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What do guys think if a girl is too wet?

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Gotta love how some women react to my comments. LOL. Very typical defensiveness, especially since I didn't address any one poster. Yet they have to come at me.


I treat women like crap? I don't think so. Women just like to walk all over men and they don't like it thrown back in their face. No person should accept anything LESS than equal.


And this thread isn't about women being wet. It's about being TOO wet. Believe me, I have been there and it's a noticeable difference.


This is a message forum. If you don't like reading differing opinions than yours, perhaps posting isn't a smart option.

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Perhaps now would be a good time to refer back to a topic about gender stereotypes, posted by none other than: a man:



"There are many occasions on here where people make generalised statements about each gender: Men are this and women are that. Men react this way or that way, women react in a different way....



....Deal with people as they are, respect their individuality, and don’t try to pigeon-hole them based on stereotypes that are probably wrong to begin with. "


I think there was a lot of truth in his words, and that many topics on enotalone would not turn so ugly if people were a little more aware of their own biases (gender or otherwise).




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Belladonna, I comletely agree with you. I didn't pick out a female poster on here and talk about her, as others in this thread have decided to do with me.


As I said, this is a forum. People will have differing opinions about subjects. But some here like to talk about other specific posters. That is when it gets ugly. I refuse to get involved with that.

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I comletely agree with you. I didn't pick out a female poster on here and talk about her, as others in this thread have decided to do with me.


I don't ever think personal attacks are a good thing. They definitely violate forum rules on respect.


But stereotypes (which are in essense ATTACKS on even a larger group of people: i.e. all of womankind or all of mankind) are not acceptable in my eyes either. In my perspective, I would see this as being a stereotype:


Gotta love how some women react to my comments. LOL. Very typical defensiveness...


Women just like to walk all over men and they don't like it thrown back in their face....


I guess I just don't see a stereotype as being any more noble than a personal attack on an individual poster. I think both are wrong, and 2 wrongs certainly don't make a right. Instead everyone ends up offended.



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Belladonna, again I agree with you. But I said that only after a couple of females decided to say what they said because it was the truth. I'm guessing the mods removed at least one of them because I don't see it now.


Think about it. If you posted something about your views on men in a specific circumstance and a bunch of guys posted specifically about you, wouldn't you think they are being defensive? I know I did.

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Think about it. If you posted something about your views on men in a specific circumstance and a bunch of guys posted specifically about you, wouldn't you think they are being defensive? I know I did.


I guess this is where I fundamentally can't find common ground with you. I do not hold "views on men". I mean of course I hold views on my husband, my father, my brother, my male friend, and a guy I see walking down the street. But I don't have collective views on them all as "men". Instead I have views on them as individuals- based on what I know about them as people. I try not to make broad statements about them- because I find it degrading to men to do so. I personally hate it when people I know make such statements like "men are pigs" because they've put wonderful men I love and care for in that category, and I'll call them on it.


When you stated:


Women just like to walk all over men and they don't like it thrown back in their face....


I feel like you put me ( a woman) in a category, and I didn't appreciate that either.


Even if you were offended by what a few posters stated, I still can't understand how the huge jump can be made to state: "Women just like to walk all over men and they don't like it thrown back in their face"


If anything, I would think the reply would be "The people that responded to me here want to walk all over me but they don't like when I throw it back in their face"


I guess it's a matter of semantics- but I honestly believe those 2 slightly different statements mean 2 vastly different things.


Anyways, I don't want to take this thread so far off topic. But I just had to make my perception of this known. I truly hope you do not take the communciation of my perspective as a way to further re-inforce your belief that "women like to walk all over men". I do not mean any disrespect to you, nor do I want to walk on you, or any man for that matter. But I will call someone on it if I think they have said something disrespectful (whether they are a man, woman, alien lol) I don't think that has anything to do with that fact that I have a vagina either- I think it has more to do with the way my mind works.


My apologies to the original poster for making your thread off topic,



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Well I did say "some women" in the sentence before but didn't say it the second time. I figured it would just apply. Perhaps putting "some" in the 2nd sentence would have made it clearer?


Nah I take no offense at all to what you are saying. Because you clearly illustrated your feelings and I am responding by clarifying it.


But I do have to say this much. I have read many posts in here which included generalizations about men. But I didn't see the people here going towards them, even in threads to which they might have replied.

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I have read many posts in here which included generalizations about men. But I didn't see the people here going towards them, even in threads to which they might have replied


See my post (#10) in this topic for an example:


I try to combat stereotypes whenever possible, no matter who they are directed to. (No one is safe or exempt lol)



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Well I did say "some women" in the sentence before but didn't say it the second time. I figured it would just apply. Perhaps putting "some" in the 2nd sentence would have made it clearer?


Nah I take no offense at all to what you are saying. Because you clearly illustrated your feelings and I am responding by clarifying it.


But I do have to say this much. I have read many posts in here which included generalizations about men. But I didn't see the people here going towards them, even in threads to which they might have replied.


Well, I sure do "go towards them". I can remember a very recent example where someone said in their topic post "why do men do this??" and I immediately said that was a generalization and that a more correct phrase would be "why does THIS man do this to me?". That is in one of those threads that also started that thread about generalization by DN.


I see many statements such as "men are commitment phobes" as well as general statements about the character of men in general terms which I also am just as vigilant on when I see them.


I know MANY posters here correct generalizations about men just as they do generalizations about women. It's not just BellaDonna and myself.

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I have this problem and it's super embaressing. i've had it in this relationship but cant remember having it previously (could it be nerves or would that have reverse effect)?

I always hear about how much foreplay women need but i seem wet straight away and i feel awful, like there's something wrong with me.

Has anyone else suffered from this and how can you stop it?


have you ever heard that prayer, "lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change those things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."


I think it applies in your case. Your state of "wetness" is biologically determined. No need to feel bad about it. If you are not wet enough, there is KY jelly and Astroglide. If you are too wet, take a towel and dry yourself off to your or your partner's liking.


In America, lubrication is popular. I love the stuff. It is great and heightens my experience. Every boyfriend I have introduced lube too loves it and always asks me where he can buy it. I tell them that it's in every grocery store and drug store!!!


In some African cultures, dryness is valued, and women use astringents to "dry" themselves out. In my opinion, OUCH! But, if that's what some people like, then whatever....


Don't feel bad. If this is your biggest problem, then life must be pretty good And it's pretty easy to take care of. If a guy dumps you because you are "too wet," then just rest assured, there are many more men out there that will love you for you and be turned on by your wetness.


good luck

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No prob Slightlybent, I got no beef with you.


Back on topic, a women being wet is a great thing. But I have experienced a couple that were what I call "too wet". It was too the point where there wasnt really any friction going during the intercourse. I mean I didn't say anything because it's not her fault or anything so I'm not gonna say something that would hurt them. But it was something I definitely noticed.

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But I have experienced a couple that were what I call "too wet". It was too the point where there wasnt really any friction going during the intercourse. I mean I didn't say anything because it's not her fault or anything so I'm not gonna say something that would hurt them. But it was something I definitely noticed.



... i notice the difference in the friction aswell. I may be a female but we can still feel the difference if we are "too wet". It sux sometimes

It was nice of you to not say anything. ill bet she noticed it too.

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No prob Slightlybent, I got no beef with you.


Back on topic, a women being wet is a great thing. But I have experienced a couple that were what I call "too wet". It was too the point where there wasnt really any friction going during the intercourse. I mean I didn't say anything because it's not her fault or anything so I'm not gonna say something that would hurt them. But it was something I definitely noticed.

no beef here either, bro. (dude, where's my beef?)


i haven't yet experienced a near-complete loss of friction from lubricant of the organic variety, but i could see that as being an adequate definition of "too wet", assuming that the lady i was involved with was not of unreasonably large internal proportions. (sheesh, how was that for a tortured sentence?)

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