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1) Careless

2) Book smart, but completely emotionally unintelligent

3) Selfish, self-centred, self-absorbed - never considers anything beyond what is best for him and doesn't realize it at all!

4) Twists everything around and lies to himself to get through things, then propogates the lie to other people.

5) The biggest hypocrite I've ever met

6) Smoked too much weed

7) Cheater and a liar

8) Snobby

9) Violent when drunk

10) Immature but thinks he is very mature

11) Does not realize or appreciate how easy he has had things in life from a family/financial opportunity standpoint, thinks everything should be handed to him on a silver platter and life should be a cakewalk

12) Refusal to do any kind of work on relationships if it might cause any pain or serious discussion or will be inconvenient for him.

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