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Top University in the Nation....or....my Boyfriend?

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I'm a little confused. First off, early admission at Cornell is binding...so you have to go if you get in although I'm not sure what the consequences are if you don't go. Also, why did you mention the med school thing...aren't you considering going there for undergrad, not med school?


Anyway, I think you should go to whatever school you feel is the best fit for you. If a guy is worth it, he'll understand and try to make the relationship work. Even with all the work in the world, it might not work out. But the thing is, it might not work out even without the long distance factor...a relationship is never a sure thing. I think you should go where you want to go and not consider the relationship when deciding.

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Do you have a wedding ring on your finger? No? Go.

Boyfriend should wait if he is serious. You have too much going for you, girl!


Well put! The advice I give to married couples (especially with kids) is to sort it out and stick with it if you can. The advice I give to young non-committeds is that you should put career first and you shouldn't stay in a relationship with too many problems.

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I was reading this thread yesterday and then last night I was talking to my boyfriend and found that I may have the same problem as you, just not as far away. We were both planning on going to the same college, I've had my mind set on going there for a couple years and now have a full ride scholorship there. He told me last night that now he's not so sure and is applying at a college that is 3 hours from the other one. I realized that I shouldn't even think about all of this right now, or at least until he decides. There is no way I will go to a different college...I almost feel like I am being selfish but my dreams and goals depend on me going to this school.


So, in conclusion, go for your career...go for you. There is no way of knowing if you guys will stay together. And if you give up this opportunity to go to Cornell and then you break up...will you not regret it?

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From a cynical oldie, I can say that when you're in love in your teens and 20s, you really believe that the partner you're with is the only one for you in the whole wide world. The harsh reality is less romantic. Most relationships that start when the younger partner is under 25 don't last. Secondly, there are probably hundreds or thousands of potential partners in the world, so if your relationship ends, you can always replace it with a new one. Indeed, I can also say that not being in a relationship is better than being in a bad one.

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Please go. Please.


Yes you might always wonder about being married to him, but if he's so great he will support you in this. The person who loves you purely does not seek to limit you in such major ways.


Think of how you would wonder about things if you didn't go to Cornell for the boyfriend? What if you break up next year - will you regret not going? How much will you punish yourself?


Even if you did marry him - we are talking a lifetime of resentment here.


Life is too short - make the choice for yourself and your future as an independent woman now, and the rest will fall into place for you, I guarantee it.

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GO TO YOUR DREAM UNIVERSITY, don't give it up for your high school relationship. Trust me, there are soo many guys out there. If you and your bf break up, you'd be so unhappy about your choice to stay with him. It's very diferent when both of you go to uni, you may meet new people etc..


Career first..you are blessed to have such an opportunity! take it, also talk to your parents about it as well.


If I were you, i'd move to new york and do what you always wanted to do. If you guys are meant to be, then the relationship will work. But you do need to thikn about your future and to have such an opportunity..well..plz go take it.

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  • 1 month later...
Hey All!


Just An Update! I Really Thought Long And Hard About This. And I Broke Up With My Boyfriend And I'm Moving To New York To Pursue My Education And Career.


I think you made a great choice (frankly it would have been insane of you not to go). How did he take the news though? Hopefully you were able to soften the blow a bit and tell him how it was the opportunity of a life time that couldn't be passed up.


Anyways, congrats

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I think you made a great choice (frankly it would have been insane of you not to go). How did he take the news though? Hopefully you were able to soften the blow a bit and tell him how it was the opportunity of a life time that couldn't be passed up.


Anyways, congrats


It was hard...of course we're both hurt, but I needed to do this and although of course he wanted me to go local, but he respects me decision...and he's hurt, definitely, but I think I'm gonna try the no connection...I mean I also think that this is good for us because we've been dating for so long, we need to see each other especially at this point in out lives...I think this was good for us because we thought about marriage and stuff already and...yeah

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well ashley i n my opinion i think u should go to university and goon eith ur life. well then thers ur bf and well of course like u said u dont want to leave him will. if it is really love he will stick by u no matter waht, he will stay in touch and no matter ho w faar u guys are u will have that commuication and that closeness,

I dated this biy for some time then he got locked up for something he didnt do and we were still in communication and then when he came bac we were still bf and gf sso it was that unbreakable bond that we hed that couldnt b broken. well i hope this all helps and good luck in university, I am a senior also and recently got accepted to central state university in connecticut, new britain so education is a must in this world. well gud luck ash

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it just cracks me up that people are saying things about a ring on your finger, or that it is immature or statistically. All this has nothing to do with that.


All you are asking is PERMISSION to do the right thing. You are definitely not a ignorant person or uneducated. You already know what you have to do.

We are not here to give YOU permission as you already KNOW what the RIGHT answer is.


If you cant figure this out, should you really go the med school? You will be faced with much harder situation then this.



Your dream.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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