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the 1st kiss is the most important, right?

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They say that 8 out of 10 women relate how the rest of the relationship is going to turn out based on the first kiss. I read this really great article a few months ago about how to make the first kiss perfect. I forgot how it went though.


What is a perfect kiss? What would make that kiss soooo special that you wouldn't forget it for the rest of your life? What are your guys thoughts?

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I think that is complete and utter The first time I kissed my girlfriend we totally missed each other's lips. I ended up on her eye and she ended up on my chin. We were both embarrased. It was okay, so we tried again. Second kiss was decent. At least we found each other. Third kiss she gave me some tongue, which I wasn't expecting so I had to stop it. We agreed to have tongue and worked from there. We spent a good two hours making out and by the end we were pretty good at it. A week later we started having sex and we're still together, kissing and having sex regularly.


The first kiss is just for experience. It really depends on the woman, but if she's good she'll know that it's only a warm up.

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Well, speaking from a female perspective - yes, the first kiss is important. Of course, if I like a guy I will not decide against dating him because of a mediocre first kiss, but when that first kiss, that first touch of your lips is nice, it does actually mean a lot. The guy I am dating now actually gave me the best first kiss I ever had and I will not be forgetting that in a long time. So, yes, it is important, but should not be taken as a means to judge how the rest of the relationship will go. Us girls appreciate nice kisses as they mean a lot to us, and if a guy knows how to do it, it makes us think he is more in tune with us.

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Not to get off topic, but out of everyone I know of, young and old, I'm the coolest with my mortality. I treat every day and every connection I make as if it's my last. It's a great way to live.


But to be back on topic, I really want to kiss my wife-whoever she's going to be- on her dying breath. I think that would be the best way to go out. That, I believe, is going to be the most important kiss of my life.

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I really don't agree with that. My first kiss was great but it never turned to a relationship. My current relationship (the best ever) started with a lot of clumsiness because I was his first (he's 31). Now I never want to be kissed by anyone else



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For me it's not about the technique - sometimes the first kiss tells me whether I am attracted. The "bad" first kisses I've had were bad because i realized I wasn't attracted at all to the person. As far as the article of course I'd want to know how old these women were, how many relationships they'd had, how many women were surveyed, etc - most of those surveys are completely irrelevant.

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It depends on the person, My first kiss ever I was 21 years old and the girl was sitting there staring at me and then she said "Cid are you ever going to kiss me?" I sat there for a sec and then I kissed her. I will always remember that kiss. He he.

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Kisses can be awkward and clumsy until you get past the first few. Sometims they're great, sometimes you can't figure out which way to tilt your head and a nose collision happens.


My first kiss was actually on her forehead but it was meaningful to both of us. Not sure if that qualifies as the real first kiss for some, but it did for me.


I wonder if the first real hug can be just as good an indicator. I know with my SO that was the clincher for her. She knew from the hug that it was right. If you hug and feel wamr and close then it's great. If it feels like you're hugging a family member ... then perhaps not!

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psh the first kiss is not the most important. if you really like the person and he or she doesn't know how to kiss right away it doesn't mean that the relationship can't possibly work because that first kiss wasn't great. being able to laugh about it and try again is how you can tell if the relationship will last.

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