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Wish your ex-back? Don't

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Hey there forum members,


I just though of this site the other day. Which is funny b/c 6-7 months ago I was here every 20 mins....looking for any and every nugget of information that MIGHT help me get my ex-back.


She broke my heart in August, and it affected my health, my performance at work, everything. But you know what, 8 months later I hardly even recall why...


You won't believe me, you won't take my advice, but if you do read this, just try to take advice from the people on here and do your best to gather yourself and forget this person who takes over your every thought. If they come back, so be it. See what happens. IF they don't, DO not make a fool of yourself wishing them back.


The heavens opened up for me and I serediptiously met a girl on a flight home around x-mas. And I have never been so happy. But I would not have met her if I was still wallowing for the ex. Get on with your life and you'll be surprised....good things happen.


Good luck.

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Yeah dude, same here last August was the last tiime I ever saw her. Then I decided I have to stay away. The moments that I really just start to live my life and go out with my friends I have met a new girl. Then the other girl who broke my heart will text me and it's a major set back.


coming here helps me get back on track again because I don't like whining to my friends who don't understand. This is the place that people really know what's going on with you if your in emotional pain.

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Glad to hear I could help a little. I had a miserable time last fall. But now its all good again. And not just because I met someone new. Its more in the fact that dusted myself off and started living again.


I'm not saying abandon your hope. Just don't let it take you over. You've got more to do that wait for someone else.

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I recently changed that around..we broke up in march and I was down! like all the bad stuff /work etc keeping talking with her as 'friends' but always told her how much I loved her. Then I said my goodbyes and started NC healing myself first but still hoping that it might show her what shes missing. But if not I've come this far.

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I am so happy to hear the good news!! I was thinking of you the other day and wondering how you were doing. I'm sure you remember some of our conversations, and I was going through the same thing you were. I want to thank you for rooting for me as well as the others who always gave me thoughtful and considerate advice.


No I didn't get my ex back... As a matter of fact, she strung me along until January of this year. (we broke up in July05) I have learned so much during this time. About myself and her as well. I will come back and post one of these days so that maybe those who where I was 9 months ago might learn something from my own pain and my experiences. The one thing I wish I had done was go NC as soon as she ended things. The waiting around and trying only postponed the inevitable.


In any case, I am doing well and am glad to hear you are as well. I wish you the very best with your new relationship. You my friend, are a wonderful person with a heart of gold! Time to share it with someone who can appreciate it!



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Hey The Dude, nice choice of a screen name, haha!


It's weird, 'cause I just realized that I went through the same sh*t that U did, as my ex left me 6/7 months ago...


I don't know, today's a weird day because I heard how she's all posting his pics up on her whack little website, and she's bringing the new guy around certain family that she didn't bring me around because they didn't like me.. come to find out, they also really like this new cat.


The funny thing, is that this new cat's really just a rebound...she didn't even "mourn" the end of us; instead, she got played by some guy...and then she's got this guy as her BF.


No matter the place, no matter the time...all this stuff is just gonna SLAM her in the face. When reality sets in, after her and this new guy end, she's gonna realize what she had with me...she's gonna realize what a great guy I was and am. In the mean time, I am just focusing on me, and I haven't bothered her or anything since January 4th. She left me in very end of October...


Alright everyone, let's just keep our heads up and focus on us...we'll get what we deserve. Everyone always does...

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Thanks for the note NotMyself. Good to hear from you.


Readers....if you want to learn what 9 months of pain and suffering is like, waiting for an ex to come back, search NotMyself out on here.


In my case - I hit the 5 month mark and just stopped caring. Best thing I ever did.


So my advice to everyone. Just try to step out of your shoes, and look at your situation from "someone else's shoes." You'll gain some much needed perspective.

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  • 2 months later...

sorry to hear that dude...

but your story does show how life goes on...

those that have touched our lives, for better or worse, we will never forget

I went through a lot of pain myself, but recently met someone amazing who has totally blown me away,

there is hope for all of us...once i let my ex go, i focused on myself, and when i least expected it, i met Kim.

who knows where it will go, but i am enjoying the ride

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For the original topic, sometimes you can tell a lot about someone after you break up. I just had quite a conversation with my ex, now I'm glad she left me. I'm glad I could see what an incredible b*tch she can be before I can't get out of it.

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Thanks dude for takin it easy for all us sinners. lol Anyway it's true, you start to relize that it's not fair to yourself to worrie about someone else comin back to you. I was surprised how quickly I got over my ex but in my sistuation my ex was an ex after my wife, like 2 months after me and my wife Filed for divorce, she even tried to tell me she was just a rebound to me and I didn't listen, it wasn't until someone else told me a little over a month later that she really was. And I thought about it and yes she really was a rebound.



But it does help to meet someone new, that kinda takes your mind off of your ex when you meet someone new. I met someone new and we are takin things slow cuz we are both out of a recent break up.

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For the original topic, sometimes you can tell a lot about someone after you break up. I just had quite a conversation with my ex, now I'm glad she left me. I'm glad I could see what an incredible b*tch she can be before I can't get out of it.



i totally agree with this statement. in fact, i think its one of the positive things about a relationship ending. not only do you learn a great deal about your own character and strength, you also have the potential to learn more about your ex's personality within the first week of breaking up than you may have after months of dating.


my ex boyfriend ended things a month ago, and since then we both have not begged, called or sent drunkin texts. i talked to him twice online briefly. quite honestly, im surprised at how well im handling this. of course im heartbroken and crushed, but you can never force someone to be in a relationship that wants out. i dont feel the need to call and tell him i can change because i was the best girlfriend i could possibly be while in the relationship. he knew me better than anyone, so i shouldnt have to sell myself or our relationship to him.


maybe it'll take dating other people to realize what we had, maybe we just werent right for eachother, either way, use the ending of a relationship as the beginning of impressing yourself with your own character instead of trying to impress your ex and get them back.

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