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Sandy~I hope not. I have many a realtionship in my 40 years, but I have only

loved this deep twice (the first was right out of High School) My ex and I

sadly cannot be together, it does not work. Still, I love her from the deepest reaches of my soul. I'm glad I have this place and you friends, because here, I know I really don't have to explain that, you already know. I am just beginning to deal with the fact the she moved away to the beach. I am just now realizing it actaully helps me that she is not here. NC is better for me, so I hope you are not right Sandy.

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Lone: Hope I'm not right too, but it sure sounds like she has big, BIG regrets, and yes I know what you mean about the love thing. The ex was actually someone I thought for sure I was going to grow old with, and be like those happy old couples you sometimes see, holding hands...... I still get a tear in my eye when I think about that part of things....... but it wasn't meant to be either......

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I’m not going to lie, reading the txt conversation you had with your ex last night made me cringe a little.


For whatever reason, as I read the chatter, I put myself in your place, and pictured your ex as mine. (I don’t know why)


I guess all of our situations are different in some way; the common factor is that they end all in the same way – which is.. well you know.


I guess what I’m trying to say is, I don’t think I would get the same response from my wife as you did.. seeing that sure doe’s urge me to give it a shot, but I won’t.


The fact that you didn’t respond to the last question or comment as it was, shows your strength, and gives me strength.


Truth is, in some way, I have a feeling all of our ex’s in some way are thinking exactly the same thing you ex reveled last night. Which to me is a good feeling.


I know the urge for me to respond to that end comment would have been HUGE. I’m not even sure if I would be able to hold out. I’m glad you did.


Anyway, I don’t know if anything I wrote makes sense .. bottom line LONE. Good job.



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Hey John, I know what you're saying - I'm sure all of our ex's have regrets etc - how could they not, we're all wonderful, loving people. How could they not miss us?


The thing is to not bow to the slight comfort that can give you as that can set you back. It's best to look it at in a sense that the ex had the greatest person they will ever have and they threw that person away - more fool them.

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I'm not sure what she is feeling Sandy, I'm trying not to think about it too much, you know? Besides, how much does it really matter, right?

She has to work out her life (that part is very hard for me. My nature is to want to take care of her) and I have to work out mine. My heart is not ready to deal with much more than getting through each day the best I can.


John it made me cringe too. It really wasn't as hard not to respond that last time as maybe it should have been (?) What more was there to say that would have changed anything? We are two different people she and I.

Love~even OUR love wasn't enough.


Thanks all of you for being there for me! You are the best!

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You just said it the best Lone..... congrats I'd say your moving on, and in a positive way too, I also have my moments of horrible sadness, but they are much less than before, and I know for sure that wouldn't be the case, if I had not had all of you here to listen to me rant, feel sorry for myself etc.... so I thank you all sooo much.


May we all continue to improve!!!!

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Oh yes, I meant to comment to John on this as well. I agree. I think all of us here on this page (and I really really do mean this) Have ex's with regrets. We are really a bunch of great people~yes everyone's situation is different, but the thing is...we were all in for the long haul..we loved them~THEIR LOSS and

eventually, I think they will ALL figure that out. The thing is by the time they do, I hope we are all healed, whatever that means for the decisons we make

for our lives at the point.

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The thing is by the time they do, I hope we are all healed,


Yes, you’re right. That is a goal. Almost seems like a race against the clock. However, if im faced with it. I will lean on my support system (which I’m grateful for)


I have to say LONE, with the deepest sincerity, I believe that last night, you passed a major milestone in your healing process. I couldn’t be happier for you.



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John, I'm sorry to say yes, it seems to be true. You make look on the

geief and bereavement thread. Desert let me know to go and look there.


William posed here on DIG, to you John I think. He was going through allot, as

we all are. I was looking forward to seeing him progress and heal. He seemed like a good guy. I will be praying for his family.

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Yes it is Sandy.


I need some cheery news~where Z (sleepin it off lol j/k Z!) he's usually

pretty good for a chuckle or two...


Desert, bust out the cat, let play catch. Oh I know, put him in a cat carrier and send him to me on a plane. I'll pet him and put on plane to John,

John can send him to Sandy, Sandy to Kelo, Kelo to DYT, Camber...you get the idea. The cat will rack up on the frequent flyer miles.

Can't send him to Beebee though, unless you don't want him back! lol

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