, and it is vital to ensure that no-one is forced into making a decision they do not feel comfortable or excited about.

    Finally, although you may feel like you are running out of time, be sure to take a step back and appreciate the present moment; make sure there is plenty of quality time being spent between you and your partner. Enjoying life together and making shared memories outside of any marriage or baby plans can also help to ease off on any pressures of a marriage biological clock.

    When it comes to marriage and planning a family, it is important to make sure you and your partner are in full agreement with whatever decisions you make and that those decisions are made without any external pressures or stresses. Taking the time to openly discuss your own individual desires and needs can go a long way in ensuring that both you and your partner remain relaxed, confident and content in any marital related choices you make.

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