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Wish you had left your pics up, but I understand why you took them down after reading your edit comment.


I think you look great though with the makeup. Personally I like longer hair. I agree with WNP that if you let it grow out some and got a nifty cut ,it would give your face even more of a glow .


I would love to see a pic of you truly smiling too. A smile does wonders to light up someones face.


As far as the glasses are concerned , if you can't wear contacts, then not much you can do there unless you don't like the style of your glasses you could change them.


I have to wear glasses to read up close and on the computer. I never thought I looked good in glasses. Most guys I meet, whenever the see me put on the glasses to read a menu in a restaurant or something, they are like " Hey those are sexy" . So there is nothing wrong with glasses if you have the right style for your face.

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Coollady, I just felt that I was being too open about my personal stuff and that isnt always a good thing.


There is a reason why I put this thread up. As you know, I have been doing clinicals in a kinder class at a local elementary school. Last week, when I was at the school, I ran into a fellow student teacher, in the teacher's lounge. He is younger than me, but a really cute, nice and friendly guy. He is doing his clinicals in a 4th grade class. He doesnt go to the same university I do, but to the local state uni. We talked for a bit before class and then talked after class for a long while. I think he's hot and that he likes me. He asked me what days I do my clinicals and what time I get there. He says we can eat lunch together if I want to.


I have a small interest in him but am going to be patient and see where this pans out. But, I want to dress better, look better, etc so I can be attractive.

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Coollady, I just felt that I was being too open about my personal stuff and that isnt always a good thing.



I have a small interest in him but am going to be patient and see where this pans out. But, I want to dress better, look better, etc so I can be attractive.



I can agree with what you said about the personal info and stuff, I completely understand .


I am glad you found someone you have some interest in. You are right, just kind of play it cool and work on yourself and soon your confidence will shine more and will be attractive to potential dates.

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Put your Mother's negative thoughts behind you and get yourself dressed up to impress your friend.


I can't remember if you've got your pilots licence or not? If you have why don't you invite him to go up with you? There can't be many girls that can make a guy an offer like that.

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Maybe you all need some quick replies so they get the message to leave you alone.





Your Mother doesn't like your shoes. You say, 'Have I asked you to wear them?' or 'Did you pay for them?'


My family had a habit and some of them still do about how short my hair is. I'm 43 and have been having this problem since I was in my teens. It didn't even make a difference if I grew it. My youngest sister would say it's out of fashion.


My answers are, 'Do I complain about yours?' 'I didn't know you were perfect!' 'I never was in the fashion so what difference does it make?' 'I'm me you like it or you lump it!'


I was really annoyed last year when my father mentioned it so I answered, 'Tell you what Dad, next time I get my hair cut I'll ask them to save it for me and I'll give it to you for a transplant!' he never mentioned hair again.


Now he's always mentioning my cartlidge ear studs! I've had them for years and now he sees them? He asked, 'When are you getting the curtains?' I was puzzled. He said, 'To fasten a curtain accross your face.'



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