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Ok, when I was 13 (2001), I went to stay at my uncle's house in upstate Illinois, because my gramma was dying of cancer. My mom was always at the hospital, and my brother and cousin were always playing monopoly. I hung out with their dog outside. I walked accross to the other end of their feild and was playing on the trampoline. I heard a couple boys screaming. I was a little punk back then, so I yealled, shutup you idiots. They yelled back, and walked over accross the feild. It was the Arrends boys. 2-13 year-old identical twins, Brad and Donnie, and their little brother, Kyle. Donne was hilrious, but Brad was amazing. He was fun, cool, tough, and extremely good looking (tan, blond, beautiful blue eyes). We instantly hit it off. All three of them and my brother and cousing and me all hung out all day for the entire week. I then returned to Texas. 2 months later, my father killed himself. Obviously, I was completely empty and lost, and in so much pain I felt numb. One month after that, it was Thanksgiving, and we went up to my uncle's house again (he's my mom's older brother). The entire family was over, so no one noticed I sneaked out to hang out with the same dog. Then Brad saw me, and came over and we talked. I told him my dad died, and he told me his sister had died a couple years ago. We talked aout how different our parents were after losing someone, and how scary it was to be so depressed. We were young, but I really felt a connection with him. One day, he came over to lay monopoly, and I went into the attic to get a board game. He came up after me, and I had my first kiss. He used his tngue, and it was so cool, we kept sneaking off throughout the 4 days I was intown, and kissing everywhere. I liked it when he would rub his feet against my legs whenever we sat at a table. The day before I was leving, he asked my to be his girlfriend. I cried on the plane going home. We chatted online a couple times, but we haven't spoken in 4.5 years. Whenever I see my cousin (who goes to high school with them), she says Brad still asks about me.


Here's the problem-I'm going back up to my uncle's house for the first time since those many years ago in 1.5 weeks. A couple days ago, my mom said, "I don't care if you see those friends of yours, but don't go to their house, Ashley (my cousin) sid their mom is weird." I quickly replied, "I'm not going there to see them, I wanna see Uncle David (which is true). However, the closer it gets to us going, the more I keep thinking about Brad. Does he have a girlfriend? (I have NEVER had a boyfriend). I'm 18 now, and I know I sound like a pathetic weirdo, but I still get goosebumps when I think of him. Deep dwn (and I mean deeeeep) I think I always kind of thught we might be soulmates. (does that sound dorky?) I now it was just puppy love, but no one has ever made me feel the way he did. have never been as attracted to anyone as I was to him.


Should I avoid him while I'm there, if I see him, should I keep it just as friends? What if he thinks I'm ugly? Has anyone else ever felt this way? I have never written or spoken of this, no one knows about our kissing-NO ONE!!!!


I have goosebumps and chills just typing and reliving it. PLease help- I literally have no one to talk to about this.

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You made a connection and it's a shame that you didn't keep in contact via e-mail or phone. He may have a girlfriend and/or the spark between you may no longer be there but I'm sure you'll be more than welcome.


Don't get your hopes up too much, though, and don't hold him up as some sort of ideal that any potential future boyfriend has to look up to.


If he's unattached and the spark is still there, then exchange contact details, keep in touch, and how do you feel about having an old male bridesmaid?

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it sounds like you made an amazing impression on each other and that he was a support allowing you an opportunity to talk about the difficult death of your father. It doesnt at all sound silly that you would still think about him - that the thought of him still gives you goosebumps i think you should contact him when you go to your uncles house - yes, you run the risk of disappointment, he may have a girlfriend, he may be busy or having a lot going on but i think you would regret it more if you let an opportunity go. embrace the intensity of your feelings for him and give it a shot but exactly as the others said - be aware that this might not have a fairytale ending. either way i dont think you have much to lose as he is just an amazing memory right now, not a permanent friend......go for it and even if nothing comes of it you'll know you tried.


Good luck - i love this story and i genuinely hope whatever the outcome of this that happy things come for you, x

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I agree with the others, it will be interesting for you to look up someone who meant so much to you at an important time in your life.


The one thing I would caution you about...and the other posters are basically saying the same...is to be realistic about this. You've idealized this person for a long time, but after all, he's just a regular person like everyone else. A lot may have changed. Definitely go into this with friendly intentions only for the time being.

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