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Girls don't like boys ?

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Sorry but this just remind me of this song



With money

He's well dressed

Not funny

And not much to say in

Most conversations

But he'll put the bill in

All situations

Cause he pays for everything


Girls don't like boys, girls like cars and money

Boys will laugh at girls when they're not funny



Or plastic

Don't matter

She'll have it


And shopping sprees

These are a few

Of her favorite things

She'll get what she wants

If she's willing to please

His type of girl

Always comes with a fee

Hey, now, there's nothing for free


Girls don't like boys, girls like cars and money

Boys will laugh at girls when they're not funny

And these girls like these boys like these boys like these girls

The girls with the bodies like boys with Ferraris

Girls don't like boys, girls like cars and money


Let's go!

Eh, eh!


Girls don't like boys, girls like cars and money

Boys will laugh at girls when they're not funny

And these girls like these boys like these boys like these girls

The girls with the bodies like boys with Ferraris

Girls don't like boys, girls like cars and money


All of these boys, yeah and all of these girls

Losing their souls in a material world

All of these boys, yeah and all of these girls

Losing their souls in a material world

All of these boys, yeah and all of these girls

Losing their souls in a material world

All of these boys, yeah and all of these girls

Losing their souls in a material world

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Good charlotte....top tune


Shallow women would date men for money. Personally if i was attracted to a guy and we connected and i liked him enough to start a relationship, i wouldnt care what he did for a living or what car he drives!

At the end of the day, I would much rather cuddle up to my hot guy in bed at night rather than a wallet or a chunk of metal lol

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I don't need a man to give me these things, i pay myself.


However - i would never date someone who couldn't afford to pay his own way - simple.


Cars and materialistic things are a sign of how one views one self IMO..


(Sparkle now hiding under her desk for the barrage of abuse she is about to receive for the above message!!)



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Girls LIKE BOYS WITH cars and money. Not like they don't like the guy at all.


I'd prefer a guy to have a car or be able to borrow one as I don't have my license yet and it seems weird to have a parent drop you off on a date.


The money doesn't matter because I don't expect him to pay for me. But on a first date the guy usually does or we go dutch....I've never paid for a guy.


But it's not that simple. If you have a car and money it doesn't automatically mean you can get a girlfriend. Because a girl has to find the guy attractive and he has to fulfill her other requirements. You'd also have to approach the girl and ask her out because the girls don't just come running once you advertise you have a car some spare change to spend. They'd probably think you were desperate.

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I think I had a longwinded post in a similar topic once. lol.


For me personally, I couldn't care less. I come from a family with no money (but enough to live, we just all have to work really hard). My bf has the same background. I like shopping, but I like putting my salary into a savingsaccount even better. Having to live with not so much money can really give you a clear vision on what is worth an investment and what is not. I would never borrow money to have a car. But I did have to borrow money to get the education I needed in order to become a researcher.


One of my exes is now 28/29 and he still lives of the money of his parents. They have plenty and he doesn't know the responsibility and hard work that needs to be there when you have to pay your own rent, tuition, insurance, etc. My current man knows how it is to live with little and that makes him much more suited for me. We have the same ideas of what is worth to spend money on and what is not. Because we always had to choose.



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I don't drive and most of the men I date don't have cars (where I live, none is necessary). The type of car someone drives is mostly irrelevant to me other than I might notice if it is particularly sporty/expensive looking but I don't care. As far as money, I care far (far!) more about whether a man is passionate about his career or profession. There is a lower limit on income/assets beyond which I would have a problem being in a relationship because eventually I want to be able to afford having a family, but that limit is far lower than what I make/have and has nothing to do with wanting a "rich" man.

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I prefer a man who doesn't have a car, but where I live it's more of a burden than an asset. I don't care about a man having money because I have my own. I do, however, want a man who's responsible. My current boyfriend makes much less money than I (and I'm a student), but he is passionate about his art. And I respect him for that.

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Side note...I am SO glad punk is dead! Er...at least not the trend anymore.


But now onto the real post. I don't care about cars since I have my own. It gets me around town and what other use does a car have? So since it's just a means of transportation than the type doesn't matter as long as it is a safe car (no Ford Festivas! LMAO!)! I also have plenty of my own money and will go for someone from relatively the same social class as myself (upper middle class). That really doesn't make me shallow...at all and if people want to think that way then okay. Most people marry and date within their own social class. That's just how it is in most modern countries.


Did you know that men are more romantic than women? Men are more likely to marry women who are attractive and have good personalities. Women are more likely to marry for security and money. I learned that in my sociology book...

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In New York, most people don't have cars, and I would take a cute starving artist over a rich guy any day of the week. It's way more important to be passionate about what you do than passionate about your paycheck.


If material things are indicative of who someone is as a person, I'm in big trouble! I'm a minimalist and believe there is too much junk cluttering up people's lives. The less stuff, the better. And if a guy living outside of New York relied on public transportation to get around, I would have a lot of respect for that. Cars just pollute, and money corrupts.

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I like A boy. When I met him he drove a rusty 1991 Chevy Sprint (which is kinda funny as he is rather tall!)...one on of our earlier dates it died on us while we crossing a main intersection in -30 C weather....so we went home and made grilled cheese instead..hehe. And he was renting a room, paying off big student loans and definitely not rolling in money!


Seriously...having money can make things easier if you use it wisely, but I prefer to make my own, and as for cars...I did without one until actually two months ago as I always commuted by bike if had too....but when I needed one for school that is quite far away to ride year round & daily (I would freeze in the winter before I got there!) and public transport there sucks; well I took that Sprint as my boyfriend had got a newer truck. It's old, and small, and has its issues, but it is extremely good on gas and it gets me there and back.


I think a lot depends how you grew up too, I grew up with little money, and I know how hard my mom worked to take care of us, makes me appreciate it more, but also makes me see how you learn to work with what you have. My boyfriend comes from a farming background, and has similar experiences as I do. I have also seen enough cases where making money does not mean you are GOOD with money or "wealthy" because you have poor habits. It is what you do with it.


I am "wealthy" as there is a lot of love in my life - I have great family, whom is supportive of me, as I am of them, I have opportunity to make choices in my life that many in other places do not (like go to school, work, not be pregnant and married at young ages), I have access to clean water, nutritious food, medical care......that makes me extremely "rich".


On a similar note, I laughed at some of my classmates whom were complaining of the beginning salary for articling students, because it took me 7 years to get there in my old job...and it is still above what the majority of people are able to make when they don't have a good education, or live in a place that allows that chance. A lot of people take so much for granted....not just money, but more so opportunity & health.

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I believe that there are some girls who actively look for guys who have cars and money, now these women may have their own money or they may not. I dont believe that a person financial statement should be a factor to determine if a girl likes him but it would be nieve of me to say that it does not exist. I would say that for most girls cars and money is a bonus.

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Not all girls go for a guy just because he has a car and money.


My boyfriend has no car and doesn't have a permanent job and the prices of food are constantly rising where we are at the moment. I am with him because I love him, not because he has some material thing I want or that he can shower me with material things.

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I take great pride in becoming more and more anti-capitalist, anti-consumerist as I get older.


I love wearing shabby clothes, having no money, wearing the same stuff 3 days straight and living in battered old gymshoes I've had since I was 12. I won't have any makeup or appearance-obssession objects in my end of the house. My jewellery is a rubber band or two on my wrist. My most beloved items are from charity shops, and I look bemused at heavily made up/dressed up people on public transport..there's just so much more to life, innit?


Call me a typical rebel, but I also enjoy walking through massive department stores and saying internally *Look at all this junk I don't want!* like I'm Socrates.


I have a car, an old one that my parents bought me. I didn't ask for it and it's only because I live in the country that one is necessary. The fact that epilepsy means I can't drive right now is verrrry annoying.

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