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Sex and Anal..

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Well, to make a long story short.. I have been with two people my whole life, for some reason I have to be emotionally connected with someone before I can by physically, yea I know probably something wrong with me. (I'm 23). Both were long term relationships, 1.5 years, and 4ish years. But I always wanted to try anal and I did eventually with my past GF. She said she would try.. and did, and I got hooked. We probably only did it 10times in the course of 5 months or so, but I was hooked from the start.


Not sure what it is about it, but I enjoy it more than vaginal. I just fear I'll never be able to find another girl who will tolerate it lol. Took a lot for us to try it, but I was wondering how the gals on here felt about it?

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Well, I don't think it matters what people here think, as it would not help you in the girl you may meet, right?


Anyway, I think you will find some have tried and don't like it, some have tried and do enjoy it, some do not want to try it and won't.....


I think that it is something you just have to approach when it is time, and discuss with your partner that you really do enjoy it and would like to share it with her...if she agrees, then remember to be patient at first and all the other usual precautions. If she is opposed, do not force her hand....decide how important it is to you, and if it is THAT important, well, decide if you are willing to give up a relationship that is otherwise great because of it...only you can know that.

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If you aren't careful, you will turn them off to the idea entirely. It can take a very long time with slow and steady progress. However, I have run accross very few girls where it is totally off-limits.


As long as it isn't the focus, I think you won't have a problem. But, don't get hungup on it... I mean... there's so many things to do, why focus all your attention on one thing.

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I don't know many women who are or would be for anal sex. Most view it as an exit and not an entrance. I'm sure it would be painful.


I wouldn't agree. Maybe the girls you know are too shy to admit that they like it.


I don't think you have to give up on the idea altogether. Usually women open up to the idea of anal as they get older, more adventurous, and more comfortable with their bodies. The reality is that it feels amazing and you can have the most incredible orgasms this way.


If you want to warm your girl up to the idea, you could start with just a finger. If she won't accept that, then good luck getting her to accept the whole thing! And when she is finally willing to try it, you should know what you are doing. Otherwise it can hurt and she'll never want to try again.

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I disagree that it is hard to find women whom enjoy it.... would say that many do, at least as they maybe start exploring other forms of intimacy with trusted partners. It's not something most people will sit around discussing openly, but you would be surprised how many women do enjoy it once you did have those conversations!


Once you get over that fear of it, and have a patient, understanding and trusted partner to explore it with, it really can be extremely pleasurable, and is as much desired by the woman as the man!

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I disagree that it is hard to find women whom enjoy it.... would say that many do, at least as they maybe start exploring other forms of intimacy with trusted partners. It's not something most people will sit around discussing openly, but you would be surprised how many women do enjoy it once you did have those conversations!


Once you get over that fear of it, and have a patient, understanding and trusted partner to explore it with, it really can be extremely pleasurable, and is as much desired by the woman as the man!




I agree, any girl I talk to that im friends with wont admit it, but i know some girls enjoy it. My ex and I did it several times, but I wouldn't tell any of my buddies or anything, I'm not sure if she was ashamed but we didn't really talk about it out of the "heat of the moment". IF you know what I mean.

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Here is a good example. I hated anal sex. Now I love it. It was sprung on me once in my 20s and I was so turned off, I would not try it again. My current boyfriend tried it once and I opened my mind to it. Now, I love it. I choose it when I'm on my period.


If you approach her with it and tell her how you are going to go very very slow with lots of lubrication and clitoral stimulation, it will make her feel more comfortable. If I stimulate my clitoris during entry, it makes it much easier. Once it is going, my climax are 10% more powerful than vaginal. made me sorry I closed my mind to it for all those years.

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scared of it

We almost did once, by ACCIDENT. It hurt soooooooooooooooooooooo bad. And he's very well endowed, so maybe thats why.

Sometimes in the heat of the moment I think maybe we could try it, but then I come my senses.


Anal feels great once u get used to it, but thats a common prob, girls dont wanna get used to it. You also have to use thick lube, like anal ease (or crisco). IF you follow all the safty rules it can be quite fun. I have never found it necessary to clean her out before hand either.

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Anal sex is an acquired taste I think (bad choice of words, I know). Anyhow I have tried it a couple of times in the past, and I thought it was just okay, who knows perhaps that sentiment will change. Hell just last month I rediscovered that I enjoy getting eaten out.


Long story short, people are kinky.

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Well, to make a long story short.. I have been with two people my whole life, for some reason I have to be emotionally connected with someone before I can by physically, yea I know probably something wrong with me. (I'm 23). Both were long term relationships, 1.5 years, and 4ish years. But I always wanted to try anal and I did eventually with my past GF. She said she would try.. and did, and I got hooked. We probably only did it 10times in the course of 5 months or so, but I was hooked from the start.


Not sure what it is about it, but I enjoy it more than vaginal. I just fear I'll never be able to find another girl who will tolerate it lol. Took a lot for us to try it, but I was wondering how the gals on here felt about it?


Um; why is it that you enjoy it more than vaginal?


Do other men feel the same, after they've been allowed to have anal sex?


That's what I've heard from some male friends before.

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Um; why is it that you enjoy it more than vaginal?


Do other men feel the same, after they've been allowed to have anal sex?


That's what I've heard from some male friends before.



I think this would depend on the girl. Yes, it's tighter back there, however, unless a girl is really experience with it and can do it w/o pain, you always have to maintain a slower, gentler pace. I've done it with my girl a few times, and obviously I have to be gentle with her, which makes it pretty hard to come. It's a nice change of pace, but things can get alot hotter when we can both romp around and go at it as hard as we like.


Anal is a nice way to change things up, but vaginal sex is preffered most of the time.

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Um; why is it that you enjoy it more than vaginal?


Do other men feel the same, after they've been allowed to have anal sex?


That's what I've heard from some male friends before.


Im not sure, I think its the taboo factor, and girls butts are a huge turn on for me. I think it would get old if i did it all the time, but the several times I did it, it was awesome.


I was very gentile with her.. and it took a lot of anal play, etc, to work up to that point.

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Well, to make a long story short.. I have been with two people my whole life, for some reason I have to be emotionally connected with someone before I can by physically, yea I know probably something wrong with me. (I'm 23). Both were long term relationships, 1.5 years, and 4ish years. But I always wanted to try anal and I did eventually with my past GF. She said she would try.. and did, and I got hooked. We probably only did it 10times in the course of 5 months or so, but I was hooked from the start.


Not sure what it is about it, but I enjoy it more than vaginal. I just fear I'll never be able to find another girl who will tolerate it lol. Took a lot for us to try it, but I was wondering how the gals on here felt about it?


you are going to have problems selling this...

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