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Curious about everyones age difference opinions.

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A friend cone told me the way to calculate how young a man could go, and still be socially acceptable was to take his age, divide it in half, then add seven. So at 20, she would be at least 17. At 30, she should be 22. Etc., etc.


Once she is of legal age, I think it is all about how you deal with each other, the difference and how society treats the difference, including your friends and family.

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Depends on the person situation and reason why. I mean now it Canada at least a lot of university students are 16. I would say maybe 15ish but it all depends how each part acts and looks. At 16 I went out with a guy that was 24 but when i met him he just assumed I was closer to his age since I looked older so it wasn't really weird. So basically I don't really think there is an age cut off girls develop faster than guys in general about 2 years faster but that number is extremely variable. I have a friend who developed very early she began menstrating at about 9 years old she was also extremely intellectually developed she skipped a grade when she was yound and then did the I.B. curriculum which in Canada allows you to skip first year university because the curriculum is so advanced. Anyway, my point is she was in secodn year university at age 16. Thats not normal but in general we all develop differently so ages don't really matter all that much. Definatly I would say it would be weird to date girls that are still developing physically even if they were 17-18 but that is extremely rare.

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16yrs old? NOOOOO

18yrs should be the youngest....and no older than ..(well that is another ball game..so i wont say...i'll let the older women decide)

But a 16yr old wont be able to keep up with you. Just think in a year you will be 21...she wont able to go to clubs or drink wine or anything with you. Stick with someone closer to you age. 16 is too young.

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I don't care how mature they seem ...I would steer clear of anyone less than 18. You asked for opinions and thats all I can provide you with.


I know it is seriously frowned upon in America for a 20yr old to date anyone under 18...even 17yrs old is pushing it. But things may be different in Canada...though I'd think not much.

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ya ide agree with just bout everyone here..... 18 or 17 is pretty good for a cut off.... couse im only 14 but if some of my friends that 16 or 15 went out with a 20 year old.... that would be slightly creepy no affence also u think perants would be ok with it if their 15 or 16 year old daughter went out with a 20 year old? dont think so....


stil to anyone 17-18 and up


hope this has helped

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Personally I have always liked older men so I wouldn't date anyone younger than me. When I was 16 I liked someone who was 24 and now I am glad I didn't date him because I have changed so much. The only thing you would do with someone so young is movies, dinner, and sex. IF you look like you are 20 or older and she looks like she is 15 or younger, I'm sure peoples opinions would prolly effect your relationship. And sex shouldn't big a big factor in a relationship right away, regardless of age differences. The choice is always up to you and the person you want to be with, but if your asking for advice I would say 18 & up.

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I'm with the 18 and older group--It may not be against the law there in Canada--but there is a reason why adults are not allowed to date minors here in the States. It is thought that adults may influence minors unduly in the relationship. In my own experience--true story. I dated a 24 y/o when I was 16--big mistake!!

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