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Go go for the dream or stay in financial stability?

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Which one would you realistically chose?


I'm 24 years old, I work full-time at a job that is incredibly boring with no one my age around to talk to. The work is extremely easy, so I get to go online a lot, and I get paid pretty well (I think) for what I do right now. I started working here when I first got to Los Angeles at 21 (I originally came out here to help out my sister, and then found that I needed some money, so I got connected with this job).


I used to have a dream of being an actress, I studied acting from jr. high until I graduated from high school. It got put on the backburner because of a lot of family problems and then when I moved out to L.A. (by that time, acting was honestly behind me) I got this job and just stuck to it because it paid well and I got an increase every year. But now, I just feel like I'm out here for a reason, maybe I just have to try it. I'm young enough that if it doesn't work out, I can always bounce back. But my fear is that I won't get an office job that pays as well as this one if the acting thing doesn't work out. And it's a given that if I ever leave this job, that I won't be welcomed back.


I'm just curious as to what some of you would do in this situation. I'd love to hear stories of similar situations if you have any.


And any advice is more than welcomed. Thank You!

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I think you should save up for what ever amount of time, so that you have enough money to live comfortably for like 6 months, and leave your job, pursue your dream and see what comes of it. If you don't do this, you'll always wonder, what if I would have at leasted tried. If after six months you haven't gotten anywhere, get a new job. Maybe you won't find one where you make as much, but at least you were able to try and pursue your dream, and thats worth a lot more. Also could you look into getting a night job while you are doing this to get some extra money. What is your plan if you decide to do this?

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If you feel like it might work for you, then go for it! You're young, no attachments (right?), and are working a job you find boring. There are plenty of "regular" jobs out there for you...don't worry about that...


I'd start looking and setting up opportunities while you are still working this current job if you choose to go for the acting gig...if you find some, trust your judgment whether or not to go for them. If not, stay in your over-paid, under-worked boring job until you do. And you say you have free time at this job to do such a thing as well...

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I don't have any experience with acting, but I do have experience with the performing arts in general (music).


I'm no expert on this issue, but just from knowing people who took up acting in school and continued doing it after high school and through college, you have to be hungry for it if you plan on taking it anywhere professionally. It's one thing to have a dream of being someone, but it's another to be very passionate about doing it and actually putting in a lot of time and effort to get what you want. I'm experiencing that through music. It's a tough gig, but I love it more than anything, so I'm willing to put up with everything to reach my dream.


If you truly wanted to become an actress, you would make some sacrifices to get there. It's not easy, but it's not impossible. I've made a lot of sacrifices to get to where I am now. I sometimes regret it, but for the most part I am happy for the choices I made.


I say go for it, but like someone once told me, "You gotta have the fire in the belly!".


By the way, what is your dream gig as an actress? (Movies? Broadway?...)

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You're young, go for it! Follow your passion and if it doesnt work out so what, at 24 you have lots of tiime to "recover". Set clear attainable goals and work towards the baby steps and eventually you will see "holy S**T, where was 3 years ago and look at where I am now".


I followed my childhood dream to travel and see the world, and I did it for 4 years. But it started with me saying I am going away for 8 months. in my first 2 weeks I really wanted to pack up and head home but I told myslef I will look back in a few months,years and laugh and say "glad I stuck with it". I am 29 now and just "starting" my career, and I am not worries cause the skills I learned from following my passion gave me strength to know I am going to be really successful. And if I die tomorrow I will always have peace of mind that I didi what I always wanted to do!


Good luck and may you have strength.

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If you truly want it, go for it. Sure it will mean sacrifice, but if it truly is your dream and passion, then it would be worth even the attempt itself, knowing you at least gave it a great try.


I am in a stable, decent paying job too but I am going back to school because I know I need more, and it's worth it to me. It will mean a lot of change over next few years and some big sacrifices but if I don't, I will regret it. Other things I wanted to do (art) are passions and hobbies, but not as worth the sacrifices to me, so I know when I want to make some adjustments/sacrifices that I really want something!


To go into acting, you don't need to up and quit your job today or anything...start getting involved in local film or community theatre in your evenings/weekends and see what is out there and what opportunities there are. Start going to auditions, building a portfolio, taking classes. If things start working out, then leave the job. But you can do both for a while

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Who says you can't do both? If you don't want to quit your job then when you have some free time, devote that to making your dream come true. Go for some auditions, take some acting classes---the whole deal-- but just get out there and do something. I believe it's better to at least try and make it happen, than to say " I wish I'd done it "


Break a leg !~

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If you seriously want to pursue acting then you are going to need some kind of financial support. Now your job now seems to provide you with the financial support that you need. I dont think that quiting your job and pursuing acting full time is the way to go. If you want to get into the industry then it is going to take time. Probably longer than you might hope. If your job is flexible enough now then you need to start putting your name out there and do what you need to do in order to pursue acting.

In short keep the job and start looking for acting jobs, go on auditions and such.

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Whoooaaaa. If its something you dont like, doesnt challenge you its never ever going to provide fulfillment. Like Ray said start by taking the "baby steps" start taking weekend acting classes, look for another job in maybe a related field, but be prepared to burn away and enjoy the warmth of the inferno and your soul!

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I believe 100% in trying to fulfil your dreams.


There are many risks associated with trying to go after your dreams. Everyone around would probably try to stop you, but you really have to make a choice for yourself. You are ultimately in control of your future.


I do however think you should be smart, do your research, be prepared to ask people for guidance along the way, use your resources, and above all be patient.


In the end, when you focus on accomplishing your goals, everything else will fall into place by itself.

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My mom was in the same situation sort of. She wanted to be an actress and actually acted in a few soaps, then she decided to give up the dream because it was too risky and not stable (this was in the early 70s) she went after her dream and got it, but left it full time when I was born.


Acting involves a lot of risks. You won't get that $20,000,000 role immediately. It may take some time or you may catch a break. But don't expect it. But if you want it, go get it with 100% enthusiasm and passion. One of my friends "wants" to be an actor, but he doesn't go after it like he should, thus he is still a wannabe actor.

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