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Ideas on how to lose weight quickly

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When I asked my doc almost the exact same question a few months ago, that was her answer.... Amputation is the only way to lose 20 lbs in a month unless you are mooooorbildy obese.


Well, she was wrong. I changed my diet totally from one day to the next, jumped into so much exercise that i would fall into bed at night and lost 51 lbs in about 2.5 months. I went from 214 to 163. From a 16 to an 8/10, and I am only 5'1".


Get committed, you can do it.


First step is to stop sitting here and reading the how to over and over and wishing, and to get up and start moving instead, though.


Don't worry, we will still be here when you are thin and svelte....

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Annie24, journaling sounds like a good idea. A lot of times, I dont really pay attention to what I am eating. Like when I am bored or preoccupied with something, I will just pick up some snack food and just start nibbling on it. Just now, I ate about 3-4 small rice crackers. I wasnt really hungry, but they were in a bag on the table next to the computer so I reached over and started munching on some things.


I've also noticed that I spend a lot of time and money on food, which I didnt really used to.

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I think the best decision would be to change the way you eat but as a long term plan. It requires a lot of dedication and persistance and it pays off. That way you woan't be in a situation to loose weight quickly.


Don't bother what your mother will say. Loosing weight is for you and your health so don't care what other will say.


I have no idea how to loose weight quickly. Really. It will help not to eat in the evening after 6 or 7 p.m. and to eat breakfast every day (low fat milk with muesli - natural muesli, not that full of sugar muesli. Cooking it in milk will help to get softer.) and it will help to eat healthy lunch (don't combine meat with potatos, but with vegetables, and don't eat any fried food. Also avoid eating a lot of pasta) Use only olive oil. I live on mediteran and they say that mediterian food is one of the most healthiest food) I am one of those persons who are eating healthy food and it's a way of life for me. I feel good when dooing so and I feel bad when I indulge in food.

But I hate physicall activity.

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And no small snacks at the meantime. I don't eat chips, peanuts, candies nothing! Drink only water. Coke, pepsi, diet drinks - nothing! Diet drinks are non calorie but full of artificial sugar and that's sooo unhealthy.

If you need to do something to feel less bored chew a chewing gum - but be avare that too much can have laxative effect. And keep a bottle of water beside your computer, not peanuts.


You can take walks in the evening

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Really? I might sound like an idiot, but why?


Well it's actually two reasons.


One, the fake stuff is not better for your body than the real stuff. In fact it could be worse.


Two, example: You go to eat some veggies with a nice ranch flavored dip. No problem. Except you made the mistake of getting some low-fat, or fake-fat dip. Now, your body thinks it's getting some much needed and desired fat, but it doesn't get it. Your body still craves it. Result: You're not satisfied, plus now you've gone and polluted your body with some weird cr*p....

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Well it's actually two reasons.


One, the fake stuff is not better for your body than the real stuff. In fact it could be worse.


Two, example: You go to eat some veggies with a nice ranch flavored dip. No problem. Except you made the mistake of getting some low-fat, or fake-fat dip. Now, your body thinks it's getting some much needed and desired fat, but it doesn't get it. Your body still craves it. Result: You're not satisfied, plus now you've gone and polluted your body with some weird cr*p....

Hmm, I'd want to see some empirical research before I adopted this thinking, I certainly haven't read it anywhere and most health agencies I know of advocate people take low fat/calorie options. One of my best friends switched from Coke to Diet Coke (he was a heavy drinker) and he lost quite a lot of weight without doing anything else.


I agree that "processed" foods are not as healthy as "natural" foods, but given the levels of chemicals in foods not artificially sweetened I think its semantics to talk about the chemical differences between them. Softdrink and icecream are unhealthy in large quantities regardless of whether they are low fat or artificially sweetened. But I would still recommend going for the low calorie/fat option. The main problem with highly processed foods is their nutritional makeup is so specific, not that it is unhealthy simply by virtue of its manufacture. It is unhealthy because it can easily hamstring you in getting a balanced diet.


Replacement of cravings works quite well though. For example I used to get sugar cravings alot, instead of going and getting a chocolate bar I would make a berry and fruit smoothie. It works a charm! Still high in natural sugars, but its a healthier option.


Keep lots of fruit handy at work for snacks!


Well, she was wrong. I changed my diet totally from one day to the next, jumped into so much exercise that i would fall into bed at night and lost 51 lbs in about 2.5 months. I went from 214 to 163. From a 16 to an 8/10, and I am only 5'1".


Get committed, you can do it.

A few people have said its not possible to loose/gain significant quantities of weight in short times, I would disagree. I have certainly seen people absolutely carve off the weight in incredibly short timeframes. My current boyfriend is a ballet dancer, and he fluctuates eight kilograms in a week.


People often worry about shocking the system, and say to "ease into exercise and diet". I disagree. Change completely today, its only the morbidly obese that need to worry about shocking the system diet wise. If you are risk of heart attracks however, you do need to watch the exercise.


Weight loss is a long-term thing, but you will notice results very fast if you really, really commit to a heavy gym routine and diet.


I employed a software developer a while back, who used to be swimmer with a great body (hence why I hired him). Over several years of sitting at a computer with a poor diet, he ballooned to the point I would call fat. One day his boyfriend dumped him and he came into my office asking for some leave without pay. He took a month off work and spent each day from sunup till sundown working on his fitness and health. He quit smoking, quit drinking... he totally changed everything. When he came back to work he had totally revolutionised his body


Myself, when I got dumped I was 140 lbs (I am 6ft). In three weeks I was 154 lbs. So I gained 14 lbs in three weeks, but it took me a whopping five months to gain an extra 7 lbs beyond that

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People often worry about shocking the system, and say to "ease into exercise and diet". I disagree. Change completely today, its only the morbidly obese that need to worry about shocking the system diet wise. If you are risk of heart attracks however, you do need to watch the exercise.


Weight loss is a long-term thing, but you will notice results very fast if you really, really commit to a heavy gym routine and diet.




I totally agree. My first vocation was physical therapy, and most of the "moderation in all things, including exercise" advice is given to those that we know, no matter how many step by step diagrams we send home, will put down their 2lb arm weights and pick up a 50lb dumbbell and injure themselves.


Some people are just dumb when it comes to listening to their own bodies. If you can push yourself through a tiny bit of pain, a whole bucket of sweat, and an hour of aerobics without wanting to die, then I would say you are tolerating it well. Exercise isn't easy on anyone that hasn't done it for a while, that is sort of the point. You are pushing your body past its limitations in order to change its makeup.


Anyway, a little technical, but I am so in your corner... Buena Suerte!

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Hmm, I'd want to see some empirical research before I adopted this thinking,


Research? What I stated I heard on the news. However, I won't be a liar and say 'I'm not patting myself on the back'. Suffice to say, if you knew me, you'd realise that I can indeed endorse that my diet choices work out quite well for me.


If I wanted advice on staying clear of drugs, I'd ask Dr. Phil loooong before I asked Marion Barry.

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lol. Well, I'm with the Bear on this one.


It's not just about weight loss, it's about health. 'Low-fat' 'Low Cal' etc. is some overall disguisting junk. It's loaded with preservatives, (usually) sugar and/or sugar 'substitutes' (don't even get me started on how gross that stuff is).


Really, that stuff isn't even food.

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Hi renaissancewoman,


It's great you are peaceful enough to get in shape!


Also, have a look at

[*]Drink enough water

[*]Excercising to relieve stress & get in shape? Any tips?

[*]Reducing weight tip, Having blood sugar problems?, Too Fat?

[*]Reference materials and more info

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I don't suggest losing significant quantities of weight in short times. Why? Because it will also be easier for you to gain weight. The best thing is to get yourself a program, a reasonable one, and stick with it.


Plus, drink much water. It helps your metabolism to run well.


I did it and managed to lose a certain amount of my weight by exercising and dieting. I did it naturally without pills.


There are people who can do it, so can you.


Good luck!


Btw, tell your mom that you're on a program, she'll understand and appreciate your effort.



La Agua Fresca

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hey - just wanted to see how things are going. did you start making changes?


you don't have to make drastic changes. I think if you did a few small things, like having only 1-2 "treats" per week (cake, cookies), and took a 30 minute walk every day, I think you will see results right there. you don't have to go all out (intense gym workouts and only salads) to see results.


we are here for you to cheer you on!


(PS - and the carmel frappucinos from starbuck's you like, they are HUGE calorie bombs! you may as well be going to McDonald's. I love them too, but I find if I want to lose weight, I can't have more than 1 a week, it is just too hard to work into my eating to stay on track. I like Starbuck's iced coffees with just a little bit of sweetener. that is good too, and about 400 calories less.)

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really there is no easy way to lose wait and there is no fast way to do it if you want to lose wait you have to be willing to work i know this cuz i used to be chunky and now im a ripped stick haha as what my friends call me but it takes alot of work and you have to have the ambition to do it and if your trying to take fat burning pills i wouldnt buy that stuff cuz they never work or they will work and you will lose ten pounds and then the second you get of those fat buring pills you will double your weight from what it was before and dont believe the commercials cuz they are full of it like i said there is no easy way to lose wait only hard work

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Annie24, I am trying to modify my eating habits a bit. I had a salad last night for dinner, although I also had a frappachino , which didnt help. I know I need to exercise more, walk more, etc. It isnt easy to do that. Swimming helps and I should use the treadmill they have in my apt building.


This weekend, while I am on vacation, I will probably eat less and do a lot of walking around at Faire, so that should help. I just hope it isnt going to be TOO hot and humid out there.

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have you looked at the weightwatcher's website, or looked into meetings near you?


it is a good program if you have a hard time keeping yourself on track, because they help you out.


and remember, with salads, don't use an unlimited amount of dressing. use 2 tablespoons, and measure it out. A caesar salad can easily have more calories than a big mac, depending on how it's made.

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I know I am not eating healthy and not getting enough exercise.

This answers your own question. You need to eat healthy and get more exercise. Simple as that! If you have any questions about healthy eating (as if there's not enough information all over the internet), just ask. I've been studying nutrition as a hobby for over a year now.


Edit: The above I posted right away after reading your initial post. After reading some of the other posts, I see you're on the right track. Make sure you don't skimp on calories... you body needs them to give you plenty of energy throughout the day. It's most important to eat whole, real food. Lots of whole grains (rice, oatmeal, pasta, bread), fruits, veggies, beans, seeds, etc. The fewer the ingredients on a label, the better. If you can't pronounce an ingredient, don't buy it or eat it. If there's an ingredient that ends in -ose, don't eat it. People are meant to eat REAL, whole, un-fooled-around-with food.


Over a year ago I was 10 pounds overweight. I changed my diet completely to just healthy food and lost the weight quickly. Of course, I allow myself a treat every once in a while and Sundays are always my unhealthy day, although I don't have any _cravings_ to eat crappy food anymore... I just do sometimes because I know high quality treats are tasty. I eat several 300-500 calorie meals per day. My metabolism is so strong that I find myself STARVING if I don't eat every 2-3 hours. It's not about the number of calories, it's about the quality of the food you eat. Once you detox, you will be repulsed by sodas, overly-sweetened foods, candy, and other nastiness. Good luck!!!

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hey - how is it going RW? Have you made some changes to your diet? how's that working out.


I was thinking of a few helpful tips:


one of my thin friends, when she has a craving for say, an apple turnover, she'll buy it, eat half, and throw away the other half in the garbage before she has a chance to change her mind Or, if you are with a friend, spit dessert. Another size 0 friend of mine will go out to lunch or dinner, eat half the meal and get the rest to go for the next day.


You can definitely enjoy the bad foods you like now and again, and it's ok to have a cheat day, like the above poster said. Just don't go too overboard! But maybe making sunday the day you enjoy a frappuchino might be a good way to go. (And get the tall size, not venti).


Another thing, start your meals with a broth-based soup or a salad with lite dressing, because it will fill you up. I'm definitely a "volume eater" and having a big salad helps me.


And take advantage of summer's fruits. Instead of your usual cakes and cookies, eat strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and all those other yummies!

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  • 1 year later...

me too wanna to loss weight and few weeks back i was very upset about my weight because i did many ways to loss weight but i m unable to loss more than 2 pounds then i suppose to take diet pills but my doctor suggest me to do atkins diet plan and it really works for me,i lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks, now i m very happy. if u wanna to loss weight then u can try atkins diet plan.

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I don't know how you can do it "Fast" but I've been on a diet before so I hope I can give you what I did and hope that it helps.


4 years ago I still had a bit of my baby fat and I was getting a bit more self consious so I started to go on a diet.

No Junk food, cut down on the grain products by a min of half. When I got hungry I would snack on baby carrots, cucumbers, and other vegies. Everyweek I would go for the lane swim (not rec swim it really doesn't do anything) for 5 days. You might want to cut down on that due to your health. Due to the swimming I grew about 1.5-2inches over 1 summer. This was when I was still 14 though. After the summer I stopped swimming (school) and I just cut down on a lot of unhealthy food especialy fast foods such as McD. Here's a tip for you if you love their fries... The fries are at least fried in oil for 3-6 minutes don't remember fully. (Used to work there) Try not to diet too much because I now feel that I'm too skinny. I was at 100 lbs and size 3-5 after 1 year I was 5'1 at a weigh of 80. However, over a course of summer school the next year and eating chips everyday for about 20 days )4 weeks) I gained 10 lbs. O.O I'm now about a 90lbs, 5'2" and I wear jeans from a 0-1 sometimes 3 depending on brand but rarely. I want to gain some pounds but I also want to lose weight in my lower stomache area (so hard)

Just don't go overboard with the whole diet thing.

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I have used WW before (UK) I lost 1.5stone the first time, then last year did it again for 5months lost 1.2 stone. But I lost alot of inches because the second time of doing it I was also swimming 2-5times a week and not slow swimming I really go for it.


Now I'd like to lose a little more so am down the gym and trying to watch what I eat a little more (am back on WW site for assistance) but more interested in toning up my belly.

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