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Girls I like always have boyfriends

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Hi I think I'm falling for a girl who has a boyfriend I first noticed her a few weeks ago when I was out with some friends and I guess i saw her smiling and watching, I didn't think much of it really, since I've never had a girlfriend at 23, I don''t think I ugly I've had girls come up to me and carn't believe i'm single (I think I look old though) I am in fairly good shape as I do alot of weightlifting and running at the gym, My problem is confidence and being extremely shy.


But today I was in the pub and with this girl stood next to me and her boyfriend the other side and she started brushing her self against me and then almost leaning on me, even my m8s noticed it, I tried to shrug it off as if it ment nothing but couldn't help notice it myself.


Thing is she is really stunning, beautifull blonde her, and big blue eyes, amazing figure, she always comes accross confident and loud , which appeals to me as going for the quiet and shy girls who I'd find difficult to make a move on and end up on a disaster of a date.


But why is it when I find someone I really like and pretty who might be intrested in me always turns out they end up having a boyfriend ALWAYS!!!!

This majorly fustraites me.

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Well you know what they say, girls are like toilets, the good ones are taken , the rest is dirty.


But what you need to do is to be like a vulture waiting for a pray, just keep on trying and in a more positive moment a chance will arrive for you which you'd have to grab with both hands.

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I know the feeling. I've liked 2 girls who have boyfriends, it just doesn't work out. One broke up with hey b/f and we got a little closer, we flirted a bit. But when she got back together with him I gave up. The other told me she liked me, despite loving her guy. That was confusing, but I haven't let it get in the way of us being good friends


Girls with boyfriends are just a no-no. The best thing we can do is just find girls who are single and are in need of some love and attention

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Well you know what they say, girls are like toilets, the good ones are taken , the rest is dirty.


A very attractive comparison.


thunder: I know guys your age who haven't had girlfriends either. I've found that it's their own issues that get in their way. Mostly, I just find that they try to date way out of their leagues; girls with boyfriends is a good example of trying to date someone unattainable.


Most women are going to stick with their boyfriends - even if they give you the impression that they are interested in you. Don't allow yourself to be toyed with or sucked in a girl in a relationship. 98% of the time, she's not going anywhere.

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I'm sorry to tell you this, but either

a. she feels really sorry for you


b. she's trying to push buttons (many girls I know love to do this)


However, I don't blame you for being attracted to her... I've frequently fell for girls that are already taken (sometimes still do, but now I watch myself). I know, "how terrible..." you say... But anyways, the ol quote "girls are like toilets... all the good ones are taken, the rest are full of * * * *" is very legitimate, cause it's true. I know it sounds hard, but ya gotta back off of her. If you fall for eachother now, it could end up being very painful for the both of you. Not to mention it could cause and escalate violence between you and her boyfriend; I know plenty who are as defensive over their ex's as they are their current girlfriend. They are total animals; which means they like to mark their territory and guard it. I say keep living the single life. Sure, it's painful and depressing, but it's a helluva lot more real than the many illusions of love we have throughout our lifetimes.

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I think you are purpously dooming yourself. I'm sure that sometime in your 23 years, you must have met one single attractive woman that you could have asked out and liked.


You may want to examine yourself. Do you feel ready for a relationship? Do you feel that you deserve a happy relationship? I think, deep down, you may find you may have some self-esteem issues and didn't feel like you were worth of a relationship, which is why you kept going after taken women.

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Well you know what they say, girls are like toilets, the good ones are taken , the rest is dirty.


Seems to me that if this was true, then all us single guys are screwed to go through life with a crappy girlfriend, or go against our morals and pursue a girl that has a bf.

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Seems to me that if this was true, then all us single guys are screwed to go through life with a crappy girlfriend, or go against our morals and pursue a girl that has a bf.


Yeah, I agree.


In addition to that being a really disgusting analogy, what else does it imply? That if a woman is single, there is something wrong with her? And the only good women are the ones in relationships, so those are the ones you should steal? But if she'll leave your boyfriend for you, then she will leave you as well when a better guy comes along and steals her from you!

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In addition to that being a really disgusting analogy, what else does it imply? That if a woman is single, there is something wrong with her?

I got this impression too Annie, and speaking as a woman who has been single for long periods of time - voluntarily - I can say with full disdain that most single women are single by choice. It's usually not because they can't *find a man*, it's because they don't immediately take the first one who comes her way.


Most young, attractive females who choose to remain single are usually less concerned with finding any relationship and are looking for something better, more meaningful. Not only that, but some are just too damn busy with their own lives to even care about being in a relationship. Either way, women who don't have boyfriends/ partners shouldn't be scrutinized. Heck, I envy independent women who are selective in their choices of mates.

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... you'll be surprise how many are still on the single list.
Uh wheres the list becuase I have a better chance of running into a girl that has a boy friend or is married than a single one. I call it my curse becuase no matter what I do I either run into girls that are taken or they are not interested. I am not saying there are not out there, but I seem to not be able to find them.
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