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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    7 Steps to a Florida Marriage License

    The Journey to Forever Begins Here

    Every couple embarking on the journey of marriage knows the thrill of taking this significant step. As a seasoned relationship expert, I can't help but be touched by the anticipation and the commitment reflected in the countless stories I have encountered. One experience that particularly stands out involves a couple that decided to take their vows in the Sunshine State—Florida. They navigated through the process of obtaining a Florida Marriage License, transforming an otherwise procedural task into a meaningful part of their love story.

    Now, if you're reading this article, it's likely you're on a similar journey. You're probably wondering, "How do I get a Florida Marriage License?" Well, buckle up as we embark on this informative guide together. The process might appear complicated at first glance, but with the right guide and helpful tips, you will find that it's just another part of your romantic adventure. This article is here to provide an engaging, yet detailed, road map, illuminating the ins and outs of securing a Florida Marriage License. Brace yourselves for an exciting dive into the realm of documentation and procedural formalities—after all, love is in the details, isn't it?

    Step 1: Understanding the Florida Marriage License - What Does it Mean?

    Before we plunge into the how-to of acquiring a Florida Marriage License, it's essential to comprehend what it is. Much like a driver's license grants you the legal permission to operate a motor vehicle, a Marriage License is your legal permit to marry. In Florida, this legal document is issued by the Clerk of Courts, indicating that you and your partner have met all the requirements set by the state to legally marry.

    A Florida Marriage License is a validation of your intent to marry; it's the state's way of saying, "Yes, you may proceed with your wedding plans." But remember, obtaining a Marriage License is not the same as being married. It's like having a ticket to a concert—it guarantees your access, but it doesn't imply you've attended the concert. Similarly, a Marriage License guarantees you the right to marry, but it doesn't mean you're married until you exchange your vows in a formal ceremony.

    Florida has some unique rules regarding Marriage Licenses that make the Sunshine State an appealing destination for couples from all around the world. For one, there's no residency requirement, which means you don't have to be a Florida resident to get a Marriage License here. Also, Florida observes no waiting period for non-Florida residents, enabling them to get married immediately after obtaining their Marriage License—a boon for destination weddings!

    Understanding what a Florida Marriage License stands for is the first step to making it a part of your love story. Armed with this knowledge, you're ready to move to the next phase—meeting the prerequisites. After all, every romantic journey has its checklist, right?

    Step 2: Meeting the Prerequisites – Check Off Your List

    As we embark on step two of this journey, it's time to roll up your sleeves and ensure that you meet all the requirements for obtaining a Florida Marriage License. After all, knowing the prerequisites can save you precious time and prevent any potential roadblocks in your marriage journey.

    First and foremost, both you and your partner must be at least 18 years old to apply for a Florida Marriage License without parental consent. If either of you is younger than 18 but at least 16 years old, you can still apply, provided you have parental consent. But be prepared—Florida law mandates specific documentation and procedures for such cases.

    One of the most significant aspects of applying for a Florida Marriage License is the requirement to provide valid identification. This identification could be a driver's license, a state-issued ID card, a valid passport, or a military ID. You'll also need to supply your social security number or, if you're a foreigner, an alien registration number. Bear in mind that you'll need to provide the original documents, not copies.

    Now, let's address a topic that sometimes raises eyebrows: previous marriages. If either you or your partner was previously married, you'll need to provide the exact date of the last divorce, annulment, or spouse's death. If the divorce or spouse's death took place within the past 30 days, a certified copy of the divorce decree or death certificate is required. Yes, it might seem like a lot, but remember—every big journey requires some groundwork!

    Finally, for a Florida Marriage License, both you and your partner must apply in person together. While it might seem inconvenient for some, I like to see it as an opportunity for a shared experience—an adventure that strengthens the bond between two people ready to commit to each other.

    Having these prerequisites in check streamlines your journey and sets you up for success. So, grab that pen, check off your list, and get ready for step three—applying for your license!

    Step 3: Applying for Your License – The Paperwork Dance

    We've arrived at the third step of our journey: applying for the Florida Marriage License. Paperwork might not sound like the most romantic thing, but consider it a dance—an intricate ballet of forms and signatures that brings you one step closer to saying "I do".

    To begin this dance, you and your partner need to head to the Clerk of Courts in any Florida county. It doesn't necessarily have to be the county where you plan to get married. Isn't that convenient? Just choose a time that works for both of you and make a date of it. After all, why shouldn't applying for your marriage license be as memorable as the proposal?

    Once you're at the Clerk's office, you'll need to fill out the Marriage License application form. This is where the information and documentation from the prerequisites we discussed in step two come into play. You'll provide all the necessary information and show your identification, making sure every detail is accurate. Any misinformation could lead to complications or delays, so take your time with this. The dance is all about precision!

    Now, this dance does come with a fee. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the cost for a Florida Marriage License was $93.50. However, this fee is subject to change, so it's always a good idea to check the current cost before you head to the Clerk's office. Also, some counties might only accept cash, so be prepared. After all, nothing should interrupt your dance.

    It's important to note that Florida offers a discounted marriage license fee to couples who have completed a state-approved premarital course within the past year. So, if you've done this, don't forget to bring your completion certificate along.

    With the paperwork dance complete, you've successfully applied for your Florida Marriage License. You're now ready for the next step: the waiting period. But remember, patience is just another expression of love.

    Step 4: The Waiting Game – Patience Is Key

    And here we are at the fourth step: the waiting period. As the saying goes, "Good things come to those who wait," and in this case, the good thing is your Florida Marriage License! While the idea of waiting might sound daunting, it's merely a matter of patience and a testament to your commitment.

    Florida law requires a 3-day waiting period from the day you apply for your license to the day it becomes effective. This applies to Florida residents, that is, people who have lived in Florida for at least six months. The waiting period serves to ensure that you and your partner have given due thought to your decision to marry. It might feel like a pause button on your plans, but it's also an opportunity to reflect on the exciting journey you're about to embark on.

    But here's some good news for out-of-state couples: if neither you nor your partner is a Florida resident, you're exempt from this waiting period. That's right; you can get married immediately after receiving your license. This provision makes Florida a popular choice for destination weddings and elopements.

    Florida residents, don't despair! You can also bypass the waiting period by completing a state-approved premarital course. Not only does this course allow you to receive your license immediately, but it also offers a reduced fee on your license. It's a win-win! However, remember to bring your course completion certificate when you apply for the license.

    With patience and anticipation, you'll see the waiting period as not just a regulatory requirement but a valuable interlude—an opportunity to build excitement, plan your ceremony, or even enjoy a brief respite from the procedural aspects of getting married. After all, every story has its suspense, and the waiting period is yours!

    Step 5: The Big Day - From License to Marriage

    Finally, we reach the most thrilling part of our journey—Step 5: your wedding day. You've navigated the requirements, filled out the paperwork, and waited patiently. Now, it's time to turn that Florida Marriage License into an actual marriage. The day you've been dreaming of is here, and it's time to make it official!

    Your wedding ceremony can be as elaborate or as simple as you desire, reflecting your unique love story. Whether it's a grand event with hundreds of guests or an intimate gathering of close family and friends, what matters most is the commitment you and your partner are making to each other.

    Now, let's talk about the crucial part of this step—the formalities. In Florida, your marriage ceremony must be officiated by an ordained minister, an elder in communion with some church, a judicial officer, or a notary public of the state of Florida. Whoever you choose as your officiant has an important role to play—they'll not only conduct your ceremony but also be responsible for returning your completed marriage license to the Clerk's office.

    After your ceremony, you, your partner, your officiant, and two witnesses must sign the Marriage License. This is a significant moment, transforming your license into a legal acknowledgment of your marriage. Imagine the thrill of signing your names on that document, marking the transition from engaged to married!

    Once the signing is done, your officiant will send the completed license back to the Clerk's office within ten days of the ceremony. The Clerk will then record your marriage and, if you request it, provide you with a certified copy of your Marriage Certificate—a document you can treasure forever.

    With this, your Florida Marriage License journey intertwines with your love story, marking the beginning of a new chapter. But wait, we're not done yet. There's still more to learn about making your Florida marriage a legal and emotional success!

    Step 6: After the Vows – Making the Most of Married Life

    Step six in our journey brings us to the post-wedding phase. Your Florida Marriage License has served its purpose, and you're officially married. Congratulations! But as anyone who's been married will tell you, the wedding day is just the beginning of your journey together.

    Marriage is a partnership, a long-term commitment to love, support, and grow with each other. It's a beautiful journey, but it can also be complex and challenging. As a relationship expert, I've seen how the post-wedding phase can be a critical time for newlyweds. It's a time of adjustment, of learning to navigate life as a married couple, and of building a strong foundation for your future together.

    During this period, communication is key. Make it a point to discuss your dreams, your fears, your expectations, and even the mundane aspects of daily life. Keep in mind that marriage is not just about sharing joy and love—it's also about facing challenges and overcoming obstacles together.

    Keep the romance alive in your relationship. Remember the excitement of planning your wedding, the anticipation of obtaining your Florida Marriage License, and the thrill of saying "I do". Recreate that excitement by planning regular date nights, surprising each other, and celebrating the small victories along with the big ones.

    Finally, never forget that marriage is a partnership of equals. It's about mutual respect and understanding. It's about compromise and cooperation. It's about cherishing each other, not just in words but also in actions. After all, love isn't merely a feeling—it's a choice you make every day.

    With this, we conclude step six of our journey. But we're not done yet. There's still one more step to our Florida Marriage License guide—a step that will ensure that your marriage continues to thrive long after the wedding day.

    Step 7: Nurturing Your Marriage – The Ongoing Journey

    Now, we have come to the seventh and final step in our guide to obtaining a Florida Marriage License. You've tied the knot, embarked on the marital journey, and you're embracing the joys and challenges of married life. So, what's next? The most important part of all: nurturing your marriage. Because, after all, a wedding is a day, but a marriage is a lifetime.

    Marriage is like a garden—it requires constant nurturing, care, and attention to flourish. You have to water it with love, fertilize it with communication, and weed out misunderstandings and disagreements. But most importantly, you must give it time. Time to grow, time to adapt, and time to bloom. Be patient with each other and with your relationship. After all, the best things in life take time.

    Never forget to express your love. Not just on special occasions, but every day. A simple "I love you," a gentle kiss, or a comforting hug can make a world of difference. And always remember to say "thank you." Appreciate each other's efforts and express your gratitude. Gratitude breeds happiness and strengthens your bond.

    Continue learning about each other. You may think you know everything about your partner, but people change, and there's always something new to discover. Keep the curiosity alive, ask questions, and stay interested in each other's lives. This will keep your relationship vibrant and exciting.

    As a relationship expert, I'd like to share a personal experience. My husband and I make it a point to spend quality time together every day. It could be over a meal, a walk, or even doing chores. We talk, we laugh, we share, and sometimes, we just enjoy the silence. This has kept our bond strong over the years. So, my advice to you is—invest in your relationship. The returns are priceless.

    Remember, your Florida Marriage License is just the first chapter of your love story. Make every chapter after that even more beautiful by nurturing your marriage, celebrating your love, and cherishing each other. Here's to a happily ever after!


    1. Chapman, Gary. "The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts" - This book helps you understand your partner's love language and how you can use it to strengthen your relationship.
    2. Gottman, John. "The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work" - This book offers practical guidance on navigating the complexities of marriage.
    3. Fischbach, Michael D. "The Marriage License" - A historical perspective on marriage licenses and how they shape our understanding of marriage.

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