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Im so fat and its depressing me.

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I just got home from shopping, it was the most stressful and depressing thing ive ever done. I never noticed how much weight Ive put on. Ive noticed that the only clothes that fit me are my loose clothing that I loath (and they seem alil tight on me too) I dont want to leave the house anymore. I feel so fat!!


Im 5'4" and weigh 140.8lbs...I feel so fat!!


I feel like I have huge tighs and a big but!! Im starting to get a stomach and my arms have become alil more flabbery. Im really depressed. What on earth do I do? How the hell do I become thin again??


I put on the weight due to exams and stress. I hate myself for it. I feel so ugly.

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Shopping for clothes can bring down the best of us. Did you find anything nice that you're super excited about and that makes you feel hot?

I'm guessing not...or else we wouldn't be seeing this post. lol.


Don't you worry. This feeling will pass. Dig through your closet and find an outfit that fits and makes you feel very fab. Wear it tomorrow with pride.


If you still feel the urge to burn off those extra cals tomorrow, sit down and write up a plan.

Walking, running, yoga, weights (if you own a few) are free. Push-ups and crunches are free. weee... So is trimming and changing up the menu.


take heart. we all have days like this.

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Try to watch what you eat. If you feel like you can't help but eat when you are depressed, then try to eat healthy snacks. Like carrots or fruit.


Also, exercise does help. If you really want to lose weight, it's possible. You just really have to try because it's hard to change your lifestyle.

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I'm 5'4" and I weigh a good deal more than you. But guess what? When I was 140 I also said I was so fat - now I can't WAIT till I reach that weight again. It's all perspective. You can choose to be happy in your skin or you can choose not to. If you don't like how you are then you're the only one that's stopping you from changing.

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I'm 5'4" and I weigh a good deal more than you. But guess what? When I was 140 I also said I was so fat - now I can't WAIT till I reach that weight again. It's all perspective. You can choose to be happy in your skin or you can choose not to. If you don't like how you are then you're the only one that's stopping you from changing.


Couldn't have said it any better.

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wow I dont think that is 'so fat' at all!!


I am five foot 2 and about 175 lbs and I get male attention all the time! I feel sexy and curvy and my boyfriend adores my boobs and my hips and my thighs! ha ha


Im not saying you should feel the same, but put it into perspective, dont be getting so depressed about this. no one likes going shopping, even thin people, because they moan about having no boobs, or hips! ha ha

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if you're really serious about losing weight you need to be very strict and follow a structured diet.


meaning... you need to eat small portions every 3 hours and calorie count - balance between carbs and protein... more protein than carbs if you want to lose the weight faster.


exercise too by doing some sort of cardio to get your heart rate high to burn the calories - don't bother weight training because you need to lean down before you tone and define.


remember your appearance is a result of 70-80% of what you put in your mouth. use control and also keep in mind that the body stores the rest as fat when you overeat. meaning it takes what it needs and stores the rest as stored energy aka fat.


do this and you'll drop atleast 10 lbs in two months if not more - guaranteed!

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Im 5ft 7ins, 139lbs and I feel really fat.


The funny thing is, I know a few people who I have said "look thinner than me" but they actually wear larger clothes. Weight and body image is very much a psychological process, and if you lose weight, please take care of the mental stuff as well. You might find you have a lot more "issues" to work through than you realise.


A can of worms you may open!

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5'4" and 140 lbs describes the height and weight of the average American woman.


When women start focusing on their weight and appearance as their problem, there is generally something more going on. The real problem(s) tends to not be about weight/appearance...but those are things we feel we can control (and are told by our culture...repeatedly...that we can and should control), whereas the real issues may be things that are very much out of our control.


Yelling at yourself, telling yourself you are fat/ugly, and then punishing yourself with a strict diet and forced exercise is a sure way to set yourself up for failure. I'd recommend against it. I did all that crap when I was in college, and I got thin, and I was the most miserable I'd ever been...before or since.


I think Jennster is on the right track when she says this: " It's all perspective. You can choose to be happy in your skin or you can choose not to."


Accepting ourselves, being kind to ourselves, and treating ourselves in a caring, respectful way, no matter our current weight/size/appearance, is a healthy thing to do.


It's also an incredibly difficult thing to do because we are continually told that we shouldn't be happy with ourselves, we should try to "fix" what is "wrong" with us....oh, and by the way, there are plenty of sources that would loooove to sell you product "X" to fix all those problems. The makers of product "X" will also quite happily point out all the rest of your "flaws" and sell you more crap to "fix" those, too.


Do ya see what I'm getting at?


My suggestion to you is rather to go plunging yourself headlong into a diet/exercise program with the sole purpose of losing weight, try digging a little deeper to see what's really causing you to feel upset. Weight loss diets are a miserable failure...the vast majority of people who diet (upwards of 90%) will gain back all they lose plus some extra, as an added bonus, they will also screw up their metabolism and start developing a dysfunctional relationship with food and eating. I can honestly say that I dieted myself right into an eating disorder when I was in my early 20's.


Clothes shopping was always a loaded situation for me. What helped wasn't losing weight...I did that, and still nothing fit right. What helped was learning how to sew. That gave me control. And while I don't sew as often as I used to, in the back of my mind, I know I can make my own clothing. I don't need to rely on clothing manufacturers and luck to find something that fits and that I like. It's no longer a big deal if I go shopping and I can't find anything that fits or I don't like anything. They don't have that kinda power over me anymore.

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I'm a guy at 6'2" and 275lbs, I'm slowly moving down, but if I could be even 180, I'd be ecstatic.


140 really isn't that much, but if you want to lose, the only way is to excercise and eat right. Sure, you'll eat tomorrow, and the day after, but as long as you don't overeat, you'll be fine.

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thanks everyone.


Ive started exercising, however I get really bad food cravings, cravings for junk food! I'l give anything for a packet of chips lol.


How can I stop these cravings?


the more we say we arent allowed something, the more we want it. Tell yourself that you CHOOSE not to have crisps, but that if you want some you are allowed. If you really want them, then have a packet of the low fat variety and maybe just have two packets a week?


Paul McKenna did a book called I Can Make you Thin, it uses mind programming techniques to change the way we think about food. There is a chapter on dealing with cravings. Its only cheap from Amazon.

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I'm not sure there is any one way to stop the cravings. The following work for some people, try them all and one of them oughta work?


1) The old "drink plenty of water" rule. Drink a glass of water before eating will take the edge off hunger.

2) Eat regularly so your blood sugar levels don't drop too low, if you go too long without eating you get TOO HUNGRY! and eat any old junk going. Eat 6 small meals spread out over the day to help pace your hunger etc.

3) Keep busy. It's amazing how many hours can go past without me even thinking of food if I have stuff to do.

4) Tackle any emotional eating/cravings. If you find you start wanting to eat something when upset/angry or whichever, start finding alternative coping mechanisms and work out what is upsetting you in the first place.

5) Don't ban anything from your dietry intake, this will make you want it MUCH more. HOWEVER...keep the food you buy in your house a) healthy and b) varied.

6) At mealtimes, try and get proteins with carbs and a bit of fat, choosing wholegrain over refined carbohydrates, again to keep the blood sugar level stable!

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If you're craving something, then allow yourself to have some of what you're craving -- no guilt, no yelling at yourself. Have it and enjoy it. Eating something other than what you are craving will only result in you craving the orginal item more.


I don't care how many carrots or other "healthy" things you eat...if you're craving chocolate, eating anything but chocolate isn't going to cut it. You'll just be setting yourself up for a binge later.


So, what's better? Having a little of what your craving and being done with it OR eating "substitutions", feeling unsatisfied, eating more "substitutions" and eventually eating what you were craving in a much larger quantity than would've satisfied you originally and feeling very guilty about the whole thing.


Telling yourself you can't have certain foods or groups of foods makes most people immediately crave the "forbidden." Personally, I've found when I give myself permission to have what I want, when I want, in whatever quantity I want with no guilt, no yelling, no repercussions, no punishment...and I really mean it...then I don't want it as much or as often. Sometimes I find I don't want it at all. During my strict dieting days I was fascinated by Hostess cupcakes. Now that all food is legal, and nothing is off-limits....I can't even remember the last time I wanted a Hostess cupcake.


When a craving hits and I take the time to pay attention and make the effort to satisfy it (which, in essense is taking the time to pay attention to and care for yourself), it actually takes very little of that particular food to take care of it -- a handful of chips that I really enjoy as opposed to scarfing down a whole bag I've barely tasted and feeling guilty about it later.


No one has ever made permanent, positive changes in their life by treating themselves poorly....that includes depriving yourself.

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  • 1 year later...

Find something you like doing and stop caring what other people might think. Stick to your rules. Thinking positively when doing these things also help.


Instead of eating healthier food and think you're doing it because you have to lose weight. Just think how healthier food benefits you. When you do exercises, instead of looking in the mirror and think that the one hour you spent didn't make a difference. Think how much fitter you're feeling, how you have more strength and your blood circulation is flowing making you feel great.

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I hate clothes shopping sometimes heh.


I feel sexy and beautiful in the clothes I have now, but when I go clothes shopping (especially lingerie) I end up feeling fat and unattractive.


This store makes stuff too short for me.


That store makes stuff too small for me despite my fitting into the same size elsewhere. They don`t make a larger size.


This brand doesn`t fit over my bum and the next size up GAPES around my waist.


That brand doesn`t even button over my breasts.


Oh look, nothing left remotely my size - just racks of size 2s.


NOTHING in the lingerie store fits a 6 foot tall woman with curves!


I feel like a fat giant. Clothes shopping really makes you feel insecure!

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complaining doesn't make you lose weight and be toned.

if you're really unhappy with how you look do something about it woman!!


but if you just are not willing to do what it takes, and keep putting up excuses then you have no right to complain since you're responsible for your actions, being it eating fatty foods, or exercising.


you can check link removed they have a good beginners program to get you back in shape (I tried it and it really works!) so by all means, go and check it out, you can maybe look at the before and after pictures of people there to get some good motivation!


(now i feel like one of those advertisers)

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