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Appearance-related question

Kevin T

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umm what the heck are you talking about????????? you COMPLETELY misinterpreted what I said. I use looks & brains to get my way but looks is something you don't even contemplate. I don't get my way because I bribe any person in authority with sexual offers or anything that would jeopardize my integrity. I value my integrity and am an ethical person. I am also a negotiator & mediator, however, and know *subconsciously* that people who are goodlooking haev an easier time getting their way. It doesn't even have to be related to looks -- if someone is attracted to your personality or simply likes your personality it also makes it easier to get your way, or improve yoru odds at something. That's not illegal just as how being physically attractive isn't either. It just makes things easier for you.


Yeah, not trying to pull this way off topic, but she's right. You don't have to bribe or do sexual favors, but... it is sad in this world that it in some sense works, that it does get you ahead in some areas to look better. One of my part time jobs...you HAVE to look good to get the job, or you won't get it. It's just a bunch of teenagers at a clothing store, but I've seen the manager's interviewing papers...and it'll say straight out "this girl is cute(hire her), this guy is not(dont hire him), this girl is alright(make her work in the back room). So...I know it's sad, but that's how it is. And no this stuff isn't on the official interview forms as if it's a requirement, but the managers do take notice and write it down on separate pages.

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But what happens when you grow old?


Let me hope I'll age gracefully, haha.


You can still be a knock-out at 60, you just have too take care of yourself.


My grandma's living proof she's almost 70 and looks like a bomshell when she get's her hair done, dolls up a bit.


Age is nothing but a number; anyone can be a knock-out at any age...it's a matter of taking pride in one's image and keeping it up over the years!

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A) I couldn't really care less what I looked like if the girl of my dreams was interested in me. As someone who isn't especially good looking AND doesn't have a girlfriend I can say I sooner have the latter than the former... after all, the only reason I would want to be good looking would be to increase my chances of finding a girlfriend.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd rather be ugly.


I mean, I don't think i'm the most attractive person in the world but i'm very cute and adorable. o^_^o


Recently I dated a guy for about a month..he was the man of my dreams, really he was. We got along well and he looked like..what I always dreamed of. Plus he had alot of land and I love open land. I want a farm.


But recentlly.. maybe B.. because i'm single and i'm getting alot of attention from alot of guys. And because of where I work i'v been losing weight and I must say I am becoming more attractive..so maybe i'd rather be pretty and single.


I think what most people want is to be inbetween... and happy. Thats what I want.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would definitely go with A. Most people will eventually want somebody to love, so why would you give that up if you have it? Think about Shallow Hal and the Wonder Woman question. If you were dating Wonder Woman, and you thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world and she made you completely happy, but no one else saw this, would you dump her?

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What if I added on the stipulation that you must remain single? (Ah, but I couldn't. We all know there's more of a chance of a good looking person finding a good mate than an ugly one, don't we?)


MUCH rather A... Looks arent anything to be proud of... people lean to heavily on them, what do you do to deserve them?? nada...

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Well, K-dog, I think I'd go with A too. I don't think A is possible in this world though. Looks are only useful for initial attraction, but when it comes down to it Father Time can stain even the most beautiful. Those who cling to looks are those who have NOTHING else to cling to.


Kevin, your posts scare me sometimes because you think exactly like me.

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People want good looks because they know it'll attract good looking people to them; and, hopefully, their dream girl will come along one day because of the good looks. But, in your example, the only way to meet this dream girl is to be 'ugly'? Of course I'd rather be 'ugly' and have my dream girl. If I had my 'dream girl' then why would I really care about my looks from then on? I'd have her for life, no other woman would even enter my mind, in me wanting to attract her physically.


But, beauty is in the eye of the beholder... remember.


And the issue would be for most: "What do others think of my 'ugliness' ?"


It'd be a big psychological issue for most that pick to be ugly yet have their dream girl (or guy, if you're female), because they'd be self conscious about others looking at them with disgust, minus their dream girl. They'd have to overcome that! And if they did, they'd be much stronger as a person because of it. Even stronger than a good looking person.


When you win a hard battle, you're stronger because of it. When you're freely given what the other fights or works hard for, you'll most likely become spoiled, and take it for granted.


This is why you'll usually see really "hot" people act mean, snobbish, cocky and/or heartless. They've become this way because they're spoiled by what they merely got lucky in recieving: Born into a rich family; or they got the 'good genes', like a Brad Pitt or Jennifer Aniston look alike. And thus all the guys or girls run to them, not them working their way up to the guys or girls.


Not saying "hot" people are always like this, but from my experience, more times than not, they are.


If comparing, I'd consider myself average looking; but if I had to trade this to be "hot" yet spoiled, cocky, heartless, and take everything for granted? No thanks. I'll remain average, without a doubt.

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B. just because you are sinlge and good looking doesn't mean you find a special someone. i am B right now anyways and it's great. i have many potential women i could settle with. but most women are crazy, so i must be cautious.



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