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"When push came to shove, Hitler crapped his pants and 'ran away'. Some hero, eh."

Look how long he stuck it out for. Everyone's got to admit defeat sooner or later. Weather it be internally, or externally. He decided his time was up. Maybe he thought that if he killed himself, the war would grow stronger because they would avenge his death..


By that time, there was no avenging armies left to avenge his death. He knew he was losing and he could not face defeat so he ran away. So don't confuse him with the TRUE brave. Because the true brave stood against a wall infront of their executioners with their heads held high, something that that weak cowardly man could not face.

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you could have "come out" on a forum filled with like-minded, hateful people. Instead you chose to come to a forum full of open-minded, ethnically diverse, intelligent, socially conscious individuals.


For whatever reasons she posted on this forum, I am glad she did. She actually seems open to talking about this stuff and hearing other opinions, and she's truthfully telling us how she feels.


That's a good start to possibly opening up her mind a bit to at least questioning some of her current beliefs.

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but you could have "come out" on a forum filled with like-minded, hateful people.


Well thank god she diid not do that.


I'm glad she "came out" here and I'm gald she has received such a reasoned response from our members.


heatherMal's thoughts are not uncommon amongst teenagers and one thing I will applaud her for is the fact that she has been honest and open about them.


That to me says she still has an enquiring mind and and may not go down the road she may have had she found a forum full of racial hatred.

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I'm not gonna lie, Scout, I'm not completely sure about the definition of socialism. If I could find a definition of it that made sense in my feeble mind, I could answer you on that one sorry.


Itsallgrand My semi-similar views with Anarchists is that I believe in chaos, no government in the country I chose to live in.

But in my case I'd rather there be some rules, and they apply to people not of that country. Like if I was 100% Canadian, and someone else with me was from another country, I would have the upper hand in everything. So kind of like.. Anarchy for whites? I don't know. it's probably nothing to do with Anarchy, I'm just relating it to it because of what I've been told anarchy was.

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I'm not gonna lie, Scout, I'm not completely sure about the definition of socialism. If I could find a definition of it that made sense in my feeble mind, I could answer you on that one sorry.


Itsallgrand My semi-similar views with Anarchists is that I believe in chaos, no government in the country I chose to live in.

But in my case I'd rather there be some rules, and they apply to people not of that country. Like if I was 100% Canadian, and someone else with me was from another country, I would have the upper hand in everything. So kind of like.. Anarchy for whites? I don't know. it's probably nothing to do with Anarchy, I'm just relating it to it because of what I've been told anarchy was.


I.e. you admit that much of your views are based on ignorance of the true facts.

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I.e. you admit that much of your views are based on ignorance of the true facts.


Eh, probably.

Then again, just because theres some things I don't know about the subject, weather they're little or big things, doesn't mean I can't side with it.

Even if I had no clue who Hitler was, I still would be a racist today.

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I'm not gonna lie, Scout, I'm not completely sure about the definition of socialism. If I could find a definition of it that made sense in my feeble mind, I could answer you on that one sorry.


Here's the link removed. Good old wikipedia.


Now, I don't mean to digress your thread with a discussion of the pros and cons of socialism, so if you'd like, you can private message me to talk about this stuff in further detail, i.e., why socialism is a bad thing from your point of view. I'm always up for lively talks about "Why the world is the way it is and how we can make it better" and topics of that ilk.


Another question for you...would you say there are racial tensions at your school? You're in high school, correct?

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Here's the link removed. Good old wikipedia.


Now, I don't mean to digress your thread with a discussion of the pros and cons of socialism, so if you'd like, you can private message me to talk about this stuff in further detail, i.e., why socialism is a bad thing from your point of view. I'm always up for lively talks about "Why the world is the way it is and how we can make it better" and topics of that ilk.


Another question for you...would you say there are racial tensions at your school? You're in high school, correct?


Yes, I'm in highschool.

Sometimes theres racial tension, but not very much.

There's alot of jokes about race, but they're never really serious about it.

Actually, I can't really recall any racial tension that I've seen in my highschool so far..


PS: I tried Wikipedia.. I probably know what socialism is, just not the name for it. I'm pretty much half asleep from boredom right now, so nothing is completely registering in my brain, haha. Which is also why I'm not responding as much in this thread.

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For whatever reasons she posted on this forum, I am glad she did.


I am glad she did.


I am too, y'all. I'm just trying to get to the bottom of it. If she sincerely wants to drop this simmering hatred she has for other people, then I'm happy to help and continue this dialogue. If she's just posting for attention and has no intentions of changing, then I won't waste any more of my energy. I don't want to encourage a cry out for attention in the form of hate-filled propaganda. Lauding Hitler is one of the most hateful and horrible things a person can do, especially in an ethnically diverse setting.


Heather - you've said already that you know your beliefs aren't okay (yet somehow you're proud of them) but you were just born that way. What would you say to someone who hates homosexuals, and wishes them dead?


One more - you've also said that you don't believe that you being a vegetarian has made any difference in the animal rights world. Do you have any idea the number of animals you've saved? It's simple supply and demand. Your abstinence makes a direct impact on animal rights. Similarly, should you wish to enlighten yourself and realize that there is literally no difference between races, you would have a direct impact on the senseless acts of violence carried out against non-Caucasians. The less you directly encourage this hatred, the less it will propagate. Then, should you wish to pay that enlightenment forward by enlightening others, the effect will multiply. Everything we do has an effect on somebody, somewhere.

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Thanks for replying HeatherMal.


Here's what a quick definition google of 'anarchy' brings up:

an·ar·chy (ăn'ər-kē pronunciation

n., pl. -chies.


1. Absense of any form of political authority.

2. Political disorder and confusion.

3. Absense of any cohesive principle, such as a common standard or purpose.


[New Latin anarchia, from Greek anarkhiā, from anarkhos, without a ruler : an-, without; see a–1 + arkhos, ruler; see –arch.]


Wiki linky: link removed


So....what you are proposing does not fit. Technically. If I understand you correctly, you are saying you believe in 'white people having supreme political power within a nation'. Is that right?


So I can see why you would associate yourself with 'nazis' in that sense.

Though I think that is a hasty label for yourself, for sure!


I still wonder about your answer to my previous question. Do you feel that having a strong enough belief in something entitles a person to do whatever they like - with no basic human responsibility to others?


For example: If I said to you "I believe strongly that I was put on this earth to kill all vegetarians, because I like meat." - would that entitle me to do so?


P.S. Boredom sucks. You should venture a bit to the other areas of the forum and have some laughs with us. You're a fascinating individual and I'm sure there's lots more to talk about than politics.

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If she sincerely wants to drop this simmering hatred she has for other people, then I'm happy to help and continue this dialogue. If she's just posting for attention and has no intentions of changing, then I won't waste any more of my energy.


People won't change their beliefs overnight if ever. I know the temptation here is to point out historical facts and argue with logic but you know what makes the biggest impression? The fact that heather has received a reasoned response.


You are never going to change anyone's mind on such deep held and culturally supported beliefs with a few well aimed arguments supporting your side of the fence.

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But in my naive, twisted mind, Hitler was one of the greatest leaders of all time.

Although I don't completely approve of murdering the children, I still believe in what he stood for.


He stood for the complete annihilation of the Jewish race. Men, women, children, old people, frail people.


How is this different than a Catholic person saying "I don't agree with Father Malloy diddling that little boy, but hey, he was a Catholic, so it's all good."


I read a news story a couple of years ago about a special needs teacher who had made such great strides in the special needs department at his school - getting better equipment, getting a bigger room closer to the side handicapped entrance, etc. Until he was fired, that is. He was caught with his penis in the mouth of a boy with cerebral palsy. But, ya know, basically he was a good guy.

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I never meant to say that I was born that way. I know that is what I said, but I didn't mean to. What I meant was I was raised that way. Not by my parents, becasue my parents are totally not racist.


My vegitarianism isn't changing much. It may save a few cows in my lifetime, but if I was a meat eater, the population of cows that are killed in my lifetime wouldn't inscrease by a significant amount. I'm sorry, but I still find it hard to believe that today one person alone could change the world.


Homobphobes, and other discriminative people, prettymuch have the same views as me, just towards something different. I can understand why some homophobes are the way they are. Be it religion, personal experience, or just pure hatred towards same-sex relationships.


I'm not gonna lie, I'm not here to change my views. Like I said 543543543 times before, this was a vent. Everyone needs to vent once in a while, right? Mine just ended up turning into an 11 page thread.

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He stood for the complete annihilation of the Jewish race. Men, women, children, old people, frail people.


How is this different than a Catholic person saying "I don't agree with Father Malloy diddling that little boy, but hey, he was a Catholic, so it's all good."


I read a news story a couple of years ago about a special needs teacher who had made such great strides in the special needs department at his school - getting better equipment, getting a bigger room closer to the side handicapped entrance, etc. Until he was fired, that is. He was caught with his penis in the mouth of a boy with cerebral palsy. But, ya know, basically he was a good guy.


Hahahaha. I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh at that.

But this situation is quite different, seeing as I don't have a hatred towards the handicapped.

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For example: If I said to you "I believe strongly that I was put on this earth to kill all vegetarians, because I like meat." - would that entitle me to do so?



Well, no that wouldn't exactally entitle you to it, but I believe that if you beielive it is the right thing to do, that you have the right to do it.

Not telling you to kill me or anything O_o

But if you had a good reason, and strongly believed it was for the good of the world, than I, even though being a vegitarian myself, would stand by your right to do so.

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I hope Heather sticks around. She's far from the only racist on the forum, but she's very interesting.


Thank you

Most people my age get so confused when I talk..

I'm so glad there's this forum where I can use words with more than four syllables and not get a response like "0mgz, wur lyk.. not in sk00l man u kn t0k normal"

Which fules my hatred towards people in general, ahaha.

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Well, no that wouldn't exactally entitle you to it, but I believe that if you beielive it is the right thing to do, that you have the right to do it.

Not telling you to kill me or anything O_o

But if you had a good reason, and strongly believed it was for the good of the world, than I, even though being a vegitarian myself, would stand by your right to do so.


Wowsers. That would put you in a quite a predicament then, eh?

pretend me: "Listen here. I hate vegetarians and have a good reason, too. What's that? You're a vegetarian? *lifting baseball bat*"

pretend you: "Ok. I don't want to get beat. But it is your right to beat me."


Automatically puts you in a situation of: be beat, or fight back. Violence.


- - Speaking of violence, I had to go to the mall today to pick up something. I am not fond of malls - -



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Wowsers. That would put you in a quite a predicament then, eh?

pretend me: "Listen here. I hate vegetarians and have a good reason, too. What's that? You're a vegetarian? *lifting baseball bat*"

pretend you: "Ok. I don't want to get beat. But it is your right to beat me."


Automatically puts you in a situation of: be beat, or fight back. Violence.


- - Speaking of violence, I had to go to the mall today to pick up something. I am not fond of malls - -




Haha, oooh the dreaded crowdedness of public malls>.

I hate malls too.


But yes, that would put me in a predicament, haha

I'd probably run away, and try and hide under stuff, cause I'd rather not get beat with a baseball bat, haha

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Hello, little racist girl. You can think whatever you want as long as you don't harm anyone else. If you're not starting some privat concentration places and choking little children who are not "pure", and not hitting people who have different skin colour than I say whatever. If you are racist - well, unfortunatelly you're not the only one in the world.

How well you know history? I hate it for example. But if you are beeing what you say you are: Heil hitler, and so on.... have you informed yourself about all the things from the past. It is a great thing to do because than you have a certain foundation to make your decision on.You have to read about World war 2 especcialy, than about concentration camps.

I ask you that because I know a lot of people who choosed a certain viewpoint on something and they were lazy to know all the facts about things. Beeing lazy about that or reading things the way we want to interpret them is the most stupid mistake a person can do.


Also you are lucky that you haven't been in a war. In my country we had war 16 years ago, but the memories are still fresh. Be aware that the way you see war on TV, is something like watching an action movie. They are showing you explosions but not the death of people the way it is. It is more like, hey, we are great, superior, we will beat some asses - america in irak for example, but it's not the way it is. This is just makro, superficial view. micro view on people is something else. Every sing persons story is the thing that says how war awfull is.

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Right syrix...I'm assuming you're somewhere in they former Yugoslavia ? I hate the justifications given to wars, especially the american ones since they are the ones doing it more than anyone else..."we are protecting our freedom by attacking this or that country" yeah right give me a break..The only wars the US was justified into going into to me were the first gul war and afghanistan but vietnam, serbia, irak...no less than invasions

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As I must not breach the forum rules, I suppose I had better keep quiet on my views of what heatheRmal and some other posters have written. I am surprised however by the views that have been expressed, maybe that's because I am in the UK? I suppose we have the National Front, but they are widely regarded as the absolute lowest of the low.


I am also surprised by the extent to which heatheRmal equates Hitler with white supremacy, which seems a profound lack of knowledge about the Holocaust, which systematically was based against Jews (faith) and not colour. The Final Solution etc was brought about to deal with the 'Jewish problem'. Although heatheRmal doesn't seem to mind being ignorant about this, it seemed a little bit silly to me to call yourself something as profoundly distasteful as a Nazi without knowing what it means, or anything about a man you are supposed to admire.


On a personal note, heatheRmal - are you not worried that your views will alienate about 90% of the people you are going to meet in life? Your choices of partner is going to be *extremely* limited whilst you hold such beliefs, because to be honest everyone I know would be disgusted by the views you hold. I'm trying hard not to be disrespectful, but I don't know anyone who would be willing to hang out with you, or go out with you. Maybe that's not an issue for you though.


For a while I thought this thread was a wind-up, but now I think personally you are trying to be shocking and get attention, as others have said, and I guess that worked. Teenage nihilism and all that - it's a fairly common theme. I would be surprised if you openly stated these beliefs to your friends; I think the mild reaction you have got here is a piece of cake in comparison.

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I know the whole Hitler thing is mostly about Jews.

I don't like Jews either.

Hence the reason I believe in what he did.


The friends I hang out with on a regular basis know what I believe in.

And I do, infact, have a boyfriend. He's also a Nazi. A more outgoing one than I am, in fact.


And, everyone..

For the millionth time.


If someone posted something coming out as being gay, would you say it was for attention?

If someone posted this in favour of your beleifs, you wouldn't think it was for attention either.

Just because you don't agree with what I believe in, doesn't mean I'm doing it for attention.

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