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Fun without Drugs...Is that a Myth?

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I'd hate to admit this...but it is extremely difficult for me to see any excitement without drugs.


I experienced a phase of powder use and my speculation is that it increased my standard dopamine level to a new amount, and I think this is what is stopping me from feeling excited about anything now that I am clean (and eating again


It's come to a point where procreational activities that I used to love are of no appeal. People are increadibly boring and conversations have lost their vibrancy. (May I say that I don't exercise much either, I'm super thin so I think I can get away with it) I'll get on that as soon as I feel confident about my level of work again.


I find activities rather mundance and dry (also forgetful) without a stimulant in my veins, whether it's a cigarette, a coffee (love caffein), a shot of whisky, a small joint. I don't know...and may I emphasize how unbelievably boring people have become after the powder period.


Any suggestions? Perhaps time will heal? Although I don't think a new dopamine reference point can be exactly forgotten...once u've tasted euphoria...I'm not sure things can be the same...?

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i think a lot of drug users develop this attitude and this is what leads them down the path of addiction or drug dependence/abuse.


i think life is fun without drugs. drugs also have heavy consequences that build up over time.


it takes time for the dopamine receptors in your brain to adjust to the lack of drug intake in your body. that is, if they haven't been permanently destroyed.

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How long has it been since you've quit?


I know what you mean. I did drugs a lot because of that reason. I got pregnant and stopped everything, and realized that it takes time for everything to work itself out of your system.


At first I felt like I was missing out...that feeling that always brought me back. But after a few months, I almost felt stupid for doing drugs for so long. All my "exciting" friends and all the stuff we'd do while high seemed so incredibly juvinile and now I really can't stand to be around people who are on drugs.


I've seen a couple of my friends go through the same things as well. Once they were really ready to get clean, they did and stayed that way because all that drug crap seemed dumb.


Good luck, I hope you continue on the straight and narrow. It does get better.

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This was a common feeling at one time in my life.

By powders I assume coke, crystal or other party favors. I was pretty bored with others when I was enjoying that buzz.


I'd suggest looking in the mirror at yourself, while attempting to judge just how interesting and glamorous you are. Be objective.


Somehow when I got straight, others became much more interesting, and I looked back at wasted years of self-delusion.

I hope you can do the same, or stay happily deluded.


At least if you dump the drugs, you'll save money, and maybe skip heart and liver damage.

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I'm sorry I realise I am going to sound judgemental and like I've missed your point, but I noticed your repeated point that other people are boring now. I wonder if it's the other people who are boring or you.


I am also intrigued that you get the same "highs" from cigarettes, coffee, alcohol and joints. I am no expert on brain chemistry but I would think that these would not all stimulate the same parts of the brain, and the other physical effects are also varied.


I would be surprised if the issue here is your brain chemistry, although it depends how long it's been since you came off the harder stuff. I wonder if the issue is not just your own perception of what's fun and your expectations of others and activities being there for your amusement. Perhaps you need a "crutch" and that's what you are missing. Now replacing that crutch may be easier said than done, and addicts over the globe have to cope with that every day, but to be honest, if you think you need to take drugs to enjoy yourself, you are deluded.

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I did perhaps 2 grams a week. Not distributed evenly accross the week (during weekends). The entire addiction was roughly a month. I sure hope the receptors aren't as damaged as you said teardrops.


I'm gonna try that thing they call exercising...I got my fingers crossed thanks everyone.

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I would suggest finding a support group. If you are in the usa then alchoholics anonymous and narcotics anon are a great start. Other people who are now 'clean' and can share your journey with you.


I do not do drugs. I have plenty of good times. In time you will get used to it. Its really better for you to stay off of it.


Way to go on getting clean!

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oh caro, the other stimulants, I was mentioning generally...they definitely didn't do the job that cocaine did. I was referring to "stimulants" in general. You may perhaps be right about the deluded thing perhaps time will prove my misconceptions wrong.


oh and I got off of it less than two weeks ago...I have faith things will be "fun" again. Just being healthy again might do the trick? Or maybe that's a deluded thought?

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very little in the sober world can compare to what you feel when you're high (with a few exceptions maybe - like the way you would feel the first time you set eyes on your newborn child. or the way you would feel if you won the lottery.) People who say they get high on life have never tried real drugs. that's just silly. but with time the memory of how fabulous it felt to be high will fade, and you won't be comparing sober experiences with high ones so much. It's all relative. You can certainly learn to be satisfied with soberness.


just remember how much it sucks when you come down off drugs. Very few things in the sober world feel that crappy either.

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I am also intrigued that you get the same "highs" from cigarettes, coffee, alcohol and joints. I am no expert on brain chemistry but I would think that these would not all stimulate the same parts of the brain, and the other physical effects are also varied.


What he's feeling is normal. The highs are different, but they are all drugs of some sort. there's a saying "a drug is a drug is a drug"... for someone who's addicted or dependent, any drug will come as a much-need fix.

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So true, HA.


Even the best hallucinations don't hold a candle to love and beauty, but it takes time to adjust.


Cigs, booze and coffee all become members of the arsenal to deny sobriety. NA and AA menbers often have the most trouble quitting cigs, even after shunning booze and hard drugs.

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If its only been two weeks you are doing great! Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and stay clean. You are right, time will heal. You will find that you are very happy again without it.


You are probably still going through withdrawls psychologically. Its very powerful stuff and very addicting. Exercise would be great for you. Perhaps you could take up walking? Energizing walks that get your heart pumping.


So do you have friends that are sober? How is that going? ARe you in any kind of support group?

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psychological addictions are the scariest.


i've seen brain imaging of persons when they are on and off a drug. it's shown as little red, green colored parts in the brain and the brain can heal itself but it takes time. i think a lot of this does have to do with brain chemistry but also with filling a void. nature abhors a vacuum.


i know plenty of drug users and they can't live without cigs, alcohol, e, drugs, sex etc. they are addicted to plenty of things and will switch around addictions or jump from one compulsive behavior to another. i think it stops being fun when you realize that you can't control it, you have to have it just to function normally.

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That's what I'm hoping for, I'm trying to stay away from washrooms as apparently as I read, the environments & places you do cocaine in bring about the positive elements of the experience. Same with scents and clothes.


So if you see someone sprinting in and out of washrooms....hi! nice to meet you


I am very confident as to forgetting the high of this drug, since I have an awful memory I think It won't be a problem. I never thought of that...thanks hazey.


Southern: I don't hang out with those friends and I have a few plans to distract them from this crap. I've also been overwhelming myself with work and comedy shows to keep me mentally distracted.


Excersizing sounds gr8 too!


Other friends....It's really difficult to talk to them for long durations because the subject is bound to come up...especially since it's on my mind...but again...I'm hoping the time factor will help me get good at it and be able to eventually handle a vacation cruise with them or something.

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There are other ways of creating a dopamine or adrenaline surge that can make you feel pretty high. I dabbled in drugs a little as a student so I have some knowlegde of what you experienced. But I used to box and the adrenaline high I got off that beat any drug I ever tried. O.K. boxing is not for everyone, but you could take up skydiving, bungey jumping, motor racing (not on your local estate please), etc etc. There are lots of natural ways to get a good clean high until your body adjusts. Hope this isn't boring you I know plenty of guys who went the other way. One has to smoke hash all day to control his paranoia. One is dead. And before it starts, I know not every body who uses drugs recreationally dies and many can control it, but I would rather not have to try and control something so powerful and risky. I could send you some pictures of the guys I know, just the pictures would set you straight, wasters. Just on the missing it bit, I got an incredible high off magic mushrooms once and I was just able to appreciate that as a one off experience in my life. I also miss boxing, but I don't go around asking people to punch me in the head! Bottom line - deal with the problems in your life, so that you feel better in the long term, rather than burying your head in the sand with drugs.

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that's an excellent idea! Bungee it is...that wasn't boring at all


I can absolutely adjust, it's more a concern of capturing the amazing feelings...and I think Bungee, working out ( I don't know about boxing ) will do the trick just fine.


and nooo thank you with the pics....I believe you.


Thanks to you all! It's been VERY HELPFUL! BLess you for helping out folks like this. Thanks again, I'd french you all if we weren't in such a homophobic world (frankly I'm not too comfortable with frenching guys myself) thnx!

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I used to worry that I would lose my sense of humor and not enjoy things like movies and baseball games if I wasn't constantly high. What a rush after I adjusted to being my natural self and found out it wasn't so!


Don't think I could french a guy without laughing and/or getting a mouthful of my own stomach acid, but here's a quick, macho *hug* (with no eye contact) to wish you luck.

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