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Best kiss

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Believe it or not...my best kiss was with my first boyfriend and it was my very first real kiss. We were out on our first date and everything went so well...we has an awesome time. Then he took me home and we ended up talking for hours in his car in front of my house and then it happened. It was very special. That was so long ago...have not been kissed like that since. **sigh**

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MG - When Dreg reads this I'm guessing he's going to blush. That sounds like a perfect kiss if you ask me.


BellaDonna - That was sweet. You've got a lucky husband.


Personally, I'll go with the yang to the worlds yin on this one. It's not the kiss as much as it is the person. Every kiss is the best kiss, so long as its with the right person, someone you really love. I'm not for rating my kisses, they all hold a special place in my heart and I couldn't put one above another.

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My best kiss would have to be the first one with my current girlfriend. We had been friends for years before that. We had almost started going out a few times but it had never happened. Well she came over one night and we were sitting in her car. I told her that I loved her and she told me she loved me too. Then I leaned over to kiss her but before i got there she took the back of my neck and pulled my face to hers. As soon as our lips met I was in heaven. I literally could not move my legs afterward, and I was shaking. I looked back over at her and she was shaking too, she said that she had never had a kiss like that. Then we kissed some more. It was just amazing. definitely my best kiss ever.

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So I thought about it and while no kiss would be considered the best kiss, I was thinking that the first kiss with someone has extra special memories behind it.


My first kiss with one girl (and first ever) was short but magical. For months we had wanted to. But through our ups and downs and fears, we hadn't. It took one morning when I was staying at her place, after having spent the night sleeping beside her. We spent all morning cuddled beside each other, talking. Just before we got up, I leaned over and kissed her. All the waiting and buildup was worth it. All the feelings in my heart where wrapped up in that one kiss.


My first kiss with another girl was even more magical. She had helped me through pain and hurt over the other girl. She had been a true friend, always there for me. And the attraction was there. But for various reasons, we realized that kissing may lead to things and feelings that we weren't sure we should go there. But out of the blue, we are lying together and she kisses me. I wasn't expecting it, took me by surprise. But it only took a second before I was returning the kiss with all the emotions I had in me.

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Well I have kissed but not my best one or the first "real one" but I can imagine it being with Dregnought under the rain my arms around his neck and his around my waist that's how I imagine it or any kiss with Dregnought would be my best one.
I ohenstly dont know if i (we) could get out of the airport b4 we kiss... if not, well thers a like 2 hour drive back home. then it gotta rain.... i guess we willl see....
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I ohenstly dont know if i (we) could get out of the airport b4 we kiss... if not, well thers a like 2 hour drive back home. then it gotta rain.... i guess we willl see....


Make sure to check the weather forecast for the day you meet. I'll have my fingers crossed it does rain. Though I think you won't be able to wait until you get out of the airport either.

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Well I can say I can't even wait to say "Hi" as soon as I reconize Dregnought (want to make sure i don't kiss someone else) I will hug him and kiss him passionatly but after that and all the other kisses under the rain. As I said before any kiss with Dregnought is the best one for me.


Generally the best kisses are stolen or made to silence someone I guess those are good too.

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I WISH I KNEW!!!!! i would be lyk marking on 10 calanders to make sure i got the right day. However, we did have a vision once that it was this easter, but i beleave thats a no.


My mums fine, her mum doesnt like it. I so wanna kiss and hug and talk and make love (after a week or so.... )


Distances... suck.

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Thanks. Still, i much rather have her and the distance then to not have her at all.


You have to stop saying such sweet things all the time. The women on the board are going to read it and you'll be putting pressure on guys to live up to your example. Guys everywhere will want to strangle you.


But on the bright side, girls everwhere will want to kiss you.


Just kidding. Hoping you and MG can meet up soon for that kiss that is sure to be mind blowing.

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