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Daughter Having Man Over When Daddy Not Home

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Parent who posted this topic call your daughter and ask her whats going on...set ground rules and trust your parenting...thats all you can do!




I am relaxed...your the only one on here yelling.

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I am part of the CPS, this does not matter. If a child wants emancipated...it has to go through the judge and he doesn't make that decision lightly. He takes a lot of things into account. It's a lengthy process.


Wow. I would like to see a website that outlined this specifically. I guess you never stop learning !

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Parent who posted this topic call your daughter and ask her whats going on...set ground rules and trust your parenting...thats all you can do!




no kidding! a neighbour saw a boy go into the house and nowpeople are talking about about her getting pregnant!


I almost wonder if people will be assuming next she will be smoking crack, stealing cars and murdering little babies!


To the OP, do you talk to her oh the phone? why not just see how she's doing? Maybe she will just say "oh *Mark* dropped by the other day... we hung out!


She may not tell you the truth... Even at 29, when my mum knows I've had a date... I don't give her ALL the details! like anyone else!

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I am part of the CPS, this does not matter. If a child wants emancipated...it has to go through the judge and he doesn't make that decision lightly. He takes a lot of things into account. It's a lengthy process.




WHAT IS "WRONG" ANYWAY?!? IF the girl is even having sex who are any of us to judge if that's wrong or not.


I am so blown away at how far people are taking this topic. At 17 you can join the MILITARY, drive a car, AND BELIEVE IT OR NOT...EVEN...HAVE SEX!!!




this is way out of hand with people talkin about Child Services. comE ON!!! Trust your daughter before you go jumping down her throat. Now's the time to gain a relationship with her and THAT relationship must be based on trust...so YOU be honest with HER and SHE'll be honest with YOU!!!


MOM & DAD: why don't you just talk to your daughter instead of starting a huge problem over what could quite possibly be nothing at all!?


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At 17 I didn't have boys over while my parents were away, but I certainly didn't stay home by myself either.

I still don't feel totally comfortable staying in my parents house alone.

I don't blame your daughter at all, you and your husband are so far away, who would want to stay in a big home all by themselves?


I agree with your last sentence.. I still think goblins are going to jump out of my closet when I'm alone in a big house!

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Leaving them at that age alone would not fly with CSP for 10 I assure you.

If she were to get hurt and taken to the hospital, they would contact CPS.

24 hours maybe, but not 10 days.

Not to mention what would happen if she were alone and had an accident. Slipping in the tub, fall down the stair, its not unreasonable to think about those things happening.

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Not to mention what would happen if she were alone and had an accident. Slipping in the tub, fall down the stair, its not unreasonable to think about those things happening.



Good point, but these things could happen to someone of any age who lives alone! And, I had a couple of BAD accidents in the home when I was a child too



Accidents can happen to anyone at anytime, so I'm not sure that leaving someone 18 vs 17 at home would be any different!

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I suggest you get a friend to babysit her whilst you're away? 17 is a tad bit young to be having sex. Take care.



17 is 'too young' to have sex but not young enough to join the military or go away to college?


This is preposterous.

Parent who posted this topic: what do you think about everything you're reading? And when are you going to call your daughter and set ground rules? (if you hadn't already and she is breaking them)



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Good point, but these things could happen to someone of any age who lives alone! And, I had a couple of BAD accidents in the home when I was a child too



Accidents can happen to anyone at anytime, so I'm not sure that leaving someone 18 vs 17 at home would be any different!






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But teenagers are prone to not be able to make good decisions when the time is right, meaning, like if something popped up, etc., a teenager might not be able to have the fortitude in mind and thought to make a good decision, as would an adult.


thereforeeee, if she is left alone for a long period of time, some situations can pop up where she might not be able to make a "good" decision, vs someone who is more of an adult.


Like if she had a party, or soemthing like that, and the party got out of hand, she wouldnt be able to handle it and she wouldnt have anybody to turn to (aka parents).

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Good point, but these things could happen to someone of any age who lives alone! And, I had a couple of BAD accidents in the home when I was a child too



Accidents can happen to anyone at anytime, so I'm not sure that leaving someone 18 vs 17 at home would be any different!

Except at 17 they are still a minor and under the responsibility of the adult. It is the parents job to make sure there is someone to check on them and be aware of what is going on. That doesn't mean constant surveillance, but random calls from a neighbor is a structured way of getting information.

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I may not be much help here but I Just want to throw in to all these people who are bringing up that a "child" at 17!!!! shouldn't be left home alone for so many days. 17 year olds can fight in the war, attend college but someoen should call CPS because they're home alone. PLease, give me a break! I was technically living on my own with a child at 17. She's a teenager adn will do teenager things and your job as the parent is to make clear what you expect but she's going to do this whether you're home or gone away and if she's staying at a friends house that doesn't mean she isn't going to do it there. The only thing you can do is try to set her in the right direction and hope she makes the right choices. I got pregnant at 16 and I wasn't allowed to go anywhere but school and work so believe me when I say she will find a way if she's going to do it.

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Except at 17 they are still a minor and under the responsibility of the adult. It is the parents job to make sure there is someone to check on them and be aware of what is going on. That doesn't mean constant surveillance, but random calls from a neighbor is a structured way of getting information.


I was living on my own at 17, so you're saying just because of my age I shouldn't have been on my own? Or someone should have called and checked on me constantly or my parents are bad for me being on my own? Not attacking you but just tryin to ge ta point accross.

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Except at 17 they are still a minor and under the responsibility of the adult. It is the parents job to make sure there is someone to check on them and be aware of what is going on. That doesn't mean constant surveillance, but random calls from a neighbor is a structured way of getting information.



Sure, but what does this have to do with comments about her getting pregnant?



A male guest does not equal a drug-fueled orgy! I think that is the point.. the OP started off by saying a neighbour had seen a male guest enter the home and then comments about pregnancy and protection services came along somehow!

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I was living on my own at 17, so you're saying just because of my age I shouldn't have been on my own? Or someone should have called and checked on me constantly or my parents are bad for me being on my own? Not attacking you but just tryin to ge ta point accross.

Yes I do, as that is what I consider good parenting. Making sure my children are alright and being aware of what they are up to. It doesn't mean restricting them, its just being aware of what's going on.

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But teenagers are prone to not be able to make good decisions when the time is right, meaning, like if something popped up, etc., a teenager might not be able to have the fortitude in mind and thought to make a good decision, as would an adult.


thereforeeee, if she is left alone for a long period of time, some situations can pop up where she might not be able to make a "good" decision, vs someone who is more of an adult.


Like if she had a party, or soemthing like that, and the party got out of hand, she wouldnt be able to handle it and she wouldnt have anybody to turn to (aka parents).



And i've seen many instances where "adults" have had parties and things get out of hand and they weren't able to handle it IMO age doesn't matter int his case its the manner and responsibility level of the person being talked about. Obviously the parents thought she was mature enough to be left alone, were they right or wrong? Noone is to be the judge of that but themselves.

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When people automatically bring up CSP, judges and how 'wrong' it is that this parent left her kid home is rediculous to me.


This can all be solved with one phone call...


what's the hold up????




BACK OFF DG! I could care less if she is having sex! Got it?

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Yes I do, as that is what I consider good parenting. Making sure my children are alright and being aware of what they are up to. It doesn't mean restricting them, its just being aware of what's going on.



I think the parent here IS concerned about her daughter... that is quite clear!

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Yes I do, as that is what I consider good parenting. Making sure my children are alright and being aware of what they are up to. It doesn't mean restricting them, its just being aware of what's going on.



So my parents were BAD because they let me spread my wings and fly and get out on my own with me and my son, just because I wasn't a few months older? (18 )

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