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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    A Painful Path to Healing: Reclaiming Yourself After a Breakup

    For many, the pain of a broken heart is not just tangible, but also indescribable. Its intensity can be overwhelming, leaving one feeling completely helpless and devastated - and this is exactly what you’re going through now; being a Catholic brings yet another challenging layer for you in this process. You may be asking yourself – how can I possibly find hope, healing and peace during this painful process?

    In the subsequent paragraphs you will find advice to help you through this difficult situation, since that is the ultimate goal - to bring make the end of the relationship a beginning of something current, positive and meaningful.

    The first step in reclaiming yourself post-breakup is to appreciate the emotions you’re feeling and to not pass judgement on yourself. The process of grief, though incredibly painful, is necessary to rebuild what can still be built. The real challenges only arise when we avoid people, situations and emotions that make us feel vulnerable, uncomfortable and sad. By shutting ourselves off, we prevent ourselves from learning important lessons, reevaluating our values, exploring internal strengths and learning to trust ourselves.

    Another important aspect is to pay attention to the way we talk to ourselves when sadness hits. Most individuals tend to be quite hard on themselves. It is essential to cut ourselves some slack and to be kind to our selves by practicing compassion and understanding in moments where fear and sadness take over.

    During this time, it’s important to focus on recognizing and understanding our own needs. It is often the case that we find ourselves tied to ‘everyday’ habits because that's the comfortable option. But, doing the same things over and over might only keep us stuck in an endless loop that impedes our healing. Instead, we must seek new and different experiences. Even though this may be frightening for some, it can definitively help us experience life in a different and more meaningful way.

    Looking at the bigger picture and releasing old beliefs which no longer serve us is something that is so important while on a healing path. This can be achieved by meditating, journaling and reflecting on our experiences in order to gain more insight and understanding. During this, Catholics can look to the Bible’s promises including 1 Corinthians 10:13 and Isaiah 43:18-19. Such verses encourage us that with Jesus Christ’s help we can survive any trial he allows us to go through.

    Setting achievable goals is also a great way to promote a healthy mindset and motivate oneself. Moreover, engaging in activities that bring us joy and help us focus on our potential are vital for healing. It's important to keep in mind that recovery is neither immediate nor easy; however, there is plenty of light if we choose to stay open and honest.

    Reach out for support to reliable family members and friends; people who make up the foundation for a safe environment and proper support are irreplaceable. Don’t allow feelings of shame or embarrassment stop you from asking for help - the more connected we are mentally and emotionally, the stronger we become. Be encouraged that while a broken heart might feel like it’s never going to mend, it is possible to rise from the ashes and come back even better than ever. Reclaim your power and make every effort to put yourself back together - piece by piece.

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