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What do you think of glasses?

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I think that would depend on the woman. Some glases are more stylish than some, too. I don't think I'd be attracted to a woman who is wearing Harry Potter glasses. Certain types of glasses look good on different people. I guess it makes her look more intellectual, which is often considered sexy.

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I have fine light blue wire frame glasses and also own a pair of tortoise shell retro glasses (which I wear mostly in winter) and am told I look quite attractive in them. My bf mostly wears contacts, but does sometimes wear his wire frame glasses and I think he looks very cute in them.


I think it depends on the glasses, and the person's facial frame, they can either add to his/her appeal, or take away from it.


Obviously not big, clunky, outdated frames, but other than that I like them on a person.

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Glasses symbolize intelligence, and I find intelligence to be one of the most important qualites a person can have (probably only second to a great heart). So its no surprise that I find glasses on a female to be incredible attractive. And style of glasses doesn't mater.


I wear glasses. Don't think I could go without them now. But remember, it isn't the glasses that make someone look good, its the person that makes the glasses look good.

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I don't agree that "glasses symbolize intelligence" (however, owls do--go Rice University Owls!)... If anything, they advertise the fact that the person wearing them is old-fashioned, possibly stubborn.


Glasses can make you look geeky & retarded, especially on girls. I am not saying that this is the case for everyone, but when I see a pretty girl wearing glasses it just makes me wonder, "Why the hell hasn't she gotten contacts yet?"


The best look for women or men is... well, as natural as it gets. Accessories, make-up, etc. should only be used to enhance what you already have and bring out your good features. Two pieces of glass and a bunch of wire on your face is very far from that concept... Here is my point: how often do you see someone wearing glasses and think to yourself, "Wow, these are some really good-looking glasses." More often than not, it's "I bet she would look good without those awful glasses"--i.e., we only notice them when they distort someone's facial features.


And then again, the eyes are the windows to the soul. Why would you want to put anything in front of them other than for routine protection from the sun?

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Well, I happen to think geeky girls are hot. But thats just me.


Glasses to fit with intelligence and you proved it in what you just said. You associated them with geeks who are basically negatively stereotyped intelligent people.


I agree with going natual, so if you don't need the glasses, don't bother. But if you need them, might as well go with thinking they are attractive.


I find that they draw attention to the eyes, and make me notice her eyes more.

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I wear glasses every so often- to things like movies and to drive (I'm near sighted). Never heard anything but compliments from men. Never! In fact, I consider getting the lasic surgery but my husband loves the glasses. If I had to wear them all the time....would get the surgery. But like I said, to answer your question, I think they've been a real turn on to men.

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I wear glasses and can't get contacts cuz my eyes are too sensitive and I would probably forget to take them out. Sometimes I don't wear em. (usually when I am sick of looking at people)

I wouldn't really wanna be with a girl though who thought I was geeky and unattractive looking because I was wearing glasses even if she was hot or funny. I would likely automatically presume she was unsophisticated.

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glasses symbolize intelligence


For whatever reason, i happen to find it so as well. It's more a perception than a truth. I've been told i look very acedemically smart when i wear glasses..................................................... All i can say is, that they have very low interpretation skills.


Cacasian girls look really good with one of those rectangle shaped glasses. They're super hot with 'em. Looks really intelligent & sophisiticated.


I find the glasses style better with guys than with girls. The female glasses are not there yet, or maybe it's simply because stylish glasses are meant to be "cool" and cool fits better with men than with woman. Any observations?

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I wear contacts when I actually feel like wearing them. A good friend of mine and I were talking and he mentioned wearing glasses for the past few years and I was like you wear glasses?! Because I honestly don't really see the glasses when I look at a person. Anyway...yeah...

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When I was dating I found the advantage of them was that when I took them off the vast majority of women looked sexy and attractive.


I hear alcohol can do that too. But glasses are much safer.


For whatever reason, i happen to find it so as well. It's more a perception than a truth. I've been told i look very acedemically smart when i wear glasses


Well, when you think about it there's logic behind it. People who are smart can spend alot of time with there face buried in a book, staying up late studying when it gets dark, staring at a computer screen. Those are things that can affect your eye sight. Yes, its stereotyping and is more perception then truth, but I can see logic behind it.

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Glasses can make you look geeky & retarded, especially on girls. I am not saying that this is the case for everyone, but when I see a pretty girl wearing glasses it just makes me wonder, "Why the hell hasn't she gotten contacts yet?"


I hate the thought off having to put contacts over my eyes. It grosses me out. I just couldn't handle that; I like glasses better anyways.


...does that answer your question?

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When I was dating I found the advantage of them was that when I took them off the vast majority of women looked sexy and attractive.


I hear alcohol can do that too. But glasses are much safer.


For whatever reason, i happen to find it so as well. It's more a perception than a truth. I've been told i look very acedemically smart when i wear glasses


Well, when you think about it there's logic behind it. People who are smart can spend alot of time with there face buried in a book, staying up late studying when it gets dark, staring at a computer screen. Those are things that can affect your eye sight. Yes, its stereotyping and is more perception then truth, but I can see logic behind it.

ok first of all lighting while reading has nothing to do with how good your eyesight is... same with staring at a computer screen... however, looking at a book to close can... last year at school in study hall i had my face in a book each time i would look up to see teh time it would really hurt my eyes...

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ok first of all lighting while reading has nothing to do with how good your eyesight is... same with staring at a computer screen... however, looking at a book to close can... last year at school in study hall i had my face in a book each time i would look up to see teh time it would really hurt my eyes...


Consult an optometrist. I've been having glasses for 11 years and I'm just saying what the docs told me. A quick search on the topic lead me to these articles, just a few I found. Lighting and computers can affect eyesight.


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