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Can lesbians and gays have mind blowing orgasms too?

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lol, I feel really weird asking this question but I need to know...since I do want to have a fulfilling sex life someday.


Can gay men and women have powerful orgasms?


When I was 18 I had sex with a girl. To make a long story short it sucked. I kept having to imagine myself being with a man to have any kind of arousal(which is why I still consider myself a virgin. That time did not count). So, since I know I could not be sexually compatible with a woman I need to know whether or not you can still have orgasms sans vaginal penetration?


Like with masterbation and nocturnal emissions(wet dreams) you get a great sensation of relief, pleasure, and relaxtion.

But I wonder since gays and lesbians don't have sex in the "traditional" way, can you still get full on intense sensation?

Do you have to practice at having gay sex to achieve orgasm?


I've made out, heavily, with a guy before but we didn't go all the way(like masterbating or anal sex) or anything. But I could already tell I liked it way more than with a female.


I am thinking of ordering manuals for gay sex off the net because I only know so much. I've seen gay and lesbian couples that look sexually fulfilled, and I just wonder how it goes...Because I do want to have an orgasm, even though I can't really achieve it with a woman.



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There are many different ways to produce an orgasm. A penis and a vagina and not required in order to have a mind blowing orgasm. Any man can have a p spot orgasm which is basically massaging his prostate. Much like the female g spot orgasm this can type of orgasm can be very intense. The problem with that with many men this is taboo since it is thought of as being homosexual.

For women orgasms can happen through oral sex, toys or g spot stimulation. No matter what method is used mindblowing orgasms can happen being homosexual does not exclude you from this.

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Thanks Ray Kay and DayWalker!


I guess growing up in a culture with not alot of gay sex education you can't help but wonder sometimes!


I think I've always been taught that the ideal sexual PEAK experience is penis in vagina...But I think there is much more to it then that. I have to shuck away all the old "traditional" mind set I guess.



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Well, sex is more than just "Insert Tab B into Slot A". It's about the whole experience.


You said yourself you were not into your experience with a female, but though you did not go as far with a guy you were FAR more into it.


So, in other words, sex is 90% mental....and it is an experience you can find mind blowing with the right partner. Part of the fun is in trying and playing. And you don't need no "traditional instructions" for that!

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since this topic pretty much is over I won't start barking on you. but really.. Fox. gay or staright sex... sex is still sex. viginal sex could be replaced with anal sex among gay couples... only a little tighter. and.. well.. that is pretty much the only difference..


Just like love knows no boundries, sex doesn't either.. it's the same thing. it only depends on the person you're with. not the sex of hat person. it's about the excitement not.. that it is between man and woman "as god has decided bla bla bla"


you could even say that since you're gay and you're not interested in girls straight sex for you would be worse than gay sex. with a girl you didn't enjoy it, at least with a guy you will.


However.. no questions are stupid and it's good that you asked. Some of these things are more obvious to some thaqn others.

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UT, this topic had absolutely nothing to do with religion or any other predetermined variables.

It was a legitimate question, since this will be a relevant part of my life when I do meet someone.

I'm gay but I know NOTHING about gay sex. And when I was taught about sex growing up it was hetero, nothing that deviated from "The norm." So yes, I am illiterate when it comes to the issue of sex and sexuality when it pertains to gays and lesbians.


No need to get upset over it. It was a QUESTION. No more no less.

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No need to get upset over it. It was a QUESTION. No more no less.


What I can tell you is that if you are with the right person the orgasms will flow. Personally I've experienced top-flight orgasms with both men and women, and as a result I don't see all that much of a difference between gay sex and straight sex from the "end user" perspective. There's things to get used to in either case, in terms of what can be called "logistics" (comfortable positions, learning your lover's body, etc.), but at the end of the day in terms of the actual pleasure part, I haven't discerned a difference.


I will say, while we are on the topic, that I have a preference for gay sex because it tends to use more of the male body than straight sex does due to the many taboos that a lot of (not all) straight men and women have about the male body that really don't apply in gay relationships. So when I am in an intimate gay relationship I find myself using more of my own body sexually, or having more of my own body sexually stimulated, than has typically been the case when I have been with women.

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UT, this topic had absolutely nothing to do with religion or any other predetermined variables.

It was a legitimate question, since this will be a relevant part of my life when I do meet someone.

I'm gay but I know NOTHING about gay sex. And when I was taught about sex growing up it was hetero, nothing that deviated from "The norm." So yes, I am illiterate when it comes to the issue of sex and sexuality when it pertains to gays and lesbians.


No need to get upset over it. It was a QUESTION. No more no less.


About this, Fox ... Check your PM inbox

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I think just about everything has been covered here but I'll add in my $0.02


I think the manual wouldn't be bad. I mean we're not exposed to homosexual sexuality like we are heterosexual sex. Actually to think of a woman is a half bit job because even though there is a grasp of what can be done, you have to fill in the blanks which personally for me is a task I've yet to master.


Yet on the orgasm portion, it really depends on your lover too. If you've got a half hearted partner gay or straight its going to be a blah experience. You can have the best looking man around but if his skills are horrible and he is extremely one sided on his own pleasure well you're probably not going to get squat out of it personally.


Now on the other hand, you have the man that you love and he is decent to good, all is well and given that he is truly is one that you're attracted to, unlike with a woman, orgasm will not only be more easily achieved I presume but also much more satisfying.


With all due respect going to the fact that the brain is the main sex organ. Brain doesn't like it, nothing is going to go right. Brain is happy, so is the rest of the body.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well, I'm not a gay man, but I am a bisexual girl, and in my experience, lesbian sex is WAY better than straight sex. When you've both got the same parts, you both know how everything works. I don't think you really need a manual. Perhaps you should read up on how to SAFELY have anal sex - a lot of people think that anyone can do it, but the tissue in the rectum is very prone to tearing. The most common sex act between homosexual males is actually oral sex.


Since I'm a girl, I feel kind of like a "know-it-all" trying to explain male sexuality. I should just shut up. But I did just take a human sexuality course (that covers LGBT stuff really well!), and I got something like 106%, so if you want to ask me any technical questions, I'd be happy to answer them for you.


Good luck!

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Good Lord, I would say that gay people have WAY better sex than straight people. I often pity them. I would recall the famous Seinfeld episode on the issue, some of the wisest words spoken on homosexual sex.


(Elaine has tried to "convert" a gay man. She succeeded temporarily, but he "went back")


Elaine: He went back.

Jerry: He went back?

Elaine: Jerry.... on a good week I have access to the equipment- what, 4, 5 hours. That's a good week. How can I be expected to compete with the team that OWNS the equipment and has access to it 24/7?

Jerry: They lose very few players.


The point I'm making- as gay people we have an ENORMOUS advantage in that we are dealing with familiar territory. There are no surprises, we know what is pleasing in our partner because we know what is pleasing in ourselves. Now, I'm not saying that straight people can't have satisfying sex too, but it sounds so complicated.... :splat:

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just because two people that love each other cant have sex it doesn't mean that they cant still have that closeness with someone, i think that u can still mind blowing foreplay and all that stuff, as long as u like the person ur doing it with then it can be really good.

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  • 10 months later...

Well getting a perfect orgasm is something that depends entirely on the mindset in which the partners are in. For instance I am gay and have a great rapport with my partner, but I have had sex with women too and at times I have experienced fluctuating orgasms. So this made me believe what I said.

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