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Would You Date Outside Your Race?


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Cool post Grokker

I like the multichoice... it makes it very simple to see where people generally stand on this issue, rather than reading through mounds of text if I don't really feel like it.


I'm B.

I'm a white NZ European male. I was never really interested in people of different origins, not for any specific reason, other than I didn't think I'd find a good long term match in someone from a different background. Anyway, by chance, the last girl I ended up going out with an was an asian girl. Now I'm pretty much only interested in asian girls


I can't help it lol.

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I have dated men of most ethnicities and colors, but I have to say the ones who did not have a similair ethnic history to me were the men that I was the least attracted to but began dating because I liked them as a person, looking back, they should've just been friends.


I find most healthy, youngish white men attractive, but I only find people of most other ethnicities attractive if they are in the top 95% of attractiveness.


I do not think this makes me racist, I do not see a person of different ethnicity and think, oh their skin is this color they are *insert negative word* in any way shape or form, but for a person of a different ethnicity to catch my eye, they have to be very attractive. LOL - and I don't date very attractive people due to my looks and predjudices/esteems issues that I have.

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I'm an A. I'm latina, and my b/f is African American. All of my past relationships have been with white men. My b/f is better to me then anyone else has ever been. I don't consider race and issue when it comes to what I find attractive in a man. I do however insist on him being a Christian.

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well, i guess i'm more of a ( b-c ) not because i won't go out another race, it's just i feel it's easier when dealing with issues such as upbring, religon, etc.


i mean, in the end of the day, you can't help who you fall in love with, but looking at my current trend i generally fall for males of the same race as myself.

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I don't even know why this is up for debate...anyone who says that they have an ethnic preference, to me, when boiled down will show themselves as being racist.


And I suppose people who will only date people of one sex are sexist? One cannot help who they find attractive and who they don't. I'm going with B, certain ethnicities I am more attracted to than others, and unusually these ethnicities are not my own.

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I'll date any race. Hispanic and black women are the least attractive to me.

I don't find black skin tones to be attractive, and with either of them I tend to have little in common.


And although I might partake myself someday, I must condemn interracial marriage as being totally wrong. Way to kill gene pool variation!

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I'll date any race. Hispanic and black women are the least attractive to me.

I don't find black skin tones to be attractive, and with either of them I tend to have little in common.


And although I might partake myself someday, I must condemn interracial marriage as being totally wrong. Way to kill gene pool variation!


And gene pool variation is more important than not condemning people's marriages based on their races why?

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My answer:

B) I am usually attracted to people of certain ethnic backgrounds/ races/ national origins, more so than others. However, it's by no means a deal-breaker, and it's not rare for me to make exceptions.


Probably due to my fetish for 1stwordlers and foreigns languages.


Not that I've ever dated foreigners, but I find it waaaaaay more appealing.

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Well I used to be 'B' but now its an 'A'. Its much better to think outside the box. I also got tired of Indian girls/parents having such high expections from me!


There's that saying 'love see no colour', and remember "I can be I, you can be you, together we can be us" irrespective of race.

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Personally I'm an A. I haven't dated many people from different ethnicities but I have been attracted to them.


My boyfriend on the other hand I have just found out is not. He told me that he prefers white women and we got into a huge argument about it anyways that's not the point.


Lastly my best friend is milano. She ONLY dates white men. I don't know where that falls on your poll thing.

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I'll date any race. Hispanic and black women are the least attractive to me.

I don't find black skin tones to be attractive, and with either of them I tend to have little in common.


And although I might partake myself someday, I must condemn interracial marriage as being totally wrong. Way to kill gene pool variation!



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A. I'm attracted to a boy with a different race in my American Lit. class. He has a cute dimply smile, wide and big eyes and long, straight eyebrows that make him look really deep. He also wears a cross everyday and I think that immediately tells you about his character, or that he has morals (unless it's just for show)

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B, for sure. I'm attracted to people of all races, but I can see myself attracted to some races more than others. I find Europeans way more attractive than most U.S. men; however, I've actually only dated 2 Europeans (the rest were white, with a few black). So, I'm very open-minded about it and race is never a dealbreaker, although I do have a tendency towards certain races.

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why are you asking this question? do you need reassurance in some decision you are making in your own life?


everyone dates someone they are comfortable with and attracted to.. there are so many other issues that factor into that other than race, so i wonder why you are asking this?


you could just as well be asking, do you want to date short people, or tall people, or thin people, or fat people, or blonde people, or redheads or.......???


attraction is a personal thing, and there are ALWAYS exceptions to every rule... and some people automatically exclude all kinds of people, for all kinds of reasons, for some preference/dislike of their own...

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Unfortunately some people allow their preferences to be dictated by pop culture. There are lots of stereotypes about certain races and cultures and it's very unfair to reject all these people because of something seen on TV or read in the newspaper. I respect the fact that some people are just not physically/sexually attracted to some races and that can't be changed. But if they have a psychological hangup dictating that decision, then I would welcome an opportunity to change that perception.

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Originally Posted by Hangin10

I'll date any race. Hispanic and black women are the least attractive to me.

I don't find black skin tones to be attractive, and with either of them I tend to have little in common.


And although I might partake myself someday, I must condemn interracial marriage as being totally wrong. Way to kill gene pool variation!


Now that was really ignorant...


Furthermore, scientifically, interracial offspring vary the gene pool...


I also believe that the individuals who choose to date exclusively within their own "race"(we are all the human race) are racist to a certain degree. Maybe you haven't had the oppurtunity to meet different people but to say, "I would never date out of my race because I find everyone else unattractive" is racist. It may not be overtly so, but it is...


Each group has, atleast, a billion members within its collective...So out of all those billions you cannot see beauty in even ONE?


That sounds racist to me.

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