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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Dealing with Infidelity and Suspicion in a Relationship

    Life can be complicated enough as is. But when suspicions arise that your significant other is being unfaithful, it's even more of a challenge trying to learn how to cope. Whether or not it turns out to be true infidelity, it's a difficult individual journey to work through the many emotions and questions you may experience. If a stranger sent screenshots of your significant other's alleged inappropriate behavior, it would be natural to feel confused, angry, and hurt. Even if your partner claims they don't remember doing it, or whatever else your story may be, it’s essential to take time to get clear on your thoughts and feelings. Here are some tips on how to handle the situation and find a resolution.

    First and foremost, open communication is essential. Even if the emotions are running high, there's no need to overreact. Try to stay calm and explain your concerns to your partner in a direct but respectful way. If your spouse says they don’t remember the incident, ask for clarification and allow them to answer without interruption. The truth behind the incident doesn't matter at first. More importantly, you need to make sure you let them know how their alleged behavior affects you and your relationship. That provides an opportunity for you to choose whether to keep going down the rabbit hole to try to determine the veracity of what they are saying, or to focus on solutions to make your relationship better.

    If the conversation isn't productive, then consider taking the issue to a marriage counselor or couples therapist. This can be a valuable resource in any situation. A trustworthy counselor can provide impartial advice and help create a constructive environment. It’s important to note, though, that sessions centered around infidelity typically require both partners to attend. That way, each person has the opportunity to express what they want to get out of therapy and will give you a chance to talk through your feelings in a more immediate way.

    Another crucial step is taking stock of your own feelings. Ask yourself if continuing the relationship is the best thing for you. Do you still strongly trust and feel connected to your partner? Is there room for discussion and reconciliation? This may seem like a difficult situation, but you can still choose how to respond and how to move forward. Work through your feelings, and decide what you need in order to restore trust in a relationship, if that's something you wish to do.

    When considering solutions, start small. Identify ways to repair the trust between you and your partner. You might both need some breathing room, so consider setting up boundaries or spending protected time "away" together. Take turns talking without interruption, and just listening and understanding, without focusing on the offense. Aim to maintain your composure and respect each other's perspective. With patience and practice, this can help you accomplish progress without making the situation worse.

    No matter how painful it may seem, it’s possible to find solutions amidst this conflict. While one partner may be feeling betrayed and vulnerable, the other person may also be feeling ashamed and insecure. It takes two to find a resolution. Reconciliation will likely take time, but it doesn't mean you'll never get back to where you were before. Working together, you can begin the process of rebuilding trust, and ultimately, create a stronger foundation for your relationship if you both so desire. Finding a balance and understanding is key to moving forward and eventually reaching a place of contentment again.

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