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Anyone else's EX call today...

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what an empty gesture! just shows that there are lots of people out there who just go thru the motions for things like holidays etc., without really thinking about the effect of their behavior on other people... its almost cruel to send a happy valentine's day to an ex when you know they are hurting... should just reinforce that they are better off gone to be that insensitive... all words, no consideration...

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I agree with beStronbehappy...my gf broke with me 3 n a half weeks ago..we had LC, though i never called or initiated...

My ex came on Msn to wish me Happy Valentine day!! to which i said, today doesnt hold any importance to me, it was same yesterday , day before yesterday and 3.5 weeks ago.

to which she said, so wht if we r not together or not...

alteast today i dnt say such a thing... Lame i knw...

I was genuine enuf to show my feelings that we can either continue with wht we had or i wud appreciate if we cut all the contacts...

she was like i knw u dnt want to be friends with me (i mentioned abt the same feelings b4 y we cant be friends).

and she said You can I cant be urs...

but we are acquaintance, and jst to ignore or forget that, she cant do that...

I knw it cant sound more lame than this and at the same time hurting....

guess that was my part of the story today...

still hurt...all you ppl out thr be Strong, we all can do it, we all deserve som1 better who cares for our emotions and feelings...

Happy valentine Day to all in Love, to all the sad souls out there including me, to all those ppl who wanted to be with each other but situation didnt let them...

good night every 1.

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Resi: Maybe they shouldn't. ;-) Maybe we are better off. Besides, what would we say? "Oh, hey, so I am your Valentine now? No? Oh, OK, I must have misread a signal or something. What, you mean I don't have your heart? Oh, that is ok, I will take the crumbs. That is all I am worth anyway."


Paco: Yeah, she called. I knew she would. The more I read what Blender posts, the more I believe it is all about the EX. If she cared, she would leave me alone.

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all it is anyway is a commercial holidays... to make single people feel guilty because they have nobody to spend money on


Totally agree it's a commercial holiday.......rather stupid in my opinion..

But i don't think it's to make single people feel guilty.(i hope not anyways )...I think it's just to make money off of everyone.....i've been buying for my parents & friends.

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Resi: Maybe they shouldn't. ;-) Maybe we are better off. Besides, what would we say? "Oh, hey, so I am your Valentine now? No? Oh, OK, I must have misread a signal or something. What, you mean I don't have your heart? Oh, that is ok, I will take the crumbs. That is all I am worth anyway."


Paco: Yeah, she called. I knew she would. The more I read what Blender posts, the more I believe it is all about the EX. If she cared, she would leave me alone.


man, that's lame-status. it is true, that it isn't about you. it's about them, which is very bizarre, even twisted, if they are someone else. I don't get it, and I think it's best not to care. maybe they feel guilt, or they feel pity for you (us,) who knows, but it is lame, and selfish. I have not gotten a call. I doubt I will, and that will be just fine with me. I don't want to hear from her.

You're right, if she felt so bad about hurting you like she did, she'd be ashamed to show her face to you, and to have you hear the sound of her voice. Some people...

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That is the worst thing I have heard so far. I would have texted back and told him where he can take his crazyness. Wow some people just dont think.


For me I called not to wish a happy valentines but to make sure he was ok in the ice and snow. All I got in return was an 'I am to busy to talk right now' and so far no answer back after 5 hours. Guess I can stop waiting, obviously he does not care enough to call me back.


I have tried NC I got as far as four days before he called me. Always making excuses to talk to me, but of course if I call him it is a different story.


I am becoming angry and bitter. This sucks.

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StrongGirl: Yes it does suck, but, ...angriness and bitterness WILL get you started thinking. See, that is all we need. Little seeds to get us thinking. Sure, I, like you, know her and would like to have it like it was...but for WHAT?


So, now, even though we feel all back and forth and not sure what to expect, we have those little seeds that will grow into total self realiance and the ability to deal with stuff like this in the future.

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need2beme, it's not that she "doesn't care", it's more that she doesn't know how to the way you do.. she speaks a whole different emotional language than you, and at first that "difference" is sometimes what 'intitially attracts us to falling in love" with someone, we feel "needed" and "important" in helping the "other person" feel good, be loved, yet this type of "love" is only a temporary distraction from our own deeper issues, and all of the sudden the relationship is not working out how we "hoped, planned, expected" it to..


because if we go into it feeling like "now I'm happy because of you"... and we think we are "attaining" happiness through another instead of "sharing" our own happiness..then it's like building a house on 'quicksand" the locations may seem great, but the foundation is weak....


because you need two complete pilars (individuals) to hold it up, not one weak, one rescurer, or one unstable and one stable, or one giving and one taking, or whatever combination at the time was so tempting, seemed so "real, mature and loving".. instead a healthy long lasting relationship grow out of: "I'm choosing to be in your life because we share the same values, and I want you because I love you, and NOT I love you because I need you or you need me to feel "happy". We've all been there... and it's a pattern we all repeat all too often...

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Nope, mine didnt try to contact me today, but I did run into him on campus today and he was all smiles and looked really excited to see me. I on the other hand, was not so happy that the Fates picked today of all days to be the first time in 2 months that we see each other (isnt that always the way it goes??) One of our mutual friends told me today that he asked my ex how his valentine's day was, and he told my friend that his was going "sub-par" and to "guess who he ran into on campus today, of all days" (me). Apparently he isn't too happy about being single, but who's fault is that huh?? (he broke things off with me). Perhaps he is starting to realize that the grass isn't always greener.

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My ex, who hasn't dated anyone since we ended our FWB (friends w/benefits) yr long situation @ 2yrs ago, called me 3x today. We usually do talk 1-3x per day every day, so it is normal for her to call me. I also let her initiate alot of the calls since i was majorly dumped. I did not bring up V Day in any manner and neither did she. She is very emotionally blunted, whereas I'm a more openly affectionate & verbal person.


Last yr she said Happy V Day on the phone and I said it back to her. This yr, nothing. And although I was a little down, I knew to expect it 'cause it's been like this for 3 yrs now!


I think I handled myself appropriately. No biggie. There will be bigger fish to fry in life.

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Well just when I thought she for sure wasnt going to. She did. About 2 months to the day we last spoke. She contacted me with a useless question about if my sister had gotten into college.


I didnt expect it, but deep down I had a feeling she would. I dont get why, I dont think I should try to understand why. Its just funny that I felt like it was going to happen today.


It was a tough day for me because I remembered a year ago and how great it was. It was tough and I was pretty upset for a little while, her contacting me took me by surprise though.

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