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Girls like nerdy guys ?


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I was at a 21st tonight and I was talking a very cute and hot girl i had not seen in ages. She started telling me she plays WoW becuase she knows I played for a bit, then she told me her boyfriend plays. She says to me " hes really nerdy but he has this big group of nerds and they all love him, they all worship him".


I'm thinking maybe theres something in that.

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Yup, some girls like nerdy guys. And some girls don't. And some girls like tall guys, while others like short. And some girls like blond hair and blue eyes, while others like tall, dark, and handsome. Get what I'm saying?


Be who you are. And the girls that are attracted to a person LIKE YOU will surface.

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Also, what is a nerd? Is a brilliant math major who loves star trek, statistical analysis and is short presumptively a nerd? If he were tall would it make a difference? If he liked trendy beers and fast cars, too? Is it about how someone dresses? Who gets to decide? Nerds, "cool people" or others entirely?

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w/e girls like is always the total opposite of me.....back in my day a nerd would never have a chance.......but yeah i believe now they are....i cant wait until they roll around to the dood who is the most laid back, i'll have a ball.......


It's all about status.


In high school....the nerds don't play sports. They study, join clubs, etc. Girls don't want them because they aren't popular.


Then everyone grows up....and the nerds are making big money...and the jocks from high school have regular jobs.


Women like money. Nerds end up having money.



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It's all about status.


In high school....the nerds don't play sports. They study, join clubs, etc. Girls don't want them because they aren't popular.


Then everyone grows up....and the nerds are making big money...and the jocks from high school have regular jobs.


Women like money. Nerds end up having money.





hmmmm i need to go out and make big moneyu so i can get one of these so called "women" cz they aint coming now no matter how much of a great person they say i am

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nerds = not a look. just geeky. say things about technology, games, etc. they are what is just considered to be not 'normal'. whatever normal means. i'm a nerd. my gf tells me all the time. DORK mostly. i'm a very good looking guy, but i still like working on my PC. i like stupid shows (south park, discovery). so i guess i'm a nerd. i've hooked up with a lot of chicks in my past too. i'd rather not say around about how many. lol don't want anybody to judge me here.


but anyways, up until the end of high school i finally had 2 hot gfs. no not at the same time. both were withing my last 2 years. before that, i really never experienced much with women except the occasional make out sessions. i was considered a nerd. i know i was. i was skinny, not in the popular crowd, and hung out with semi-jock types. but then i bloomed. i've done modeling since. i have bulked up in weight (muscle). but i still have those dorky ideas in my head. where they come from i don't know. but chicks dig it. and yes, i do make good money. (not modeling).


i look nothing like i did when i was in grade school. since then, i've hooked up with the 'popular' chicks from back in the day. a lot of the popular guys that i went to high school, either always shake my hand and buy me a beer when i see them out now and want me to help them score chicks, or are complete losers and have horrible jobs. so if you are a nerd out there, don't fret. usually it changes. you have to make it change though.


i don't think there is a correct definition of a nerd now that i'm older. that is a stupid status when you are younger.

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i plan on punching a woman upside her head, they always fall for those abusive thug doods....cz right now just aint workin


either that or buyin some hi-waters and some thick glasses and repeat e=mc 2


I wouldn't reccomend the first thing you listed there..."dood"...then you may end up in prison as some other guys girlfriend....

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I've never heard the word "nerd" used as a classification of a disability? Just because you play games does not mean you are a nerd or a geek.


My sister was a extremely popular girl and she fell for the guys that were really into computer networking, graphics, hardcore gamers and such? I don't know why but usually just because a girl is beautiful doesn't mean she won't like nerdy guys.....


One thing I dont like about the whole "nerd" situation is, just because you are intelligent and like computers and w/e else, doesn't mean you have to be a social out-cast.


I'm considered a pretty popular guy and I play WoW, pro with photoshop and excellent web site designer..so ??

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I've never heard the word "nerd" used as a classification of a disability? Just because you play games does not mean you are a nerd or a geek.


My sister was a extremely popular girl and she fell for the guys that were really into computer networking, graphics, hardcore gamers and such? I don't know why but usually just because a girl is beautiful doesn't mean she won't like nerdy guys.....


One thing I dont like about the whole "nerd" situation is, just because you are intelligent and like computers and w/e else, doesn't mean you have to be a social out-cast.


I'm considered a pretty popular guy and I play WoW, pro with photoshop and excellent web site designer..so ??


While those are 'nerdy' interests, it also depends on your social standing (or lackthereof), your style, your appearance and the entire way you carry yourself. It's so much more than just interests.


I like video games. Am I a nerd? I don't think so. My grades aren't good enough to be one, for one thing! lmao It's true... among other things.

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She says to me " hes really nerdy but he has this big group of nerds and they all love him, they all worship him".


I'm thinking maybe theres something in that.


So basically what you are saying is that she is with the King of the Nerds.

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Lets just put ghost's message in a short version...LIFE...is nothing like Highschool. People change drastically(most of the time)...and who was on top in school dating every other night, won't be the same person who makes it out on top in the real world. I'll be honest in my short version too, in Highschool I was a huge nerd, had the works...really short, skinny, glasses, braces for 2 years of highschool. Then about senior year I grew like 6 inches, finally got contacts, started lifting(and getting results lol) and by my first year of college I had my first few hookups with girls and also got a 2nd job at Hollister Co...which most young adults claim they only hire "hot" people to model the looks in their stores. I'm modest though...I swear!


Either way, girls are attracted to men...that's all you need to know, be yourself, and be a man...there's no secret formula of understanding attraction to nerds/muscle men haha. Attraction's not a choice, it's a feeling, stop trying to figure it out.

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i plan on punching a woman upside her head, they always fall for those abusive thug doods....cz right now just aint workin


either that or buyin some hi-waters and some thick glasses and repeat e=mc 2


thug dudes=not attractive lol


(at least not to me)


I like myself a fun nerdy at times, cultured, even hippy type. lol

good taste in music, bonfires and flipflops. that's why I fell for my most recent love.




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I agree..."nerd" doesn't necessarily have to do with interests as you grow older.


I think it has a lot to do with how someone carries themself (usually the really shy, awkward ones are judged to be nerdy). Aside from how someone dresses - I really think it has a lot more to do with someone's social skills and how/if they are able to connect with others.


Also, like someone has mentioned - There are soooo many guys that are gamers now...Does that mean they are all nerds? No.


If I were to take everything into consideration about my S.O....a couple years ago, yeah he may have been typcasted as a nerd what with his interests and social skills. I'm sure many of his high school counterparts typecasted him this.


But he's cute (I happen to think he's handsome), witty, sweet guy that any girl would be so LUCKY to have. And hey, I've had people tell me throughout my life that I am gorgeous (I'm a humble gal though; and I'd say it's a matter of preference) and I'm very in love with my S.O.....It's just a matter of what ya like.


Just as some here have mentioned that they are good looking guys that have the "nerdy" interests...There are good looking girls that appreciate those interests.


But I'd say it all boils down to how you carry yourself and your social skills.

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I'm dating a ('puter) nerd...and I'm a self-proclaimed (science) geek.

I find him fascinating, his intelligence and sense of humor are what attracted me to him in the first place.


And on the other hand, the other night I was in a bar and a friend of a friend started hitting on me - he was rather good looking, tall, muscular - but when he opened his mouth, he completely bored me. He went on and on about himself and how accomplished he feels because he finished sales college. What the hell is "Sales College?"


Now, here's something, it's even an online dating niche (then again, what isn't nowadays?)

Nerd Dating link removed


Geek2Geek Personals

link removed

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I was at a 21st tonight and I was talking a very cute and hot girl i had not seen in ages. She started telling me she plays WoW becuase she knows I played for a bit, then she told me her boyfriend plays. She says to me " hes really nerdy but he has this big group of nerds and they all love him, they all worship him".


I'm thinking maybe theres something in that.


I think you all missed the point here. He's the alpha male of this group that's why she's attracted to him. 'hes really nerdy BUT he has this big group of nerds and they all love him, they all worship him'


What does that say? That there is more than meets the eye on an attraction scale than he being a nerd, and since women's attraction triggers go up when guys start commanding authority or are in charge of something, then she may really be attracted to that and be turning a blind eye to the fact that he is a nerd.


So, I doubt she is soley attracted to him for being a nerd.

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Nerd is such a disparaging term tho. The only time I like to use the term nerd is "don't pick on the nerd in highschool as you may be working for him/her one day". LOL


I was always one of the cool kids and like to think of myself as a cool person today. But I am a nerd if nerd means someone who stays out of trouble, likes to read, does not do drugs, and basically likes to do the right thing. And if that is the definition of a nerd then this is the kind of guy i go crazy for. I love a guy who is brainy, not concerned about superficiality, who is as happy reading a book as he is maybe having a beer at the pub, and who has a lot of goals. Heck ya, BRING IT. LOL I am one of those women who does not care about traditional looks. I find the mainstream "hunks" boring, superficial and sadly many times no brains. Yea i am stereotyping, but that should be okay since this thread is stereotyping nerds. LOL

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