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Why not kill yourself?

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I have had suicidal thoughts for the past 7 years of my life. I think they have grown stronger over the years. I feel very disappointed in myself and in the life i have created. However, I am not going to kill myself because I simply don't have the willpower to go through with it. I may die from cig's and alcohol however, which in my mind might as well be ruled a suicide.


So this thread is not about me killing myself. It is not about all you people making me feel better(which you're very good at by the way). It is not about the reasons I should stay alive. This thread is about why anyone at all should stay alive.


Why should we stay alive? Take a minute and really think about it. Most answers you come up with could easily be proved a fallacy. For all you athiets/ agnostics (myself included), why stay alive? If we believe that death is merely the end of our existence and soul, then why avoid it? We are going to get there sooner or later, so if thing are not going good for us, why not just skip out on the rest of life? You may reply, "well then you will miss all the great things that will happen to you in the meantime." If i don't exist i won't be able to miss anything...so who cares.


For all christians: Why not kill yourself? Your answer is most likely because god gave you this life and if you misuse it you are going to hell. My reply would be, if you already consider killing yourself, then you are already a sinner. If you are a sinner then you are damned to hell anyway. But jesus claims that he will forgive anyone if the repent thier sins. So why not, kill youself by swallowing a bunch of pills. Before the pills take effect, repent to god to be saved. This way you will be fine. Next point: If god is the type of guy who will sentence you to burn in eternal fire because you didn't follow his every command, is this really the type of guy you want to spend eternity with? didn't think so.


So really, why not kill yourself? Even if you are totally happy with life, killing yourself now will ensure you will never be sad again.\


so what do u think?

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As an atheist, you are correct to point out the inevitability of death, and that once dead, one ceases to exist.


I have been suicidally depressed, and have come up with this theory:

Life is something, death is nothing, and nothing is only better than something, when something is less than nothing. So if your life is worse and more torturous than oblivion, by all means kill yourself.

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Life is something, death is nothing, and nothing is only better than something, when something is less than nothing. So if your life is worse and more torturous than oblivion, by all means kill yourself.


Makes a lot of sense to me.

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Becuse if each day you do one act that makes the world a better place, then you have lived.


Most who think of killing them selfs spend far to long thinking only of there needs and there pain and there feeling.


Me, me, me, I, I, I, Self, self, self.


I did but the love of others saved me from a road that lead to a wast of what I now hope will be a good life.


Even on my black days now there is a shimmer of hope and thats all I need.

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If you don't think your life is worth living, but you can't go through with killing yourself, but you can't make it better......... then why don't you make it worse?


It might help....why dont you really make your life terrible. Make it so totally empty and stupid that there's nowhere else to turn. Quit your job, upset your family, push away any friends you may have. Then see where you are and how you feel.


The mistake people with feeling bad is they try to push upstream. Just let it carry you I say. You may prefer where you end up.


I agree there's no point to life- but the thing is it can be really good.... really really good, and everyone knows that, or we'd all be killing ourselves every time we feel down.


I agree that feeling down is sometimes worse than feeling nothing at all. So dying might feel better. But maybe just maybe.........


Atheists could be wrong

Christians could be wrong

Isaac Newton could be wrong

Einstein could be wrong

Shakespeare could be wrong

Bill Gates could be wrong

Maybe the sun revolves round the earth (are you sure? Or did someone tell you and you believed them?- Did they do a funky experiment that made perfect sense to you? What if you're just stupid?)

Your mother could be wrong too.


Being here makes no sense. But we want it to. But we've kind of given up on figuring out, or we've chosen the nearest convenient thing to believe to make every day easier. But there's tons of mad stuff out there if you've got nothing to lose. If the doors aren't closed.


So just drop. Jump. There is no spoon.



No clean spoon anyway...I gotta do the dishes then I'm going to make a cup of tea. Can you enjoy making a cup of tea?

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It is sad that as people on this earth we can feel that upset that we contemplate ending our life. To believe that you can forsee what happens to your soul after death whetther it ceases to excist or otherwise what ever your thoughts on the matter can you really be sure that the situation will be better than the one you face now. If so HOW?


Dare to find the truth.

Dare to find out what forces are active in making you want to die.

Dare to find out what is it that you are such a threat to that they could screw with your mind to make you kill yourself.


There is a LOT more than oblivion.


Better or WOrse that life on this earth ,




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I admit I am a Catholic and do believe there is something after death (I don't necessarily think suicide will ensure you to be dammed to hell for eternity though).


But from the perspective of someone who doesn't believe in anything after death I wonder, why want to kill yourself? Sure there might be nothing after you die, so why speed that process up? If you only have so long before you cease to exist why not try make the most of it while you can rather than just ending it all? In many cases there are always ways to get yourself back together and get your life back on track but if you kill yourself then you wont get that chance again.

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I'm pretty much also an atheist and not sure if there is anything after this life. But why kill yourself? The great thing about life is that there are lots of options, if you open yourself to THINKING BIG. Hate the rat race, your desk job, etc? Move to a remote island in the south pacific! Always wanted to explore the Amazon? do it!


If you are unhappy with your current lifestyle, you can change it - just think big!


And like the others said, we're not sure if there is an afterlife, but we definitely know that this exists!

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is that so fuglet? most people only think of themselves when they want to die? well i can assure you when i end my life, i'm going to go far far away where i won't burden anyone . what i mean is, i'm not going to kill myself where my family will find my body. in fact they will never know because i don't think i'm goig to tell them. by not telling them, there won't be a funeral. no funeral means no one has to be burdened with the cost. and before i die, i'm going to give my grandmother my kidney. so while i can;t speak for others, i'm not just thinking about my own feelings. if anything the people in my life who talk about "caring" and "God" are the ones who are into themselves.

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but your family and friends will probably be traumatized even more by that! it doesn't give them a sense of closure, that they get by having a funeral or memorial service.


That is the case for many run aways. Or even Natalee Holloway's parents (you know, the 18 year old girl who was vacationing on Aruba, but never seen again). Chances are she was murdered by a local, but yet, since they haven't found her body, her parents have no closure, and neither does anyone else. Maybe she just ran away to brazil, or maybe she was abducted into the sex slave trade. or maybe she is dead, but where is her body?


I think that it has brought even more pain into their lives, not knowing what happened to their loved ones....


And funerals, while costing a few thousand dollars, are very important, for the dead, but mostly for the living. it gives the chance for the living to say goodbye, and to have closure. For me, at least, funerals are mainly for the living, not the dead. Whether or not you believe in an afterlife, once dead, a body is just a body. It is nothing. Either your soul is in heaven, or there is no soul, and now there is just a corpse. Yet people honor it and say goodbye to it.

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yeah well i want closure to but apparently when i say that, i'm only thinking of me me me. so what am are people going through suicide supposed to do? think about everyone elses' feelings at the expense of their own?

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Why not kill yourself?


Well if you are athiest and believe there is nothing after this, then why not spend every moment enjoying yourself, because when you die there's nothing afterward. One shot, that's it.


I want to enjoy every moment before I have to die. That's why I don't kill myself.

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why do people keep suggesting to move away? i mean i guess it were possible if i had the proper resources but even then that takes planning. that's like telling a homeless person that they're going to have free hamburger day three months in advance.

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we're pointing out that there are options. If you are unhappy with your life, you can take control and change it! Think BIG!


Annie, if i could change my life, i would in a second. I try to change my life once a week and fail again and again.


here is my most recent thread to get an idea of what i mean.




Your advice is very solid and true... but many people just cannot do it...

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oh, I know it is not easy to do... it's difficult, but maybe it is the way to go.


I've known people who just say, "You know what, life here isn't right for me." They sold EVERYTHING they had, quit their jobs, and just traveled around the world aimlessly for a year. One backpack, going from hostel to hostel, just going out, having fun.


Many europeans do this, I met them during my travels. It may help you really find yourself....

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I would love to get up and leave....but right now i am half way done my B.S. in engineering. To leave now would be stupid. I feel like i need to finish this damn degree before i do anything else in my life. I am a highschool dropout....so graduating college is a very important thing to my parents and to myself(I think).

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